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DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the Stormwater
Management Planning Committee

April 1, 2010

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April 1, 2010


The DeKalb County Stormwater Management Planning Committee (SMPC) met on April 1, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. in the DeKalb County Administrative Building, Conference Room East, in Sycamore, Illinois.  In attendance were Committee members Pat Vary,Bill Nicklas, Roger Steimel, Donna Prain, Bill Lorence, Norm Beeh, Ken Andersen,  Joe Misurelli, and Paul Miller.


1.         Roll Call -- Mr. Miller noted Tom Thomas, Joel Maurer, and Mark Biernacki were absent.


2.         Approval of Agenda -- Ms. Vary moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Nicklas, and the motion carried unanimously.


3.         Approval of Minutes -- Ms. Vary asked for the definition of “programmatic” as used on Page 3 of the October 22, 2009 minutes.  Mr. Miller responded that this was a fancy way of stating that the intention is to develop a specific protocol for addressing the planned revisions to the Stormwater Ordinance and Maps.


Mr. Misurelli moved to approve the minutes, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and the motion carried unanimously.


4.         Status of Comprehensive Surface Water Maps Project:


Mr. Miller explained that the Stormwater Management Planning Committee had previously discussed the production of comprehensive surface water maps as the heart of Phase 2 of the Countywide Stormwater Plan and Ordinance.  The Committee had determined that such maps would include: two-foot contour intervals; regulatory floodplains; designated wetlands; soils; aerials; and watershed boundaries.  Mr. Miller presented the Committee with the information available within the County’s GIS system and the initial comprehensive surface water maps.   He noted that to date, the County GIS maps have the 2009 aerial photography, two-foot contour data, regulatory floodplain limits, soils, and now, wetlands.


Mr. Miller noted that the only outstanding element of the proposed Stormwater Maps was the delineation of the Watershed boundaries being delineated by Northern Illinois University students under the direction of Dr. Greene. The mapping project entails justifying the “edges” of the sections of watershed boundaries provided by the USGS so that they match across sections (currently, in many places the boundary lines overlap or do not meet at the section edges), and adjusting the actual watershed boundaries to match two-foot contour data.  Mr. Miller noted that this work should be completed by mid-April or early May, 2010. 


Ms. Prain noted to staff that the GIS system does not work well with the Windows 7 with Internet Explorer 8. (Staff contacted the IMO Department, they have indicated proposed upgrades should resolve this problem in the near future.)


The Committee briefly reviewed various sites within the County and tested the GIS system to see  the new features in the “Zoning” GIS maps. Staff noted that the various layers of the system will overlap and block views of certain features, depending on the sequence in which they are turned on.


Mr. Steimel asked about the wetlands feature within the maps.  Mr. Miller noted that they are shown for the information provided by the Natural Resource Conservation District but he noted they are often not delineated.


5.         Phase 2 Stormwater Management Plan:


Mr. Miller initiated a discussion about Phase Two of the Countywide Stormwater Management Plan.  He presented a draft of Phase Two revisions for Committee review and asked for input from members.  He noted that one of the proposed changes would be a requirement to delineate wetlands if working within 100 feet of a mapped and designated wetland. He also noted the proposal to adjust the Stormwater Ordinance to a watershed approach to enforcement. Finally, he suggested that the Committee revise the Ordinance to include an appendix with an alternative green optional suggestions.  Mr. Miller suggested that the revisions to the Management Plan and the Stormwater Ordinance then be sent to the County Board for review.


Mr. Nicklas noted that he was eager to submit the Plan to the Board for approval so that the Committee could move on with the discussion.  Mr. Miller agreed but argued that it would be premature to show the Plan to the Board without the Ordinance revisions showing the consequences of the Plan.  Mr. Miller noted that municipal ordinances could be exempt from County enforcement provided the municipal ordinances were as stringent and restrictive as the County’s ordinance.  Mr. Nicklas noted that all the municipalities may agree with the intent of the Plan but would want to review any Ordinance revisions prior to adoption.


Mr. Lorence arrived at 3:25 pm. 


Mr. Nicklas stated that preparing the details of the ordinance revisions might slow the process.  Mr.Miller agreed to meeting with Mr. Lorence and craft the proposed Ordinance changes and provide them to the Committee at the next meeting.


Ms. Tobias arrived at 3:30 pm.


Mr. Nicklas expressed some reservation about enforcing changes to the Stormwater Ordinances as applied to properties that are annexed but not yet developed. 


Mr. Miller recommitted to revising the Plan and to drafting revisions to the Ordinance.


Ms. Vary asked that a better explanation be provided with the legend on the GIS system to identify which features a user is viewing.  Staff agreed to research what if any revisions could be made to the display.


Mr. Steimel asked to review an area north of Cortland.  The Committee then review the topography, wetlands, contours, and floodplain areas for the property. The Committee noted that the wetlands are off set of the aerials, staff agreed to talk to IMO about justifying the NRCS files.  The Committee concluded that the GIS system contained a significant amount of information which could be both useful and sometimes a bit confusing.

Mr. Nicklas left the meeting at 3:40 pm.


Ms. Prain asked about Phase III of the Plan which includes options for mitigating existing stormwater issues, she suggested that it appeared that regional detention was the only proposed solution and that would limit the Committee. She suggested including more localized efforts for retaining water.  Mr. Lorence also noted that features that restricted flow could also be removed.  Ms. Prain suggested that the Phase III revisions include proposing requirements for municipalities to retain stormwater.  She provided examples such as rain gardens, impermeable parking lots, etcetera.


Mr. Lorence agreed provided these features allow credit for use of new technologies provided the features can continue be maintained.  He noted that at present maintenance of existing detention features is challenging.


Mr. Miller proposed adding board language to address this concern, such as, “increasing stormwater capacity within urban areas via alternative strategies to traditional stormwater management.”


Ms. Prain also noted that the revisions to the Plan stated “stormwater” recharge areas and suggested that this be revised to “ground water”.


Mr. Lorence asked if fees or fines could be applicable to maintain features. 


Mr. Miller reiterated staff’s intent of moving to a watershed based approach by drafting revisions for the Ordinance.  


6.         Next Meeting:


After a brief discussion the Committee decided to meet on May 20, 2010 at 3pm in the Conference Room East. 


7.         Adjournment -- Mr. Lorence motioned to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Beeh, and the motion carried unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,




Paul R. Miller, AICP

Chairman, DeKalb County Stormwater Management Planning Committee




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