Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Ad Hoc Courthouse Oversight Committee

March 23, 2011


                       Ad Hoc Courthouse Oversight Committee

                       Minutes of Meeting March 23, 2011


Chairman Tobias called the meeting to order in Conference Room East at 3:00pm. Members present were Ken Andersen, Larry Anderson, Julia Fauci, John Hulseberg, Judge Klein and Maureen Josh.  Staff present included Ray Bockman, Gary Hanson, and Jim Scheffers.  Also present were Doug Lim, Tom Leonard and Gary Spivey of Gilbane Building Company and Matt Mieves of PSA Dewberry.


The purpose of today’s meeting was to review the results of the bid opening and make a recommendation to the County Board on possible funding of alternates.  


Committee members reviewed the attached materials.  Mr. Leonard and Mr. Spivey explained that if all alternates were accepted the result would be a change in low bidders for three of the trade packages (painting, electrical and plumbing) as the bid rules define low bidder as lowest base bids plus all accepted alternates.  This change results in a higher base bid but lower overall project cost when all alternates are included.


The cost of just the alternates that were bid totaled $962,145. The higher base bids totaled $10,981,245 (rather than $10,900,434) and when the soft cost totals are added ($2,556,610) the total project total is $14,500,000 with no contingency.


The committee reviewed a recommendation from staff to allocate $500,000 of the remaining $798,831 bond proceeds to the Courthouse Expansion Project to provide for project contingencies.  This would raise the not to exceed amount from $14,500,000 to $15,000,000.


Following considerable discussion and a detailed review of the alternates that were included in the bidding it was moved by Mr. Hulseberg and seconded by Ms. Fauci to recommend to the County Board to fund all of the alternates and allocate an additional $500,000 of the remaining bond proceeds to the Courthouse Expansion Project.  The motion was carried unanimously.  The Committee adjourned following this vote.




Project Alternates                                       Cost

1. Build out Public Defender Space                     $234,508

This was part of the original project and became an alternate to see if the Project Budget could accommodate it.  Considered a very high priority by most.

2A. Build out 2nd Floor Courtroom only                $208,591

2B. Build Second Floor except Courtroom          $130,936

Alternates 2A and 2B were also part of the original project.  These two items allow the finishing of the second floor now and will avoid the higher costs and work disruptions attendant to doing this later.  Predictions are that this courtroom will be needed within five years of the opening of this expansion.

3. Increase capacity of Generator                       $262,350

This increase in capacity will allow the entire courthouse (all HVAC, lighting, elevators, etc.) to function during outages for up to 24 hours.  The original generator would have only allowed protection of the buildings fire pump/ sprinkler system and fire alarms.

4. Add security camera in existing elevator        $    2,900

This is a basic security need that was never considered in the renovation of 27 years ago.

5. New seating in high volume courtroom           $  36,000

This alternate will offer additional seating capacity as well as benches that will match the new millwork for the judge’s bench, attorney tables, circuit clerk and witness stand.  The relocated existing spectator benches from the current high volume court are showing signs of wear and do not match the new millwork.   

6. Extend elevator #2 to basement                      $  27,200

The extension of the elevator provides a second means of access to the basement for the public. This is important because if the existing elevator ever needs to be shut down there will be no way for the public to gain access to the lower without having to go through a secured space.

7. Provide epoxy flooring on lower level              $  34,750

Epoxy improves appearance, extends the life of the floor and lowers routine maintenance costs during the life of the project.

8. Provide resilient flooring at lower corridors    $    9,060

Improves appearance and lowers maintenance costs.

9. Wood base instead of rubber in A001/204        $       850

This is intended to provide a more traditional finish in the jury assembly room and the PD’s office.

10. Inlaid County Seal in terrazzo floor                 $  15,000

Centerpiece of the atrium.  Will be one of the main focal points of the in the atrium space.




DeKalb County Courthouse Expansion Project


                                                      March 23, 2011 


Project Recap and Recommendations


Project revenues:


Bond Sale Total                                                         $16,000,000

Net Proceeds                                                              $15,698,831

   Preliminary Allocations

        Courthouse Project                                           $14,500,000

        Jail Planning                                                      $     400,000

Remaining unallocated proceeds                             $     798,831


Project Expenses:

A. Low Bids w/o Alternates                                     $10,900,434

 + Soft Costs                                                               $ 2,556,610

          Sub Total                                                         $13,457,044

               + Contingency @4%                                  $    436,017

Remaining Balance                                                   $     606,939


B. Low Bids with Alternates                                    $10,981,245

         + Cost of all Alternates  (see attached)          $     962,145

           Sub Total                                                        $11.943,390

          + Soft Costs                                                      $  2,556,610

  Total Hard + Soft Costs                                          $14,500,000


          Contingency @ 4%                                          $    477,736


C. Estimated Cost of Jail Planning

       Preliminary Planning  Estimate                        $       83,508

       Schematic Design Phase                                     $     356,047

Estimated total expenses thru SD Phase                  $    439,555





  1.  Fund Courthouse Project and all alternates with existing $14,500,000 allocation.
  2.  Reserve $500,000 of remaining proceeds for Courthouse contingencies.
  3.  Add any unspent contingency funds and remaining $298,831 to the existing $400,000 Jail Planning fund.




Recommendation Recap:



Net Proceeds from Bond Sale                                             $15,698,831


Proposed Allocation of Proceeds



       Allocation to Courthouse Hard/Soft Costs                 $14,500,000

       Reserve for Courthouse Contingencies                     $     500,000

       Allocation to Jail Planning                                           $     698,831

                        Total Allocated                                             $15,698,831




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