DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the Special
Finance Committee

July 21, 2011

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July 21, 2011




Finance Committee Members Present:


Kevin Buick, Chair

Dennis Diemer, DDS

Jesus Romero

Paul Stoddard

Linda Liston, MD, Board of Health President


Finance Committee Members absent:



Staff Present:


Jane Lux, Public Health Administrator

Brenda Courtney, Director of Administrative Services


The meeting was called to order by Kevin Buick, Chairman, at 5:09 PM.




FY 2012 Health Department Budget


Mrs. Lux presented the proposed FY 2012 Health Department budget.  She explained that proposed fee increases and the salary adjustments, in accordance with the Collective Bargaining Agreement, for all employees, were assumed in the proposed budget.


There was discussion about fee increases, how to fairly assess fees, and the role of fees in the agency revenue. Mrs. Lux stated that the Environmental Health Program will study the revenue to cover the costs of the Animal Control Program over the next year, and will return to the Board of Health with data and a proposal.


Mr. Romero brought up the issue of temporary food permit vendors that do not comply with applications on a timely basis, and require additional staff time to inspect. He discussed the possibility of charging these vendors more than those in compliance. Mrs. Lux will further investigate this issue and bring it back to the full Board.


Mrs. Lux reviewed anticipated revenues and expenditures for FY2011. She explained that while we substantially reduced expenditures with the staff reductions in December 2010, revenues are projected to be lower than anticipated. Fortunately, the Department also saved additional cost to the agency as well.

Mrs. Lux reviewed projected revenue for 2012, most of which is trending down once again. She acknowledged it continues to be a very challenging economic environment.  The proposed Budget has a $159,000 deficit, and Mrs. Lux presented her proposal to address the deficit by going into the Fund Balance on a one-time-only basis to give the agency a year to work on increasing revenue. 


There was discussion about the need to continue to reduce the growth in expenditures while working on increasing revenue.


Mr. Buick made a motion to recommend the FY 2012 Health Department Budget as presented to the full Board of Health.  Mr. Stoddard seconded.  Motion passed.


FY 2012 Solid Waste Program Budget


Mrs. Lux explained the revenue and expenditures in the proposed FY 2012 Solid Waste Program Budget. Plans are to hold the same recycling events next year, and to work on adding an additional rural recycling site in the southern part of the County.


Mr. Stoddard made a motion to recommend the FY 2012 Solid Waste Program Budget as presented to the full Board of Health.  Dr. Diemer seconded.  Motion passed.


Mr. Buick moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:25 PM, and Mr. Romero seconded. The motion passed.








Kevin Buick, JD, Secretary

DeKalb County Board of Health



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