DeKalb County IL  Government Seal

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Law & Justice Committee

April 20, 2010

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April 19, 2010


The Law and Justice Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, April 19, 2010 @ 6:30p.m. in the DeKalb County Legislative Center’s conference room.  Chairman Marlene Allen called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m.  Those present were Riley Oncken, Michael Stuckert, Anita Turner, Derek Tyson and Kevin Chambliss.  A quorum was present.  Margi Gilmour and Regina Harris were also present.  Judge Kurt Klein, Circuit Clerk Maureen Josh, State’s Attorney John Farrell, Drug Court Coordinator Marilyn Stromborg, and Sheriff Roger Scott were not present.




          Moved by Ms. Turner, seconded by Mr. Tyson and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from March 2010.       




            Chairman Allen noted that she would amend the agenda to remove the judicial update, as Judge Klein was not present, the Circuit Clerk update, as Maureen Josh was not present, the State’s Attorney update, as John Farrell was not present, and the Drug Court update, as Marilyn Stromborg was not present.

Moved by Ms. Turner, seconded by Mr. Tyson, and it was carried unanimously to approve the amended agenda




          Ms. Regina Harris, the DeKalb County Public Defender, presented her monthly report.  The office has seen a substantial increase in the volume of appointments they have received this year and the severity of the cases is increasing.  The office is seeing more appointment because of the number of indigent people and because of an increase in the overall volume of cases.  Lots of unemployed and underemployed people are unable to afford private attorneys, so the judges are appointing public defenders more often. 


          Mr. Chambliss asked whether there is an increase in crime during the summer and during months when the weather is better.  Ms. Harris responded that the types of crimes change throughout the year.  Street crimes, domestic violence, drugs, and gang activity increase in periods of good weather when people are outside.   





          Ms. Gilmour, Director of the DeKalb County Court Services Department, reported that nothing unusual happened in March in the adult probation department.  She stated that her report is inaccurate regarding the number of CRS hours for March, because her office is changing recording systems and there is a lag in inputting all of the information into the system.  The issue is expected to be resolved soon. 


          The County continues to have three juveniles in placement, at substantial cost to the County.  One of those in placement may get out soon, but her department is having difficulty finding a suitable new living situation for him.


          Ms. Gilmour presented a Resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with Kane County for the provision of multi-systemic therapy to juveniles and their families.  This will be a new, intensive program in which the juveniles and their families receive extensive interaction and services to help address problems which exist in the youth’s natural environment and then work to solve those problems. 


          The revenue to pay for the program will come from existing revenues and there will not be any budget increase as a result of the Agreement.  The funds are being moved from their previous allocation for the summer camp program.  One Hope United, out of St.Charles, Illinois, will be the service provider.


          Ms. Allen asked how juveniles would get into the program.  Ms. Gilmour stated that all of the juveniles would be referred through the court system and would be court ordered into the program.  DeKalb County will have six slots per year, with two juveniles participating at a time.  The IGA is for a period of two years. 


          Mr. Oncken asked if this was a better use for the funds than the summer camp program and Ms. Gilmour stated that she believe this was an extremely effective program and would be very beneficial to the juveniles.  It will help both the juveniles and their families with problems that exist.


          Mr. Oncken moved to send the resolution to the full board for approval.  Mr. Chambliss seconded the motion, and the committee voted unanimously to send the resolution to the full board for approval. 


          Mr. Chambliss asked whether the results of the program would be tracked and Ms. Gilmour indicated that they would.  Mr. Chambliss also asked whether the information gathered by the service providers would be considered confidential, so that the privacy of the juveniles and their families were protected, and Ms. Gilmour stated that their privacy is protected by Illinois laws regarding juveniles in the court system.  





Chairman Allen briefly covered the Jail Report and said that there was an increase in March in the number of inmates and transports. 



Moved by Mr. Oncken, seconded by Ms. Turner, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:10 p.m.



                                                Respectfully submitted,




                                                Marlene Allen, Chairman

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