DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
County Board Proceedings

September 16, 2010

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September 16, 2010


The County Board met in regular session at the Legislative Center Wednesday, September 15, 2010. The Chair called the meeting to order and the Clerk called the roll. Those Members present were Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Newport, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Reid, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Stuckert, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Ms. Vary, Mr. Walt, Mrs. Allen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Mrs. De Fauw and Chairman Tobias. Those Members absent were Mr. Metzger and Ken Andersen. Twenty two Members were present and two were absent.


Chairman Tobias asked Mr. Hulseberg to lead the pledge to the flag.




Mr. Haines moved to approve the Minutes of August 18, 2010. Ms. LaVigne seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

Chairman Tobias asked for a voice vote on the approval of the Minutes. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.




           Mr. Walt moved to approve the Agenda and Mrs. Turner seconded the motion.

Voice Vote to Approve Agenda

Chairman Tobias asked for a voice vote on to approve the Agenda. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.




Chairman Tobias read a Proclamation designating the week of August 30, 2010 as Workforce Development Week.


Following the Proclamation she then introduced Tracey McDonnell from the Workforce program who thanked Chairman Tobias and the County Board for recognizing their work.  Tracey and her staff member, Joan Tarsha, explained how the program assists those in the community who use the program and services to gain training in order to obtain employment.


Paul Borek, a workforce board member, explained further how training grants help enhance the programs.




           Employee Service Awards for September 2010 were acknowledged by Chairman Tobias.


            Chairman Tobias read a letter from the Public Building Commission regarding Bob Hutcheson’s years of service to the Public Building Commission.  The text of the letter is as follows:


                        On August 24, 2010, the Public Building Commission held its first meeting since the retirement of Commission Member Bob Hutcheson.  Bob diligently served on the Commission since January 16, 1991, the entire 19+ years as Chairman.


                        During those years, Bob oversaw the construction of four new County buildings: the Health Facility, the Highway Department Building, the Legislative Center, and the Community Outreach Building.  Three out of four of those buildings have no mortgage payments as they were completed without going to the bond market for funds.


                        In addition to the major construction projects, Bob was involved with a variety of projects which preserved the usefulness of existing buildings and made them more efficient, both for employees and to reduce operating costs.  The first project was the addition of the heavily-used Conference Room East in 1994 and the list goes on from there.  Some of those projects include the Sheriff’s E-911 Center, Administration Building office reconfiguration, the establishment of the “Situation Room” in the Public Safety Building, secure climate-controlled records storage, roofs and HVAC system replacements, and the opening of several parking lots.  Numerous minor projects have been completed over those years.


                        The purpose of this letter is to publicly thank Mr. Hutcheson for the untold hours he donated to the success of these projects.  They were complex projects that benefited from his leadership and determination to make them happen.  While small next to the accomplishments Bob has achieved, the Commission is planning a fitting tribute (perhaps a tree or park bench along the walking paths of the Health Facility campus) to acknowledge the service he has given to the citizens of DeKalb County.  In addition, we would ask that the Chairman place this letter into the public record by incorporating it into your official meeting minutes.



           Chairman Tobias recommended the following appointment: Search Committee for the County Engineer – Gary Hanson, Ruth Anne Tobias, Larry Anderson, Jerry Augsburger and John Emerson all appointed for a term of one year, until September 30, 2011.

Motion to Add a Member

            Ms. LaVigne moved to add DeKalb Township Road Commissioner, John Huber, as a Member of the Search Committee for the County Engineer for a term of one year, until September 30, 2011.  Larry Anderson seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

            Chairman Tobias called for a voice vote on the appointments for the Search Committee for the County Engineer including the added Member.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.


            Chairman Tobias also recommended the following appointments: ­Jail Planning Committee – Ruth Anne Tobias, Ray Bockman, Marlene Allen, Riley Oncken, Sheriff Roger Scott, Lt. Joyce Klein and Anita Turner all appointed for a term of two years, until September 30, 2012.


           Mr. Stoddard moved to approve the appointments as presented and Mr. Hulseberg seconded the motion.

           Voice Vote

           The Chairman called for a voice vote on the appointments.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.



Rehab and Nursing Center Operating Board – 1 position

DeKalb Area Convention and Visitor’s Bureau – 1 position

DeKalb County Public Building Commission – 1 position



The following individuals requested time to speak to Agenda Items at the appropriate time:


John Lewis stated that he was there to answer any questions on Ordinance 2010-20 for the Fiber Optic Network Agreement.






           Matt Meives from PSA Dewberry and Tom Leonard from Gilbane Construction gave a powerpoint presentation going over the updates and upcoming phases of the Courthouse Expansion Project.




Ordinance 2010-18: Amendment to the Countywide Stormwater Management Plan and



           Ms. Vary moved to approve an Ordinance amending the Countywide Stormwater Management Plan and Ordinance.  Mrs. Turner seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

           The Chairman called for a voice vote on the Ordinance. All Members presented voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.


Ordinance 2010-19: Establishing Fees for a Site Development Permit


           Ms. Vary moved to approve an Ordinance establishing fees for a site development permit as required by the Countywide Stormwater Management Ordinance for DeKalb County.



Resolution R2010-48: Bid Award for the Replacement of One 20-Ton Pintle Hitch Trailer


Ms. LaVigne moved to approve a Resolution to award the bid for the replacement One 20-Ton Pintle Hitch Trailer to the sole bidder meeting specifications, Landoll Corporation of Marysville, Kansas, in the amount of $41,659.86.  Mr. Augsburger seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

Chairman Tobias called for a roll call vote on the Resolution.  Those Members that voted yea were Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Reid, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Ms. Vary, Mrs. Allen, Mr. Augsburger, Mrs. De Fauw and Chairman Tobias.  Those Members voting nay were Mr. Newport, Mr. Stuckert, Mr. Walt and Larry Anderson.  Eighteen Members voted yea and four Members voted nay.  Motion carried.


Resolution R2010-49: Intergovernmental Agreement with Kane County for the Replacement of their Bridge on West County Line Road


Ms. LaVigne moved to approve a Resolution to authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign the Intergovernmental Agreement with the County of Kane for improvements of their West County Line Road Bridge (East County Line Road in DeKalb County) over Union Ditch #3 in a proportion to the assessed value of the taxable property in our respective counties as outlined in the agreement.  The estimated cost to DeKalb County for his project is $61,664.00.  Ms. Vary seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

The Chairman called for a roll call vote on the Resolution.  Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Newport, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Reid, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Stuckert, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Ms. Vary, Mr. Walt, Mrs. Allen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Mrs. De Fauw and Chairman Tobias.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.




Ordinance 2010-20: Fiber Optic Network Agreement


Mrs. Dubin moved to approve an Ordinance to authorize the Chairman to sign a Fiber Optic Network Agreement to award a Sole Source Provider contract to DeKalb Fiber Optic for 99 years of public access to 140 miles of fiber optic infrastructure running throughout the County and at the same time provide economic development opportunities for the private sector.  Mr. Oncken seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

Chairman Tobias asked for a voice vote on the Ordinance.  All Members voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.




Resolution R2010-51: FY2011 Budget to Place on File for Public Viewing


Mr. Haines moved to approve a Resolution to place the DeKalb County FY2011 Budget on file for public viewing in the County Clerk’s Office, on the County’s Internet site, and at two other geographically diverse public offices (The Sandwich City Hall and the office the Genoa City Clerk), for public inspection.  Mr. Stoddard seconded the motion.

Motion to Amend

Mr. Walt moved to eliminate the 2.4% property tax increase from the budget.  Larry Anderson seconded the motion.

Motion to Amend

Mr. Walt moved to look into a furlough process in lieu of staff layoffs as proposed in the budget.  Larry Anderson seconded the motion.  

            After further discussion Mr. Walt withdrew both of his amendments to the Budget Resolution.

Voice Vote on the Resolution

Chairman Tobias asked for a voice vote on the Resolution to put the FY2011 Budget on file.  A majority of the Members voted yea.  Motion carried.




Mr. Haines moved to approve the Claims presented for the Current Month in the amount of 1,102,342.45; Emergency Claims in the amount of $453,689.33; Payroll Charges in the amount of $2,614,719.70; and Rehab & Nursing Center in the amount $288,729.08 of which represents current claims and monies paid during the previous month totaling $4,459,480.56.  Mr. Hulseberg seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote

           The Chair called for a roll call vote on the claims.  Those Members voting yea were Mrs. Dubin, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Haines, Mr. Hulseberg, Ms. LaVigne, Mr. Newport, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Reid, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Stuckert, Mr. Todd, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Ms. Vary, Mr. Walt, Mrs. Allen, Larry Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Mrs. De Fauw and Chairman Tobias.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Reports of County Officials


Mr. Haines moved to place on file the following reports of County officials; Planning and Regulations Building and Permits Reports - August 2010; Public Defender’s Report - July 2010; Jail Population Report - July 2010. Court Services Adult and Juvenile Reports – July 2010.  Mr. Walt seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

            The Chairman called for a voice vote on the reports of county officials.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.




Resolution R2010-50: Payment of Claims


            Larry Anderson moved to approve a Resolution authorizing the DeKalb County Finance Department to pay claims on the normal monthly pay dates in the absence (planned or otherwise) of a meeting of the County Board during that month.  Such claims shall be submitted to the County Board for review at its next meeting.  Ms. LaVigne seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

            Chairman Tobias called for a voice vote on the Resolution.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution R2010-52: Reallocation of Recovery Zone Facilities Bonding Authority


            Larry Anderson moved to approve a Resolution stating the DeKalb County Board does hereby reallocate and waives the Remaining Volume Cap to the Illinois Finance Authority for Recovery Zone Facility Bonds and authorizes the Chairman and the Deputy County Administrator to sign the necessary documents.  Ms. Vary seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

            The Chairman asked for a voice vote on the Resolution.  All the Members voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.


Resolution R2010-53: Intergovernmental Agreement with Northwest Water Plan



            Larry Anderson moved to approve a Resolution to provide for the Voluntary Formation of the Northwest Water Planning Area within the Northeastern Illinois Water Supply Planning Region.  Mrs. Turner seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

            Chairman Tobias asked for a voice vote on the Resolution.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously. 


Resolution R2010-54: Creation of the Jail Planning Committee


            Larry Anderson moved to approve a Resolution to create an Ad Hoc Jail Planning Committee to oversee the process for a jail expansion and confirm the appointments of County Board Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias, Committee Chairman Marlene Allen, Sheriff Roger Scott, Lt. Joyce Klein, Riley Oncken, Anita Jo Turner and Mr. Ray Bockman.  Mr. Walt seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

            The Chairman called for a voice vote on the Resolution.  All Members voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.




            Mr. Walt moved to have Mr. Bockman create an alternate budget that eliminates the 2.4% increase in property tax and to look into a furlough process in lieu of staff layoffs.  Mr. Stoddard seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

            Chairman Tobias called for a voice vote on the motion.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.




            Mrs. Turner moved to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Stoddard seconded the motion.

Voice Vote

            The Chair called for a voice vote on the adjournment.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously.





DeKalb County Board Chairman








DeKalb County Clerk





Voice Vote

The Chair called for a voice vote on the Ordinance.  All Members present voted yea.  Motion carried unanimously. 

DeKalb County Board Chairman


DeKalb County Clerk




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