Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
DeKalb County Veterans Assistance Commissions

December 10, 2010

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DECEMBER 10, 2010


     The meeting started at 7:00 with President Rich Joslin calling the meeting to order. We had 10 members in attendance.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and Jon Lehuta made the motion to accept the minutes as read.  This was seconded by Don Jones.  The minutes were approved.  There was no corporation financial report.


     Superintendant Herb Holderman informed us that Hines has 25 vouchers for homeless in DeKalb County.  These vouchers would give the veterans a place to live and a job that will be paid for by the VA to help rehabilitate them.  These veterans have to go through a screening process before they are eligible for this program.  Herb also told us that we should be able to pay off the building by 2011.  Last month, the commission helped 27 veterans with healthcare and 13 with compensation.  We also made nine trips to veteran’s hospitals transporting ten veterans.  Mike Boorsma made the motion to pay the commissions bills totaling $9737.90. This was seconded by Jon Lehuta.  The motion passed.


     Frank Beierlotzer told us that the Chamber of Commerce after hours was a success.  There were 30 people signed up which is a good turnout.  The cost was about $50 and all the organizations in the building plus the 40 &8 and the DeKalb County LEPC will be paying $20 apiece.  The left over money will be used for a later event. 


     We had our elections and after some discussion, everyone will keep their same jobs.  The American Legion Auxiliary has donated 35 food baskets to needy veterans and their families.  Mike Boorsma made the motion to adjourn at 7:50.  We were adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted,


Steve Walz, Secretary 





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