DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

January 25, 2011

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DATE: January 25, 2011




Linda Liston, MD – President

Jesus Romero – Vice President

Kevin Buick, JD - Secretary

Dennis Diemer, DVM

Tim Duez – DDS

Karen Hagen, RN, MS

Todd Latham

Scott Starkweather

Paul Stoddard



David Phillips, MD

E. Sue Thompson, RN, MS


Staff Members Present

Karen Grush, Administrator

Jane Lux, Assistant Administrator

Bette Chilton, Director of Personal Health Services

Brenda Courtney, Director of Fiscal Operations

Marcy Zanellato, Director of Health Education

Bob Drake, Director of Environmental Health

Cathleen Carlson, Acting Director of Home Care





The DeKalb County Board of Health meeting of January 25, 2011, was called to order at 7:30 PM by Dr. Linda Liston, MD, President.


Mrs. Grush introduced Cathy Carlson to the Board. Cathy is the Acting Director of Home Care.


I.          MINUTES


On a motion by Scott Starkweather, seconded by Tim Duez, the Board of Health Minutes of the Meeting for November 30, 2010, were approved.  Motion carried. 


On a motion by Kevin Buick, seconded by Scott Starkweather, the Board of Health Executive Session Meeting Minutes of November 30, 2010, were approved. Motion carried.


  1. There were no persons to be heard from the floor.




Public Health Administrator

Mrs. Grush reported that board members whose terms expired December 31st were reappointed and she welcomed them to the Board for another three years. Mrs. Grush stated that we are in the process of closing out the books for FY 2010 and we will have a final financial statement at the March meeting.

Mrs. Grush reported on our process for informing staff affected by layoff. She, Mrs. Lux and Mrs. Chilton met individually with the employees to explain the decision and to thank them for their service to the agency. She said they were very gracious and understanding, and expressed positive feedback about the Health Department as an employer.  Mrs. Grush said she felt humbled and honored by their sentiments.


Mr. Buick asked about the University of Arizona interview regarding emergency preparedness in DeKalb County. The university is nationally known in the field, and they conducted interviews regarding communication in communities with collaboration between law enforcement, public health and a major university. 


Dr. Diemer asked Mrs. Grush about the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (IMRF) and the employer’s obligations. Mrs. Grush stated that employees contribute 4.5 % of their wages and the  health department contributes 9.5%.  The County contributes an additional 1.75%. Dr. Diemer asked if we have a 401k type of retirement program. Mrs. Grush stated that we do not. 


Environmental Health

Dr. Liston asked Mr.Drake about medication disposal. He explained there are alternatives such as take-back programs to prevent these drugs from contaminating soil and sewage systems. 


Mr. Latham pointed out that the recycling flyer came too late in the paper for the event. Mr. Drake will talk to the newspaper, as they had received it well in advance. Mr. Latham asked about recycling of CFL bulbs with mercury, and Mr. Drake said that they are collected during electronics collection days. 


Mr. Buick asked Mr. Drake about hygiene and cleanliness of body art facilities, and Mr. Drake explained the inspection process.


Personal Health Services

Mrs. Chilton shared with the Board how we have implemented a public health nurse model and streamlined our services in the division.  She complimented the cooperation of all the staff during the transition. The division had a 25 % reduction in workforce, and closed the Sandwich Family Planning and Women, Infants and Children (WIC) sites. A transportation mechanism was implemented in collaboration with Trans Vac for clients that live in the Sandwich community. Mrs. Chilton also explained that we consolidated our services for Spanish-speaking clients to improve staff efficiency. Well Child Clinics ended in December. The Pediatric Services Coordinator continues to oversee the Childhood Immunizations program. In addition, she has been working in an expanded role in other areas. Restructuring has occurred in every program. Staff is adapting to the changes and continues to provide excellent service.


Mr. Latham asked how long we were in the Fox Valley Older Adult Center in Sandwich for WIC.  Mrs. Chilton said it was over 10 years. Mr. Romero asked about bilingual services and if we utilized interns or volunteers. We do not because we do not have a volunteer coordinator, which would be needed. We have a number of Spanish speaking staff that is able to meet client needs.  Our new clinic schedules better utilizes our staff.


Home Care

In lieu of a narrative report for Home Care, Mrs. Grush stated that Cathleen Carlson and the management staff are doing a great job maintaining the program in this interim period. We received guidance regarding the new federal rules and regulations for Home Care. Much time and effort will go into implementing these in 2011.



Health Education

Mrs. Zanellato reported on progress with our new website. This morning at staff meeting we were able to show the nearly finished product to staff. Many hours have gone into content development and design, both on our end and at Trittenhaus Web Design. We will be photographing Board members for the website. We anticipate residents will be able to use the website for routine questions, thus reducing staff time.




On a motion by Paul Stoddard, seconded by Todd Latham, the financial statements for the months of November and December were approved. Motion carried.


On a motion by Scott Starkweather, seconded by Tim Duez, Claims for the months of November and December were approved. Motion carried.


Mr. Latham asked about travel expenses for conferences. Mrs. Grush explained that we have reduced travel expenses over the last couple of years and staff attends only required trainings and meetings. Mr. Latham stated that webinars have become more available for cost savings purposes.


Mr. Starkweather asked about monthly reduction in salaries due to layoffs. Mrs. Grush stated we should have approximately a $35,000 per month savings in salaries and benefits.




FR & R Consulting/Home Care Division

Mrs. Grush stated that we have utilized services of FR&R Health Care Consulting out of Deerfield, IL in the past when we have gone through changes in our Home Care program.  Their clinical nurse specialist, Bonnie Kohr, spent a day in December assessing and analyzing our in- house processes and staffing. We wanted to know how to streamline and become more efficient, in addition to staffing recommendations for our caseload. Ms. Kohr’s recommendations included that, with few exceptions, we have the needed processes in place.  Her assessment was that our support staff level after layoff is adequate.  In addition, she recommended a part-time nurse position to meet our Quality Improvement needs.


Mrs. Grush stated that the next step is to have Terry Cichon, CPA, FR & R financial consultant visit our agency.  We have utilized Ms Cichon in the past, as she is very knowledgeable about the industry. In this phase, we seek to learn what we need to know and do to remain competitive. We also want to know the current standards of practice in Home Care.  It is not possible to learn this from other Home care agencies, as they do not share information. Mrs. Grush feels consultation would be completed in a day. Mrs. Grush thinks it will be a worthwhile investment, as it is critical we understand how to remain financially stable.


Proposal of New Job Classifications

Mrs. Grush presented the Director of Administrative Services job classification that combines previous responsibilities of the Director of Office Support and Director of Fiscal Operations. In addition, she reviewed the proposed Home Health Quality Improvement (QI) Nurse job classification.


On a motion by Todd Latham, seconded by Kevin Buick, the new job classifications of Director of Administrative Services and Home Health Quality Improvement Nurse were approved. Motion carried. 




Appointments of Standing Committees for 2011


Dr. Liston announced appointments as follows:


finance committee

Kevin Buick, Chair

Paul Stoddard

Jesus Romero

Dennis Diemer


bylaws committee

Scott Starkweather, Chair

Linda Liston


Dr. Liston stated all members received an email regarding their interest in serving on the Personnel Committee that will function as the Search Committee for Mrs. Grush’s replacement. Dr. Liston reported Todd Latham and Karen Hagen had agreed to serve on the committee. Three people are needed and if no one else wants to volunteer, Dr. Liston will be the third member. Paul Stoddard agreed to serve. Scott Starkweather also agreed to attend the meetings but indicated he may have a conflict and may not be able to attend all the meetings.


personnel committee

Todd Latham, Chair

Karen Hagen

Paul Stoddard

Scott Starkweather


nominating committee

Sue Thompson, Chair

Tim Duez

David Phillips


            executive committee

            Linda Liston, President

            Jesus Romero, Vice President

            Kevin Buick, Secretary


On a motion by Scott Starkweather, seconded by Jesus Romero, the 2011 Committee Appointments were approved. Motion carried.




On a motion by Kevin Buick, seconded by Todd Latham, the Board of Health moved to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing personnel, negotiations and litigation under Subsection 1, 2, 4, and 12 of Section 2c of the Open Meeting Act.


Subsection 1 pertains to, but is not limited to, the appointment, employment, compensation, of employees of the public body;


Subsection 2 pertains to, but is not limited to, collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their responsibilities;


Subsection 4 pertains to, but is not limited to, litigation, when an action against, affecting, or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed;


Subsection 12, pertains to, but is not limited to, the settlement of claims as provided in the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act.


Motion carried.


The DeKalb County Board of Health entered into closed session at 8:15 p.m. On a roll call vote, those voting yes were Dr. Linda Liston, Mr. Dennis Diemer, Dr. Tim Duez, Mrs. Karen Hagen, Mr. Todd Latham, Mr. Jesus Romero, Mr. Scott Starkweather, and Mr. Paul Stoddard.


At 8:50 PM a motion moved to enter into Open Session was made by Scott Starkweather, seconded by Jesus Romero.


Dr. Liston stated that the Board of Health is now in Open Session.


A motion to accept the salaries as discussed in Executive Session was made by Paul Stoddard, seconded by Jesus Romero. Motion Carried.


  1. correspondence and announcements


Highlights were discussed.


ViII.      Adjournment


On a motion by Scott Starkweather, seconded by Jesus Romero, the Board of Health adjourned at 8:54 PM. Motion carried.







Kevin Buick, JD, Secretary

DeKalb County Board of Health

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