DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Executive Committee

September 7, 2010

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September 7, 2010



The Executive Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Tuesday, September 7, 2010 at 7:00p.m. at the Administration Building’s Conference Room East.  Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias called the meeting to order. Members present were Marlene Allen, Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Eileen Dubin, Julia Fauci, Mike Haines, and Pat LaVigne.  Mr. Metzger, Sr. was absent.  Chairman Tobias asked Mr. Stoddard, who is Vice-Chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee to please sit in for Mr. Metzger, Sr.  Others present were Ray Bockman, Gary Hanson, Stephen Reid, Jerry Augsburger, Pat Vary, Mark Todd, Riley Oncken, Derek Tyson, John Emerson, Anita Turner and John Hulseberg.



            Moved by Ms. LaVigne, seconded by Mr. Stoddard, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from August 2010.



            Moved by Ms. Fauci, seconded by Mr. Haines, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda.



1. Search Committee for the

    County Engineer:                                                 Gary Hanson

                                                                                    Ruth Anne Tobias

                                                                                    Larry Anderson

                                                                                    Jerry Augsburger

                                                                                    John Emerson


                                                                                    Appointments for a term of one year, until 09/30/2011.


Chairman Tobias explained that the Search Committee will begin shortly on the search for the County Engineer.  There will be some overlap between the time of the hire for the new county engineer and the current county engineer’s retirement. 


Mr. Bockman said that he will give the timeline to Chairman Tobias and the committee.  The board can start advertising and begin the process soon.


2. Jail Planning Committee:                                     Ruth Anne Tobias

                                                                                    Ray Bockman

                                                                                    Marlene Allen

                                                                                    Riley Oncken

                                                                                    Sheriff Roger Scott

                                                                                    Lt. Joyce Klein

                                                                                    Anita Turner

                                                                                    Appointments for a term of 2 years, until 9/30/2012.


Chairman Tobias said that there is a resolution (R2010-55) on the tables that needs to be forwarded to the full board for approval for the formation of the Jail Planning Committee. 


She mentioned that at the end of September the committee would begin to review and approve the RFP for the Jail Consultant, discuss and adopt committee/staff duties, authorize consultant solicitation, and approve the deadline for responses to RFP.  She said that they would be meeting every month after that or more.


Mr. Andersen asked if in the first sentence of the resolution it mentions that we need to address “the overcrowding” in the jail.  Is this the only reason that we are building a new jail  He thought that there were more reasons. 


            Ms. Fauci mentioned that it could read “safety and security”.


Mr. Bockman said that there are many other reasons that we are building a new jail. 


Mr. Anderson asked, how far are we going through on this, especially if the landfill doesn’t go through and there is no money available.  


Mr. Bockman said through the construction drawings is the plan.


Mr. Bockman then said that if there is no landfill money then his recommendation would be a G.O. Bond issue.  It is a property tax that would only be for the brick and mortar part of the project, not operating costs.  G.O. Bonds means General Obligation Bonds.  This bond has to have voter approval.


Mr. Andersen asked to go back to the Highway Committee.  Was there any consideration to having some of the road commissioners sit on the new committee


Mr. Bockman, said no. 


Mr. Andersen asked, should there be


Mr. Bockman said, I don’t think so because the County Superintendent has an adversarial relationship with township road commissioners since the Superintendent needs to say no to them sometimes. 


Moved by Mr. Stoddard, seconded by Ms. LaVigne, and it was carried unanimously to forward these appointment recommendations and the Resolution for the formation of a Jail Planning Committee, to the full board for approval.       


Appointments expiring for October 2010:

  1. Rehab & Nursing Center Operating Board – 1 position
  2. DeKalb Area Convention and Visitors Bureau – 1 position (county board member needed).
  3. DeKalb County Public Building Commission – 1 position




            Mr. Bockman presented the county board budget to the committee.  He mentioned that there will be cuts to the budget totaling $22,000, which would included a reduction in pay for the county board members.  This is because of reducing the number of committee meetings and a couple of county board meetings along with other miscellaneous cuts.


            Mr. Oncken said that he felt that maybe we could still hold the two county board meetings, but that all county board members would elect to attend those two meetings and not be paid for them.  He felt that with many of our employees seeing cuts to their salaries, furlough days, what have you, if we ask our employees to take a cut, then we should do the same.


            Mr. Bockman said that he would need to talk to the State’s Attorney about this question.


            Mr. Stoddard asked Mr. Bockman what were you thinking of paying the claims


            The committee then discussed the Resolution regarding the Payment of Claims.


Mr. Bockman explained, that this resolution authorizes the Finance Office to pay the claims during the months that you do not meet.


            Mr. Andersen, said that maybe we should think about another option  over the next year, that is, do we need a 24-member county board  Because of reapportionment in 2012, maybe we should look at reducing the board to 12 members or something else.


            Chairman Tobias said that we would then be looking at reducing representation for the voters.  She also said that it is worth exploring.


            Mr. Andersen suggested that the Chairman may want to appoint a committee to study this option.


            Mr. Stoddard mentioned too that the committee work that needs to be done will have to be done by half the amount of members then.


            Mr. Stoddard suggested that the Ad Hoc Rules Committee be called up again to look into this.


            Mr. Bockman mentioned that you could also look at compensation, districts at large, the chairman of the board to be elected by voters, etc.


            Moved by Ms. LaVigne, seconded by Mr. Stoddard, and it was carried unanimously to forward Resolution for the Payment of Claims, to the full board for approval.



            Chairman Tobias explained to the committee that the ordinance before them this evening for the Intergovernmental Agreement with Northwest Water Planning Area would be to provide for a voluntary formation of the northwest water planning area within the northeastern Illinois water supply planning region.  This would keep things moving on water issues if we agreed to this since we are basically on one watershed.  It would amount to a $500 participation fee and that Metro West will act as the facilitator.  She said that she felt that this was important for our County since DeKalb is the Recharge Area for the region.


            Mr. Anderson asked Chairman Tobias if the Executive Committee mentioned on page 3, Section4, is a sub-group of Northwest Water Planning Commission


            Chairman Tobias said yes it is and that it is self-governing. She feels that the State of Illinois can not tell the commission what to do.


            Mr. Bockman said that you are going to need a group and that this group would be good for the County for two reasons.  One reason being for the planning efforts that we need to do, studies that need to be done, and if there are any problems, what are they   The second reason is that if we need any legislative fixes - then we are going to need somebody more than us to work on it.  We will need somebody with clout to help us.


            Mr. Stoddard suggested that Ogle and Lee counties should be looked at also to join this group because, geologically, it would be a good thing.


            Moved by Ms. Fauci, seconded Mr. Stoddard, and it was carried unanimously to forward the Resolution to the full board for approval.




Mr. Ray Bockman, County Administrator, reviewed the County Board Agenda for the Board Meeting to be held on September 15, 2010. 


Mr. Bockman said that there will be another resolution under the Executive Committee regarding the Reallocation of Recovery Zone Facilities Bonding Authority. He said that we have worked all summer with the EDC and Mr. Borek to look for a private project.  Our County had received an $8.9 million allocation in recovery zone bonding authority for a private project.  We are using the public side for the courthouse and the private project we thought we had a project, but they left.  It doesn’t look like anybody is ready to use those monies.


Those bonds expire on December 31, 2010.  Rather than lose it, we’ve been offered 1.25 basis points that equals $11,000 to use for the Navistar project in Lisle.  Paul is working with one more DeKalb County manufacturer who may have a project.  Mr. Bockman is asking us to put it on the agenda for this month because if we wait until October we will not be able to use these funds. He said that instead of losing all the monies let’s at least use it in the State of Illinois.


 He also mentioned that there could be another resolution coming out of the executive session later this evening.


Moved by Mr. Anderson, seconded by Mr. Andersen, and it was carried unanimously to approve the County Board Agenda and the Resolution for the reallocation of Recovery Zone Facilities Bonding and to forward them both to the full board for approval.




Ms. LaVigne, Chairman of the County Highway Committee, said that she had no report.


Mr. Larry Anderson, Vice-Chairman of the DeKalb County Board, had no report.


            Ms. Dubin, Chairman of the Economic Development Committee, had no report.


            Ms. Allen, Chairman of the Law and Justice Committee, said that her committee heard from Mr. Janie Torma, Director of the Children’s Waiting Room.  Ms. Torma is once again asking for donations of new books for the Room to be given to the young children.  


            Mr. Stoddard, Vice-Chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee, said that his committee has not met yet for September.


            Ms. Fauci, Chairman of the Forest Preserve Committee, said that the budget was discussed and there is an issue with Ms. Peggy Doty at the Nature Resource Center.  The County Forest Preserve District is looking into having her work for the Forest Preserve.  They are also looking into hiring a land acquisition professional to help Mr. Hannan with this type of issue.


            Mr. Haines, Chairman of the Finance Committee, said that his committee discussed the FY’11 Budget to place on file for public viewing. There is a reduction in the budget, which includes a property tax increase of 4% on the Counties portion of the budget and all departments were asked to cut their budgets by 5%.  He reminded everyone about the Budget Q&A that will be held on September 15, 2010 @ 6:00p.m. in Conference Room East right before the county board meeting.


            Mr. Kenneth Andersen, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Committee, said that his committee did not meet. He feels that the Vulcan issue may come back for their September committee meeting. 


            Chairman Tobias informed the committee that she, Mr. Bockman, Sheriff Scott and Lt. Joyce Klein attended the National Institute of Corrections Jail Planning Session in Colorado.  Each county that was there worked through different exercises in terms of costs and design.  She felt it was a very good conference.




It was moved by Julia Fauci and seconded by Ken Andersen to go into Executive Session to discuss - land acquisition.  A roll call vote was taken and all members voted yes.

It was moved by Mr. Andersen, and seconded by Ms. Allen, to go out of Executive Session.  A roll call vote was taken and all members voted yes.


There was no action taken.



It was moved by Ms. LaVigne, seconded by Mr. Stoddard, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.


Respectfully submitted,





Chairman Ruth Anne Tobias



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