DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the Special
Forest Preserve District Proceedings

July 17, 2012

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July 17, 2012


The DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Committee met Tuesday July 17, 2012 at 6:00 pm at the Administration Bldg, Conference East.  In attendance were committee members: Ms. Fauci, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Augsburger, Mr. Deverell, Ms. Turner, Ms. DeFauw, Superintendent Hannan and Peggy Doty of the NREC and University of Illinois Extension. Ms. Fullerton arrived after the meeting was called to order and Mr. Newport was absent.



Ms. Fauci asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the June 2012 meeting. Mr. Deverell moved approval of the minutes, seconded by Ms. DeFauw and the motion passed unanimously. 



Ms. Fauci asked for an approval of the evening’s agenda.  Mr. Anderson moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Augsburger and the motion passed unanimously. 



Mr. Hannan noted that that monthly packet contained the usual reports as well as an overview of the summer camps held at the NREC (Natural Resources Education Center at Russell Woods).


He noted that he had also requested that the FY 2011 financial audit copies be mailed to the Committee members and that all Forest Preserve Commissioners will be receiving them shortly.  As per Audit the Forest Preserve District is in good financial shape.


He commented that next month will begin the process of reviewing and developing the FY13 budget and the process would continue through November.  Due to the EAV, the general levy will be approximately 10% less for the Forest Preserve District.



Ms. Fauci then gave Mr. Hannan a check for $100.00 for a tree to be planted in honor or Anita Turner’s recently married son and daughter-in-law (Keenan and Deborah) as a gift for their wedding.  The wedding had been held at the Afton Preserve and was a wonderful event. 


Ms. Fauci noted that the donation of trees, benches, etc, to the District makes wonderful gifts. She commented that she had been given a tree to be planted at Afton by local residents Herb and Irene Rubin in honor of her recent retirement.


Mr. Hannan commented that the drought conditions have required the District to water the larger, more expensive trees that were planted last fall and this spring.  The smaller less expensive plantings that do not survive will be replaced.  



Ms. Fauci noted that while attending a local garden walk, she met Janet Geisen of the Master Naturalist program who has converted her residential yard to a natural habitat. 


She then turned the floor to Ms. Doty.  Ms. Doty passed out announcements of an upcoming opportunity to join the Master Naturalist program through a series of classes that will be held in Ogle County from August through October of 2012. She noted that the programs are being sponsored by her University of Illinois Extension office in the County. 


She outlined for the Committee how the programs hour requirements will be scheduled and how projects will be partnered with appropriate local participants.  She will also be bringing in speakers from neighboring counties on specific topics and notes that she has had very strong response from individuals wishing to teach segments of the program. 


She commented that she is very anxious to have the program succeed and noted that she currently has 10 individuals signed up and 6 additional individuals very interested. 


Ms. Fauci thanked Ms. Doty for getting the program started. She noted that it has been a discussion point for some time and something that will be a great resource for the County. 


Ms. Doty then noted to the Committee that Connie Handel had carried the lion’s share of this years’ summer camp duties due to Ms. Doty’s recent surgery.  She asked the Committee to make an effort to commend Ms. Handel for having been such a great educator during this time, but also for the increases that will be occurring in her workload due to the realignment of Ms. Doty’s position with the Extension.


She added that the realignment will mean that she will be doing more traveling now that the scope of her work area spans multiple counties; but that she will continue to do everything she can to be a resource for the District.  She reiterated her request that the Committee members reach out to Ms. Handel with their thanks for her work and service. 


Ms. Fullerton arrived at this time. 


Ms. Doty closed by noting that her father, a lifelong agronomist and lover of the natural world, had recently passed away. The Committee extended their sincere condolences. 


Ms. Fauci asked if there were any additional comments from Committee members.


Mr. Deverell commented that he had recently been asked by some constituents why the Potawatomi Woods entrance to the Forest Preserve was closed.  Mr. Hannan clarified that the only area that is closed is the area that the Illinois Department of Natural Resources owns.  IDNR closes the gate at the bridge during non Hunting seasons at the IDNR owned Kishwaukee State Fish and Wildlife Ares.



Ms. Fauci then asked for a motion to enter Executive Session.  Mr. Anderson moved the Committee into executive session for the purpose of discussing potential District land acquisitions, seconded by Ms. DeFauw A roll call vote was held and the motion passed with 7 Committee members voting in the affirmative, 1 absent and none in the negative.


Following the Executive Session, Mr. Augsburger moved to return the Committee to public session, seconded by Ms. Turner. A roll call vote was held and the motion passed with 7 Committee members voting in the affirmative, 1 absent and none in the negative.



Ms. Turner moved to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Anderson. The motion passed unanimously.


 Respectfully submitted,





Julia Fauci, Chairperson

Forest Preserve District Committee



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