Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Ad Hoc Rules Committee

January 20, 2011


Ad Hoc Rules Committee


January 20, 2011




Members Present: Julia Fullerton, Marlene Allen, John Hulseburg, Riley Oncken and Paul Stoddard

Absent: Derek Tyson

Also present: Board member Ken Anderson


The Chair called the meeting to order at 6:30p.m. and offered an overview of the Committee’s scope and suggested several topics for discussion. Mr. Stoddard moved to accept the agenda and Mr. Hulseburg seconded and the agenda was adopted unanimously. The Committee began with open discussion as to improvements for the Rules and the way in which the public accesses them.  Ken Anderson provided several items for the Committee to consider and in total the Committee raised the following issues:


Accurate Board rules: There was concern that the Rules featured on the County site did not include previously adopted ordinances amending the County Rules, nor was the website consistent with the purple County book. Further, there was concern as to the site’s ability to offer constituents search capabilities to find County Rules and Ordinances. Additionally, there are provisions in the Rules that are outdated, e.g., Board members will receive County packets via regular mail.  Provisions from other counties may also be considered as the Committee re-examines the Rules.


Clarification on existing rule provisions: Committee members indicated a need to clarify the Rules provision regarding members serving on multiple committees in excess of six years.


Meeting reduction: The Committee discussed whether there was a way to have committee meetings on a rotating basis immediately prior to the full Board meetings to promote committee attendance. It was noted that committees may not meet during full Board meetings and that the minutes and action from that committee would need to be postponed until the next full Board meeting if meetings were held in this fashion. Further, since Board members are paid per diem, the County could save additional money.


Board Chair selection: Committee members discussed the current structure for selecting a Board Chair and contrasted that against other possible methods including electing a Chair at large.


Committee reports: Committee members agreed that oral committee reports provided at Executive Committee meetings were very informative and it was suggested that similar reports be given at full Board meetings.


Remote attendance policy: Committee members agreed that the remote attendance policy needed to be evaluated and reconsidered.


Meeting cancellation procedures: Committee members also desire to formulate a provision in the rules to address this issue.


Livestreaming Board meetings: The Committee will consider livestreaming the full Board meeting via the County website and determine what will be necessary to accomplish this.


County Board member’s per diem was also discussed as was the multiple community boards that require a County Board member in their composition.  Further, a reduction in county board members was also discussed as a possible area of inquiry.  The Committee determined that it would like a listing of all outside Boards that require a County Board member.


The Committee members agreed that they would like to add Ken Anderson to the Committee roster and also to add one Democrat to the Committee. Once the Committee has its full complement of members, a vice-chair should be considered.


The Committee agreed that several meetings may be necessary to fully address all of the issues raised, and to that end Mrs. Allen moved and Mr. Stoddard seconded that the next Rules Committee meeting be scheduled for 6p.m. on February 16, 2011, the motion was adopted unanimously.  The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. by motion of Mrs. Allen with a second by Mr. Hulseburg and unanimous vote.




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