DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
County Board Proceedings

August 18, 2010

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August 18, 2010


The County Board met in regular session at the Legislative Center Wednesday, August 18, 2010.  The Chair called the meeting to order and the Clerk called the roll.  Those Members present were Mrs. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Newport, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Todd, Mr. Tyson, Ms. Vary, Mr. Walt, Mrs. Allen, Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Augsburger and Chairman Tobias.  Those Members absent were Mr. Chambliss, Mr. Emerson, Mr. Stuckert and Mrs. Turner.  Twenty Members were present and four absent.


Chairman Tobias asked Mr. Metzger to lead the pledge to the flag.




Mr. Tyson moved to approve the Minutes of July 21, 2010.  Mr. Walt seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

Chairman Tobias asked for a voice vote on the approval of the Minutes.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.




            Ms. Vary moved to approve the Agenda and Ms. LaVigne seconded the motion.

Voice Vote to Approve Agenda

Chairman Tobias asked for a voice vote on to approve the Agenda. All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.


Proclamation P2010-03: To Designate the Week of August 30, 2010 as Workforce Development Week.


Chairman Tobias read a Proclamation designating the week of August 30, 2010 as Workforce Development Week.


Following the Proclamation she then introduced Tracey McDonnell from the Workforce program who thanked Chairman Tobias and the County Board for recognizing their work.  Tracey and her staff member, Joan Tarsha, explained how the program assists those in the community who use the program and services to gain training in order to obtain employment.


Paul Borek, a workforce board member, explained further how training grants help enhance the programs.




            Chairman Tobias announced the IDOT open house in Sycamore that will be held on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at the Sycamore City Center.


            Also announced was the DeKalb County AMTRAK Forum that is going to be held at Jenkins Auditorium located in Kishwaukee College on September 1, 2010.


            Employee Service Awards for August 2010 were also announced and recognized. 



            Chairman Tobias recommended the following appointment: Squaw Grove Drainage District #1 - Mr. Allen Bark, reappointment for a term of three years, until September 1, 2013; Clinton-Shabbona Drainage District #1 – Mr. Leonard G. Anderson, reappointed for a term of three years, until September 1, 2013; Normal Drainage District – Mr. Stephen J. Storey, reappointment for a term of three years, until September 1, 2013; Community Services Administrative Board – Mr. Brett Brown, Brenda Campbell and Micki Chulick, all to be reappointed for a term of three years, until September 1, 2013; Fairdale Light District – Ms. Shannon K. Bellah-Lee, appointed for a term of three years, until June 30, 2013; DeKalb County Board – Mr. Steve Reid, to fill the unexpired term of Kevin Chambliss, until December 1, 2012.


           Mr. Haines moved to approve the appointments as presented and Mr. Stoddard seconded the motion.

           Voice Vote

           The Vice-Chair called for a voice vote on the appointments.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.




a. Rehab and Nursing Center Operating Board – 1 position
b. Community Services Administrative Board – 3 positions
c. DeKalb Area Convention and Visitors Bureau – 1 position
d. Workforce Investment Act Board – 4 positions



           There were no persons requesting time to speak to Agenda Items at the appropriate time





           Ordinance 2010-17: Zoning Map Amendment for the Hoppe Farmstead

Ken Andersen moved to approve an Ordinance to approve a Zoning Map Amendment for the Hoppe Farmstead, a 5-acre parcel located on the east side of Pleasant Hill Road, approximately 1500 feet south of the intersection of Pleasant Hill and State Rte. 72 in Kingston Township, from A-1, Agricultural District to FP/C, Flood Plain/Conservation District. Ms. Fauci seconded the motion.

Voice Vote
The Chairman called for a voice vote on the Ordinance. All Members presented voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.




Resolution R2010-46: Anticipating Township Bridge Program (TBP) Funds

Ms. LaVigne moved to approve a Resolution for the County Board to approve the original Resolution for $226,541.83 of TBP funds to be used for the North Grove Road Bridge on October 15, 2008. After final payments have been made on this $1,080,679.97 project, the County is owed an additional $1,253.06 from the State’s Township Bridge Program. In order to secure those funds this Resolution must be submitted to the Illinois Department of Transportation. Ms. Vary seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

            The Chair called for a voice vote on the Resolution. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.




Mr. Haines moved to approve the Claims presented for the Current Month in the amount of 2,223,848.80; Emergency Claims in the amount of $434,319.76; Payroll Charges in the amount of $2,983,083.99; and Rehab & Nursing Center in the amount $416,563.26 of which represents current claims and monies paid during the previous month totaling $6,057,815.81. Mr. Tyson seconded the motion

Roll Call Vote
The Chair called for a roll call vote on the claims. Those Members voting yea were Mrs. De Fauw, Mrs. Dubin, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Metzger, Mr. Newport, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Reid, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Todd, Mr. Tyson, Ms. Vary, Mr. Walt, Mrs. Allen, Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Augsburger and Chairman Tobias. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Reports of County Officials

Mr. Haines moved to place on file the following reports of County officials; Cash and Investments in County Banks – July 31, 2010; Planning and Regulations Building and Permits Reports - July 2010; Public Defender’s Report - June 2010; Jail Population Report - June 2010. Court Services Adult and Juvenile Reports – June 2010. Mr. Hulseberg seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

The Chairman called for a voice vote on the reports of county officials. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.



Resolution 2010-47: Amendment to Contract with the County Administrator

Larry Anderson moved to approve a Resolution amending the existing contract with the County Administrator to change the end date from 3/31/2011 to 09/30/2012. No additional changed are recommended. Mr. Metzger seconded the motion.

Voice Vote
Chairman Tobias called for a voice vote on the Resolution. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.




Mrs. Allen spoke on behalf of the Law and Justice Committee and announced that the children’s waiting room at the Courthouse has served over 2000 children since its inception. Janie Torma, who runs the children’s room, said there was a need for books to be given to the children who come there. Members were asked to bring books to donate.




Ken Andersen moved to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Augsburger seconded the

Voice Vote
Chair called for a voice vote on the adjournment. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

DeKalb County Board Chairman


DeKalb County Clerk




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