Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
DeKalb County Veterans Assistance Commissions

August 9, 2010

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AUGUST 9, 2010


    The meeting started at 7:00 with 9 members in attendance.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and Mike Boorsma made the motion to accept the minutes as read and this was seconded by Don Jones.  The minutes were approved.  John Davis gave the corporation financial report and currently there is $1135.12 in the account.  The report was seconded by Mike Boorsma and was approved.


     Herb Holderman gave the superintendant’s report and we helped 21 veterans with general assistance and made 8 trips to various VA hospitals.  The total expenses amounted to $7969.35.  We have used 72.8% of our budget so far.  Steve Scoughton, Tammy Anderson and Linda Drake traveled to the Aurora vet center and the Aurora clinic on July 15, and on the 28th they had an all day training class with Paulson Productions.  The county requested that we cut 5%off of our budget, but Herb cut 3%.  Mike Boorsma made the motion to present this budget to the county and it was seconded by Don Jones.  The budget will be submitted.  Mike Boorsma made the motion to pay the bills totaling $7969.35 and this was seconded by Don Jones.  The bills will be paid.  There have been 5 booths rented out for the upcoming vet fair.  The Veterans Assistance Commission will have a booth, but it was decided that the individual veteran’s organizations will not.  This year we will be focusing on jobs and health care and benefits. 


     Tentatively, we will be hosting the DeKalb County Chamber of Commerce in November.  The vet fair at the airport went very well. 


     The doll house roof is on and some of the rooms have been painted and there has been some of the wiring done.  Lee hopes to have the houses done by the first of next year.  He is doing both of the doll houses at the same time.  There was a question about Rodger Glasses remains that are still in Rockford.  Herb told us that there are still living relatives, but so far they have not released the remains. 


Mike Boorsma made the motion to adjourn at 7:45.


Respectfully Submitted


Steve Walz, Secretary



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