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DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Finance Committee

November 3, 2010

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Finance Committee


November 3, 2010



            The DeKalb County Finance Committee met on Wednesday, November 3, 2010 @ 7:00p.m., in the Legislative Center’s Gathertorium.  Chairman Michael Haines called the meeting to order.  Members present were John Hulseberg, Scott Newport, Paul Stoddard, Michael Stuckert, Ruth Anne Tobias and Mark Todd.  Mr. Ken Andersen was absent.  Others present were Ray Bockman, Gary Hanson, Joan Hanson, Christine Johnson, Bill Lorence, Marlene Allen, Kathy Ostdick, Mark Parrish, Karen Grush, Larry Anderson, Paul Borek, Lisa Sanderson, Jolene Dodsen, Jane Lux, John Lewis, Michael Flora, Jim Scheffers, Wayne Davey, Pat Vary, Greg Millburg, Riley Oncken, Jill Olson, Ruth Anne Tobias, Margaret Whitwell, Sheriff Scott, Jim Quinn, Eileen Dubin and Stephen Reid.




            Moved by Ms. Tobias, seconded by Mr. Stuckert, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from October, 2010.




            Moved by Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. Hulseberg, and it was carried unanimously to approve the amended agenda.



            Chairman Haines asked the audience if there was anyone that wanted to speak before the committee tonight on the 2011 Budget and Tax Levy


            Ms. Cynthia Luxton, President of the DeKalb County Mental Health Board addressed the committee about the reasons why they should vote no to an appeal that proposes to not increase the levy for the Mental Health Board.  There were other social service agencies present that spoke were Safe Passage, Hope Haven, and Youth Service Bureau, who receive funding from the Mental Health Board.  Dr.  Thomas Kirts, a psychiatrist, said that it was harder for middle class and lower income people to get psychiatric care because sometimes the co-pay is too high.


Mr. Andersen arrived at 7:15p.m.


            The committee then heard from State’s Attorney Farrell and his 1st Assistant Bill Engerman asking that their budget is not cut any further so that they do not lose 2 attorneys.


            Ms. Jill Olson, Executive Director of CASA spoke on behalf of her agency asking that her budget remain the same as last years at $35,000. 


            Ms. Christine Johnson, DeKalb County Treasurer, said that her budget was reduced by 15% last year and that this year she was asked to cut it again and she did again comply with it.  This year she cut into her overtime and she cut a part time person.  She is asking that her funding be reinstated that the county board is considering cutting.


            Ms. Whitwell, Supervisor of Assessments, stated that their documents have increased in her department and they have been inundated with property tax complaints.  She has never seen this many complaints filed as she has seen so far this year.  For her to get all of this work done with an employee cut will be very difficult.


            Sheriff Scott said that all of the agencies that have spoken here tonight about their budgets not being cut all have a direct effect on law enforcement except Christine’s and Margaret’s.  He said that with the State’s Attorney coming here this evening to speak to the committee about the cuts proposed for his department also shows a tremendous amount of courage, credibility and concern for the community because they are not clearly doing it for themselves since he will no longer be State’s Attorney after November 30, 2010.


            Motion from Mr. Stuckert, seconded by Mr. Stoddard, and it was carried unanimously to close the public hearing around 8:00p.m.   


            Chairman Haines declared the hearing closed and asked for a five minute break.




            The committee then discussed the final markup of the FY2011 budget. 


            Mr. Hanson explained that the original budget recommendation was to cut the budget by 5%.  To balance the budget further we are using the fund balance of $1 million and a tax increase of 4%, which on a $200,000 home is $13.44. 


            Mr. Hanson said that through the committees hearing the budget appeals the budget has saved $205,700 in spending and $3,700 on the proposed property tax levy.


            Mr. Stoddard asked Mr. Hanson where do those fund cuts go


            Mr. Hanson said a lot of those have special fees in them, and they were originally transfers from the general fund at one time. This won’t help the General Fund.  It will stay in the fund balance and it could be used for an emergency if one arises or likely it will just roll over in 2012. 


            Mr. Newport asked if the 5% reduction was based upon the 2010 budget not 2010 actual spending, correct


            Mr. Hanson said correct.


            The committee then discussed the first open appeal from the Highway Committee regarding funding equipment replacement..  Mr. Hanson asked to hold off on that one until later in the meeting.



            The next appeal is from the Finance Committee regarding the funding for a bike path from Somonauk to the Sannauk Forest Preserve.  Special Project Money request was made for $10,000 to assist with a special project between the Forest Preserve and the Village of Somonauk that can be undertaken by them to connect the two entities with a bike path. 


            Chairman Haines said that when he spoke with Mr. Hannan today about making the  budget $5,000 rather than $10,000.  The $5,000 could work because the money is used with four other collaborators to come up with a $25,000 match so that they can apply for a State grant.  The Forest Preserve could get up to 75% funding if they can show a collaboration of agencies. 


            Moved by Mr. Stoddard, seconded by Mr. Newport, and it was carried unanimously to accept the modification to this appeal and provide $5,000 funding to this project.  There were 7 yes votes and 1 no vote, that one being Mr. Stuckert.


            Mr. Hanson then talked about the Action on Appeals at the committee level that still need to be discussed.


            The first one is item #21 – Do Not eliminate 2 County Board meetings and 2 monthly committee meetings for each committee, adding $15,500 to the budget.


            Mr. Newport said that he thinks that we need to reconsider the appeal because as he researched the amount of times the board cancelled committee meetings in the last couple of years, it showed that the (2010) Finance Committee did not meet for 4 times, Planning and Zoning Committee did not meet for 1 time, Economic Development did not meet for 3 times, the Law and Justice Committee did not meet for 1 time, and the Health and Human Services did not meet for 3 times and the Forest Preserve did not cancel any meetings, for a total of 7 committees with a total of 13 meetings cancelled.  He feels that we should look at the appeal and reinstate the reduction of committee meetings.  He was not sure about the two county board meetings should be mandated, but if we have an agenda that looked like last month, we should have the option to cancel it.


            Mr. Hulseberg said that he thinks Mr. Walt’s and his appeals were combined.  He agrees with the consideration of looking at the committee meetings again.  But for the county board meeting, he would like to look at a mechanism to cancel it.


            Mr. Stoddard said that it is certainly on the agenda for the Ad Hoc Rules Committee to review that but he was waiting for the new board to take seat.  He did mention that he felt that the committees were already cancelling meetings when they don’t need them.


            Moved by Ms. Tobias, seconded by Mr. Stuckert, to deny the motion.


            Mr. Hulseberg asked if the committee could split the motion into 2 separate motions



Moved by Ms. Tobias, seconded by Mr. Stuckert, and it was carried to continue to eliminate the 2 County Board meetings for one year.  There were 5 yes votes and 3 no votes. Those no votes being Mr. Andersen, Mr. Hulseberg and Mr. Newport.


            It was moved by Ms. Tobias, seconded by Mr. Stuckert, and it was carried to continue to eliminate 2 monthly committee meetings for each committee for one year.  There were 7 yes votes and 1 no vote, that being Mr. Andersen.


            Item #25c - Reduce the allocated set-aside for replacing the Animal Control Vehicle from $9,000 to $5,000.


            Moved by Mr. Stoddard, seconded by Mr. Todd, and it was carried unanimously to approve the appeal.


            Item #28b – Amend funding for the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), which was $35,000 in 2010 and recommended to be $33,200 in 2011 to (a) $30,000, or (b) to reinstate $35,000


            Moved by Mr. Stoddard, seconded by Ms. Tobias, and it was carried to approve the appeal at $35,000Mr. Andersen and Mr. Hulseberg abstained.  There were 5 yes votes and 1 no vote, that one being Mr. Stuckert.  Motion carries.


            Item #25b  - Reduce the appropriation for purchasing Sheriff’s vehicles from $533,000 to $451,000.  This was acceptable as the Sheriff had eliminated two patrol positions for 2011 as part of his 5% budget cut.


            Moved by Mr. Stuckert, seconded by Mr. Newport, and it was carried unanimously to approve this appeal.


The committee then discussed the Health Insurance Update.  Mr. Hanson said that the renewal quote on the current benefit plan from Blue Cross for the County would increase the cost to us by 4% on an annual basis.  Therefore, we will continue with Blue Cross for 2011.  The savings in the General Fund will be $100,000 and this figure along with non-General Funds will amount to a savings of $300,000. 


            The committee then discussed the action of the proposed alternate budget. The committee had a lengthy discussion on different ways to send a balanced budget forward. 


            Mr. Hulseberg proposed to take $160,000 from the Highway Equipment fund and to eliminate #2 and 3.


            Chairman Haines asked for a 10 minutes recess to go over the numbers.


            Moved by Mr. Todd, seconded by Mr. Stuckert, and it was carried unanimously to take a 10 – minute recess.



            Chairman Haines said that if he understands Mr. Hulseberg we would leave in the elimination of the increase for the mental health board $88,000 in cuts, we would eliminate the additional cuts to the mental health board under number 2, we would eliminate the $133,000 in the Administration Building staffing cuts, we would have the savings of $19,200 from the appeals process, we have the $100,000 savings from the health insurance bid, $8,000 to be eliminated for per diem for non-members at the Executive Committee, adds up to equal cuts of $215,000 and subtract that from $458,000 leaves, $242,800.  Essentially, we would be approving Mr. Todd’s appeal to reduce replacement funds for the Highway Equipment, whereby the appeal would now read $243,000.  Is that clear to everyone 


            Moved by Mr. Stoddard, seconded by Mr. Stuckert, and it was carried to accept the budget listed on page D-2, with the amendment showing the elimination of items 2 and 3, and to raise item #6 to $243,000 and include $15,500 savings through the appeal process   with the reduction in capital from the Highway Replacement Fund and to forward this to the full board for approval.  There were 5 yes votes and 3 no votes, those being Mr. Todd, Mr. Newport and Mr. Andersen.  Motion carries.


            Mr. Hulseberg mentioned that there would still be $161,700 left in the Highway Fund.


            Before adjourning, Mr. Newport thanked Chairman Haines for all of his hard work on the Finance Committee over these past few years and that it has been a pleasure to work with the members of the committee and staff.   He thanked Chairman Haines for his professionalism and effective chairman.




It was moved by moved by Ms. Tobias and seconded by Mr. Stuckert to adjourn.  Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.


                                                                        Respectfully submitted,




                                                                        Michael Haines, Chairman


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