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DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Health & Human Services Committee

June 7, 2010

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June 7, 2010


The Health and Human Services Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, June 7, 2010 @ 6:30p.m. in the Administration Building’s Conference Room East.  Chairman Jeff Metzger, Sr., called the meeting to order.  Members present were Eileen Dubin, John Emerson, Ms. LaVigne, Paul Stoddard and Mr. Tyson.  Others present were Mr. Mark Parrish, Ms. Kathy Ostdyk and Ms. Donna Moulton. 




          Moved by Ms. LaVigne, seconded by Mr. Stoddard, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from April 5, 2010.


          Moved by Mr. Stoddard, seconded by Mr. Tyson, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from April 12, 2010.


          Moved by Ms. Dubin, seconded by Mr. Emerson, and it was carried unanimously to approved the minutes from May 3, 2010.




          Moved by Ms. Dubin, seconded by Mr. Tyson, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda as presented.




          Mr. Mark Parrish, introduced himself to the committee and said that he is the new Executive Director for the Mental Health 708 Board office.  He then introduced Ms. Kathy Ostdyck who was the Interim Director while their board was searching for a new Director.  She now is his Administrative Assistant. 


          Mr. Parrish said that he will have the agencies that they fund report to him with a quarterly report so that he knows where their money is going and how the agencies are using the funds that they award them.


          Mr. Parrish explained to the committee that when they awarded their GY11 Allocations to various agencies, this was the first time in the Mental Health Board’s history that the allocation awards were less than what was requested by the agencies. 


          Mr. Parrish said that he will begin to meet with local ministers, police departments and such to see what their needs are and what they may need help with in terms of funding.  He will also be working on grant writing.


          Mr. Parrish then informed the committee that the Mental Health Board will be holding a retreat for their members on 6/30/10 to discuss their goals and various issues.



          Chairman Metzger, Sr., reminded the committee that there are two remaining one-time allocation requests that still need to be discussed.


          The first allocation request is from the YMCA to fund steps that are needed for their pool that is used by senior citizens.  In their request they mention that 50% of the programs and pool usage at the YMCA is used by senior citizens.  The cost remaining to install these steps is $5100.0.  They have already received $9900.00 towards the total costs from other funding sources. 


          The committee discussed this issue briefly and agreed to bring this issue back next month because Ms. Moulton will be finding out from the YMCA what the exact amount is that they need to fully fund this request.


          The second allocation request is from the Ben Gordon Center who is asking for $5,126.13 to help pay for the cost of 3 laptops and 3 portable printers.  These items will be used by their case managers during their visits with senior citizens.  They will document their services for these older adults in the field, as well as, access the senior’s medical records electronically, update medications and provide greater access to medical information needed to maintain the older adult in independent living.


          The committee decided to hold on to this request for one more month and bring it back in July.




          Mr. Stoddard, DeKalb County Board member who sits on the Board of Health, updated the committee on what they have been doing over the last couple of months. 


          Mr. Stoddard said that the HINI vaccines are still being given out. 


          Chairman Metzger, Sr., asked how long is the shelf life for these vaccines


          Mr. Stoddard said that he felt through the end of this year.  He also noted that there have been no reported cases or absentees at the schools.


          They are also working on updating the Solid Waste Plan.  The plan will still continue to encourage people to recycle.


          Mr. Stoddard said that the Health Department has decided to opt out of the HIV State program because of the State’s history of payments.  They will continue to do HIV testing and charge the individuals.  Supplies for the tests will still be provided by the State.






          Moved by Ms. LaVigne, seconded by Mr. Stoddard, and it was carried             adjourn the meeting.


                                                Respectively submitted,




                                                Chairman Jeffery Metzger, Sr.




Mary C. Supple, Secretary


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