DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Health & Human Services Committee

May 3, 2010

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May 3, 2010


The Health and Human Services Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, May 3, 2010 @ 6:30p.m. in the Administration Building’s Conference Room East.  Vice-Chairman Paul Stoddard called the meeting to order.  Members present were Eileen Dubin and John Emerson.  Ms. LaVigne and Mr. Tyson were absent.  Mr. Metzger, Sr., called in to participate in the meeting.  Others present were Mr. John Horn and Ms. Karen Grush. A quorum was not present. 


Because there was no quorum present, the committee could not approve Mr. Metzger, Sr., to participate in the meeting.




            No quorum present so the committee could not vote on the approval of the minutes.



            No quorum present so the committee could not vote on the approval of the agenda.




            Mrs. Grush gave the Annual update for the Health Department.  She indicated the Health Department took in approximately $6.2 million in revenue and expended approximately $6.0 million. She stated the excess revenue was due to a very generous donation in the amount of

$86,700 given by a former home care patient and grant funding for the Public Health Emergency Response for H1N1.  That grant funding allowed for shifting of some staff expenses directly related to H1N1 that normally would have been absorbed by other funding.  She reported that fees provide about 52% of the  funding,  grants provide 28%, county support provides about  18%  and the remaining 2% comes from other sources.  She reported that approximately 75% of expenditures are personnel related.


Mrs. Grush reported that like many other agencies, the Health Department is concerned about funding for FY 2011.  Late State payments are of major concern primarily because once behind, they never get caught up in payments.  Mrs. Grush reported that the Health Department shows a $2.2 million fund balance, however, actual cash on hand in 2009 averaged $1.4 million. More cash is needed to pay every day expenses because of late payments.  Also of concern is funding in 2011 is expected to be reduced especially grant funding.


The Health Department has taken steps to reduce expenses.  Examples are not replacing employees who terminate unless absolutely necessary, using part-time temporary employees on a reduced level, limiting out of county travel to mandatory meetings, and not upgrading equipment.  


Mrs. Grush provided a copy of the 2009 Annual Report to committee members.  She reviewed the 2009 services provided by the Health Department highlighting both those that showed a decrease and those that showed an increase, all believed directly related to the economy. 


Mrs. Grush closed her presentation with a review of the effort provided by the Health Department in the H1N1 Pandemic, commending the Health Department staff and community partners who assisted in the response.




            Mr. John Horn of the University of Illinois Extension Unit presented his semi-annual report to the committee.  Mr. Horn stated that his office and all Extension Offices in the State of Illinois are being restructured.  On May 10, 2010 the existing County Directors are to submit their plans for restructuring.  The State then will review those plans and on May 19, 2010 they will announce what the restructured units will look like.  Those units will consist of 3 to 5 counties each.  Cook County will remain as a single-county program.  The minimum staffing for the proposed units will consist of a county director, a unit secretary, three educators and a position to manage volunteers.  By June 2010, educators will be notified of their new office location.  By June 15, 2010, County Directors will submit FY11 budgets.


            Mr. Horn said that the Extension Units will continue to maintain 4 core program areas: agriculture and natural resources, community and economic development, family and consumer sciences and 4-H youth development.  Major program initiatives will focus on the issues of energy and environmental stewardship; food safety and security; economic development and workforce preparedness; family health, financial security and wellness; and youth development.


            Mr. Horn said that locally he is looking at combining units from Ogle and Boone County to make the 3-county unit.  He said that the DeKalb County unit is the lowest funded unit than the other two units. The other two units have a referendum. 


            They are watching their budget closely since they have not received any matching funds, to date, from the State.  There are some reserves that they have had to use since the State has not sent any funds to date. 


            After a brief discussion, Chairman Jeff Metzger, Sr., asked Mr. Horn if he could update the county in June as to what the result of the restructuring would be. 



            Before adjourning Chairman Metzger, Sr., told the committee that they would be discussing the 2 one-time allocations remaining for the Senior Services Tax Levy funding.



            No adjournment due to no quorum present.



                                                            Respectively submitted,




                                                            Chairman Jeffery Metzger, Sr.



Mary C. Supple, Secretary


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