Official County Seal of DeKalb County IL  Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
County Highway Committee

December 2, 2010

Printer Icon PRINTABLE DOCUMENT (.pdf) Plus attached letter from Mr. Glogovsky re: Peace Road





December 2, 2010


A meeting of the Highway Committee of the DeKalb County Board was held on Thursday, December 2, 2010 at 6:00pm in the Conference Room of the DeKalb County Highway Department, DeKalb, Illinois.  


Vice-Chairperson Augsburger called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.  Committee members present were Mr. Emerson, Mr. Gudmunson and Mr. Reid.  Also present were Mr. Charlie Foster, newly elected Board member for District 1, Mr. Ken Andersen, County Board Member, Mr. William Lorence, County Engineer and Wayne Davey, Support Services Manager.  Also present were Mr. Scott Carlson, Sycamore Resident, Mr. Jim Lisafeld, DeKalb Resident, Mr. Ron Glogovsky and family, Sycamore Residents and Mr. David Peek, Executive Director, Sycamore Park District.


Vice-Chairperson Augsburger asked for a moment of silence in memory of Chair Patricia LaVigne who passed away on Tuesday, November 30, 2010.




Motion made by Mr. Reid and seconded by Mr. Emerson to approve the minutes of the regular November 4, 2010 meeting.  The motion to approve the minutes carried unanimously. 




Motion made by Mr. Emerson and seconded by Mr. Gudmunson to approve the agenda as presented.   The motion to approve the agenda carried unanimously. 


PUBLIC COMMENT:   Mr. Ken Andersen addressed the Committee concerning the intersection of Peace and Freed Roads.  Mr. Andersen read an e-mail he received from Mr. Glogovsky outlining his concerns and recommendations for improvement of safety at this location.  That e-mail is attached hereto and is made an official part of these minutes.  Mr. Glogovsky arrived after the reading of his e-mail and further stated his concerns for the safety of his family and everyone who has to enter Peace Road from the Freed Road intersection.  Mr. Lorence stated that as of the last review of  that intersection none of the warrants have been meet for the installation of a 4-way stop condition or traffic control signals.  Mr. Andersen stated the County Board has the authority to over ride the County Engineer and direct that such traffic control be installed and he requested the Committee entertain a motion to do so.  Vice-Chairperson Augsburger informed Mr. Anderson and Mr. Glogovsky that this item will be place on the next agenda of the Highway Committee to allow the Committee to receive all relevant information and hear of possible solutions to these concerns.  The Committee thanked Mr. Glogovsky for bringing this situation to their attention.







Mr. Andersen further inquired into the pedestrian pads on the traffic signals at the entrance to the Jewel-Osco off of Peace Road.  Mr. Lorence stated these signals belonged to the City of Sycamore and any concerns would need to be address through the City of Sycamore.




This item was sent back to the Highway Committee at the November County Board meeting for additional information.  Vice-Chairperson Augsburger recognized Mr. Scott Carlson who voiced his concerns for this park.  Mr. Carlson stated he was the property owner of the property to the west of the proposed park and also the private street known as Ali Drive which borders the west side of the proposed park.  Mr. Carlson stated that his concerns for the park were residents parking on the private street, possible litter, and parking issues.  Mr. Peek addressed Mr. Carlson concerns stating the Park District would do whatever it took to ensure surrounding property owners were satisfied with this project.  These included a fence, type specified by the County, to surround the proposed park; construction of a parking area at the south end of the proposed park areas; entrance to the park coming off of Old State Road only; placement of no parking/private property signs placed on Ali Drive; and regular policing of the park by park district staff.   Mr. Carlson stated that if these items were completed he would be neutral on the park.


Mr. Andersen stated he had spoken with Mrs. Dumdie at 15239 Old State Road and she was against  this project.  Mr. Emerson asked if Mr. Orrin Vandeburg had been contacted in regard to this project and Mr. Peek stated he had not spoken with him.  It was suggested that Mr. Peek contact Mr. Vandeburg and Mrs. Dumdie and explain the project and see if they would have any concerns with it.


Mr. Andersen inquired into the use of this proposed park.  Mr. Peek stated he would estimate that there would be no more than 5 patrons utilizing the park at any one time.  When the project was being discussed Mr. Peek stated he received approximately 35 requests from volunteers to be on the committee, so he feels residents would enjoy and utilize the park.  Mr. Peek stated that the original plans for the park was to place it within the sports complex but that location is in a flood plain and the City of Sycamore would not allow it.  This park would be an open area where dogs could run without a leash as is required of pets in parks currently located within the City of Sycamore.  The expected hours of the park would be from dawn to dusk.


A motion was made by Mr. Gudmunson and seconded by Mr. Emerson to table this item until the February 3rd meeting to allow for the Park District to check with the surrounding property owners and get their input on this project.  The motion passed unanimously.





Mr. Lorence explained that every year the County receives bids from local vendors to lock in prices for maintenance materials used throughout the year by the County as well as the 19 Road Districts.  These bids were received on November 30, 2010 and the County awards to all bidders with the exception of liquid calcium chloride.  The liquid calcium chloride item is awarded to the lowest bidder meeting specifications.  The County Engineer explained that prices were up slightly over last year for aggregates and an increase of 3% was realized in the calcium chloride price.  Mr. Lorence recommended the Committee forward this resolution recommending approval.  A motion was made by Mr. Gudmunson and seconded by Mr. Reid to forward this resolution to the full County Board recommending award.  The motion carried unanimously. 





Mr. Lorence explained the County will be utilizing MFT funds again this year to purchase winter maintenance materials.  In order for MFT funds to be expended, the County must first authorize the expenditures by way of a County Maintenance Resolution.  This resolution is then sent to Springfield for the funds to be authorized to be spent toward the authorized project.  This resolution is for the entire FY-2010.  Salt prices remain the same as last year, $55.06/ton, as the County opted to renew last year’s contract and not re-bid.  Those that chose to re-bid are experiencing a slightly higher salt price this year.  A motion was made by Mr. Emerson and seconded by Mr. Reid to forward this resolution to the full County Board recommending approval.  The motion carried unanimously.




The County Engineer explained that as in years past, during the 2011 Budget process, MFT funds were designated to once again cover part of the salary costs for maintainers while they are performing maintenance functions on the County’s roadway system.  Like funds were also designated to cover equipment purchases by the County renting its equipment back to the County and being reimbursed for that use.  Mr. Lorence recommends the Committee forward this resolution to the full County Board recommending approval.  A motion was made by Mr. Reid and seconded by Mr. Emerson to forward this resolution to the full County Board recommending approval.  The motion carried with three (3) yes votes and one (1) no vote.


CHAIR’S COMMENTS:      Vice-Chairperson Augsburger stated he had no comments other than to note the sad passing of Pat LaVigne and that she will be missed.




The Transportation Improvement Progress Report for November was provided to the Committee for their review.  The highlighted projects on the report were discussed.  The East County Line Road project as well as the East County Line Road Bridge project will move forward together.  As the bridge gets replaced, the County will upgrade this road to an all weather 80,000 pound route.    Waterman Road is being surveyed for additional right-of-way needed to begin the process of pulverizing the center concrete and resurfacing of this road.  All bridge projects continue to move forward making satisfactory progress. 


ADDITIONAL COMMENTS:    Mr. Andersen inquired into the status of the Keslinger Road Bridge.  Mr. Lorence indicated that the Illinois Attorney General has now backed out of this case stating the County has sufficient jurisdiction to move forward.  No new movement has been made toward a settlement in this case.  The County has, however, submitted this bridge requesting Highway Bridge Funds for State FY-2015 to assist in the construction if needed. 




Vice-Chairperson Augsburger inquired if there was anything else that needed to be brought before the Committee and hearing none asked for a motion to adjourn.  A motion was made by Mr. Gudmunson to adjourn and Mr. Emerson seconded this motion. The motion passed unanimously and the December 2, 2010 meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. 


Respectfully Submitted,



John Gudmunson






Attached letter from Mr. Glogovsky re: Peace Road (.pdf)

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