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DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Regional Planning Commission Meeting

July 22, 2010

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July 22, 2010


The DeKalb County Regional Planning Commission (RPC) met on July 22, 2010 at 7:00 p.m. in the DeKalb County Administration Building, Conference Room East, in Sycamore, Illinois.  In attendance were Commission members Cookie Aldis, Frank Altmaier, Bill Beverley, Suzanne Fahnestock, Rich Gentile, Derek Hiland, Dave Maroo, Don Pardridge, Linda Swenson and Jerry Thompson.   Staff included Paul Miller and Rebecca Von Drasek. Roger Bosworth, Deanne Cada, and Donna Prain were also present.


1.         Roll Call --  Commission members Ken Andersen, Les Bellah, Becky Morphey, Bill Nicklas, and Jerry Olson were noted absent.


2.         Approval of Agenda -- Mr. Hiland moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Gentile, and the motion carried unanimously.


3.         Approval of Minutes -- Ms. Aldis and Mr. Pardridge noted some minor wording changes for the June 3, 2010 RPC meeting minutes.


Mr. Pardridge moved to approve the amended minutes from June 3, 2010, seconded by Mr. Gentile, and the motion carried unanimously.


4.         Discussion Item - GIS Maps Workshop


Mr. Miller highlighted that digital maps of the entire County are available to the public through the County’s  Geographical Information System Maps (GIS).  The maps contain a wealth of information, including property lines, roads and railroads, municipal boundaries, public building locations, waterways, contour lines (topography), regulatory floodplains, wetlands, soil types, aerial photography, watershed boundaries, drainage district boundaries, and County zoning.  Information on individual properties includes permanent index numbers (PINs), acreage, site address, name and address of tax payer, tax code and tax rate.  Mr. Miller observed that the Countywide GIS Maps are an important resource for municipalities and property owners considering development projects.  He noted that the maps can be used to determine the existing status of property under consideration for development, including identifying drainage patterns both on the property and within the watershed of which it is part, the suitability or restrictions of soil types, the presence of environmentally sensitive or important features, and the physical relationship of the property to the municipality.


Mr. Miller emphasized, in order to avail themselves of this information, decision-makers need not only to be aware of the tool but of how to use it.  To this end, staff proposed a workshop to be sponsored by the Regional Planning Commission to provide information and training in the use of the Countywide GIS Maps.  The workshop would be primarily aimed at the members of municipal plan commissions, zoning boards, and village/city/town boards and staff.  Mr. Miller also noted that the DeKalb County Community Foundation is interested in participating in such a workshop. He pointed out that Donna Prain and Deanne Cada were at the meeting to discuss the workshop.  Specifically, the Community Foundation members have suggested that they may be able to provide a venue and laptop computers where attendees can get hands-on experience with manipulating the maps.  Mr. Miller concluded by presenting example maps that the GIS could generate.


Ms. Aldis inquired about printing the screen once a property has been selected.  Staff noted that there was an icon for printing in the menu bar which should allow an individual to print off a map.


Mr. Miller then highlighted the Planning and Zoning map section of the GIS.  He showed the Commission the various features in the legend including soils, contours, floodplain, wetlands, and watersheds.


Mr. Gentile asked if the elevations could be brought up and left on the screen identifying each of the contour lines.  Mr. Miller noted that would be a helpful feature and offered to confer with the Information Management Office to see if that option would be available.


Mr. Beverly observed that the watershed information would be a useful feature for future developments.  Mr. Miller agreed and asserted that the workshop could make this useful tool more accessible to local decision-makers.


Ms. Cada from the Community Foundation stated that the workshop would be held in a location with wireless internet that could seat approximately 150 people. 


Ms. Aldis asked the Commission Members which date would work for the workshop.  She shared with the Commission Ms. Morphey’s preference to have the event any time after the Sandwich Fair in September. 


Mr. Maroo wondered if staff were to visit each municipality separately for training if the outreach would have greater impact.  Mr. Miller responded that organizing multiple smaller events might contact greater numbers but would be more difficult to coordinate and put a greater burden on staff.


After a brief discussion the Commission decided on September 30, 2010 at 7 pm for the workshop.


Mr. Miller agreed to continue to work with the Community Foundation to determine a location and confirm availability for the workshop date.  He agreed to followup with Commission members and municipal staffs as soon as the arrangements were finalized.


5.         Municipal Development Projects/Issues:


Ms. Aldis asked for any changes to the development project report.  She stated there were no changes of Cortland’s projects to report.


Mr. Hiland noted that he had provided staff with revisions to the development project report.  He also shared with the Commission that there had been an increase of interest from restauranteurs recently in DeKalb.


Mr. Altmaier had nothing new to report for Kingston.


Ms. Fahnestock reported that Grand Pointe Homes development had gone dormant. Also, she noted ongoing efforts to address wastewater and water main issues in Maple Park.


Mr. Thompson reported no new proposals in Malta.


Mr. Beverley noted that the water park development in Sandwich was on hold while the developer looks for additional partners. 


Mr. Maroo noted that the water treatment facility work in Hinckley had begun again after the strike was cancelled.  Additionally, he noted that all of the listed development projects are at a stand still.


Ms. Swenson noted that Vision Pickling & Processing is planning an expansion in Waterman.


Mr. Miller gave the Commission a brief update on Waste Management’s application that has been forwarded to the State for review.  He also noted that the County’s application to mitigate Evergreen Village was progressing and that staff was working on securing the 25 percent matching funds.   Mr. Miller stated that the staff will be scheduling the Comprehensive Plan Update open houses, one in the north, central and south portions of the County, and added that there is still an opportunity for municipalities to “piggy-back” on the County’s process to update their individual comprehensive plans.  He emphasized that given that the current economic downturn municipalities have an unique opportunity to consider future growth without the pressure of actual development proposals pending before the decision-makers. 


6.         Next Meeting Date -- The Commission agreed that the next RPC meeting would be on September 30, 2010 at 7:00 pm.  The location is dependent on the workshop location, if the workshop is rescheduled then the Commission will meet in the Conference Room East.


7.         Adjournment -- Mr. Pardridge  motioned to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Beverley, and the motion carried unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,




Cheryl “Cookie”Aldis

Chairman, DeKalb County Regional Planning Commission



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