DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Forest Preserve Committee

September 18, 2012

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September 18, 2012

The DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Committee met Wednesday September 18th, 2012 at 6:00 pm at the County Administration Building. In attendance were committee members: Ms. Fauci, Mr. Anderson, Ms. DeFauw, Mr. Augsburger, Ms. Turner and Superintendent Hannan. Mr. Deverell was absent and Ms. Fullerton arrived after the meeting was called to order. Guests included local resident, Steve Reid. The Committee was informed that Mr. Deverrell’s 93 year old mother had passed away.

Ms. Fauci asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the July 17, 2012 meeting. Ms. DeFauw moved approval, seconded by Mr. Augsburger and the motion passed unanimously.

Ms. Fauci called for an approval of the agenda. Mr. Anderson moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Mr. Newport and the motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Hannan began by noting that there is an 8.6% decrease in the general fund due to County Assessed Value reductions. Contributions to the IMRF fund will be increased per recommendations from the Finance Office and the Auditors. He reminded the Committee that less than 1% of a County tax bill is used for Forest Preserve District purposes. For example, a house valued at $180,000 would see a Forest preserve contribution of $3.75 per month ($45.00 per year). The cropland contribution is about 26 cents per acre.

Ms. DeFauw moved to place the 2013 Budget resolution on file for public review, seconded by Mr. Augsburger. The motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Hannan reported on FY 2013 equipment purchases as well as proposed improvements to the MacQueen preserve and surface improvements the DeKalb/Sycamore trail scheduled for 2013. Discussions were also held regarding the state of the Wetland Bank and plans for a future bank that are in progress.

Mr. Hannan then reported on the closing of the 55 acre Hoppe floodplain farm purchase. The NRCS/WRP partnership on this acquisition saved the Forest preserve $242,000 in acquisition costs.
Taking many years to complete the sale, the District now holds full title to the location which is now called the Hoppe Heritage Farmstead, 1835 Miller-Ellwood Cabin and South Branch Prairie.

Mr. Hannan noted that the Sycamore High School Cross Country Team holds their practices at the Afton Preserve, and recently held their second annual 8 team invitational. Sycamore Coach Lambdin said that the Afton rolling terrai and great trails is considered one of the best places to run cross country and other area coaches agree.

There are a number of upcoming volunteer day and Fall Walk events listed on the District website along with scheduled nature photography and environmental classes available to the public.
The Annual “Jeff’s Trees” event is always scheduled for the Columbus Day weekend with tree plantings being done at Merritt Prairie this year. The Jeff’s Trees Group donates money for trees and benches and are great young and old volunteers in this family tree planting event.

Mr. Hannan noted the new “Prairie Oaks” forest preserve on Cherry Valley Rd. will be open on October 12th. This 43 acre nature area has prairie, oak savannah, forest, fen. wetland, pond, and stream habitats. Land restoration work, mostly in the oak savannah and prairie areas, is still in progress. The parking lot is completed, hiking and cross country ski trails are established, along with picnic areas, interpretive trail signage and handicap access trail. A $200,000 grant from the Illinois Clean Energy Foundation helped acquire this land. The Conservation Foundation was also an important partner in this preservation effort.

Ms. Fauci commended Mr. Hannan and his staff on the quick repair that was done to the damaged area of the Peace Road trail that occurred recently and more patching of the rough areas on trail are scheduled for this year. Additionally, she commended Ms. Fullerton for her efforts on the “Go Green” issue. She noted that it will be up to the Committee’s discretion where it will be best placed. Ms. Supple was asked for recommendations regarding placement as well. Ms. Fauci noted that Ms. Fullerton deserves a great deal of credit for the work she has put into this program.

Ms. Fauci then recognized local citizen Steve Reid who wished to discuss the historical restoration of the 1835 Miller-Ellwood cabin. He had previously been speaking about this with Mr. Hannan and Mr. Prain. It was noted that that the Ellwood House had recommended a professional cabin restorer who the District has worked with so far, but that it might be a better approach to consider a local committee to oversee the details of historical representation of the doors and windows and furnishings.

Mr. Reid noted that what was exciting to him about the project is that this cabin represents the structures that existed before the prairie land was first plowed or the railroads came through. He feels this time period is not really well represented in museums. He noted that what exhibits do exist often contain inaccurate structures or details. He notes that while he recognizes he does not have a right to dictate the correct choices, he feels he could offer some valuable advice. He especially is concerned that the doors and windows be handled correctly. He asked what the nature and make up of a Cabin Committee as envisioned by the Forest Preserve Committee would be. Who would be asked to serve and would the members be volunteers and they would be expected to fund-raise for the Cabin.

Ms. Fauci commented that she frequently hears at Statewide Forest Preserve District meetings, that attractions like the historical Cabin and Farmstead can be very valuable resources for the Preserves. She went on to review the history and details of the Cabin acquisition, beginning by noting that this particular cabin was unfortunately initially compromised by having been enclosed by another structure. Restorationist Tim Kilby was then contracted to assist forest preserve staff and volunteers with the taking down and taking apart and rebuilding of the original structure. During the process, since the cabin is intended for use by the District, some accommodations had to be made regarding current County building codes. She reminded the Committee that the Cabin was first offered to the DeKalb Park District prior to being offered to the County. Fundraising efforts were undertaken by Mr. Hannan to assist with restoration costs those efforts paid for a great share of the costs incurred.

Ms. Fauci noted that it is possible that the windows may be changed to better reflect the time period. A discussion then followed regarding what windows should then be used and why. One issue raised by Mr. Reid was the trim. He noted that the trim should be put on with square nails and using a rougher looking wood. He then presented the Committee with pictures of 1835 period windows, doors and hearths illustrating his views.

A question was then raised regarding how far the Committee wishes to go regarding achieving complete historical accuracy of the cabin. Ms. DeFauw noted that she believes there should be efforts to make the cabin as accurate historically as is feasible. Mr. Anderson asked who owns the cabin. Ms. Fauci and Mr. Hannan responded that the cabin is completely owned by the Forest Preserve District.

Ms. Fauci and Mr. Newport noted that this issue should be placed as an agenda item for the October meeting. Mr. Reid presented a list of the things that would have been in an accurate 1835 era cabin in this area. Ms. DeFauw suggested that a framework be established of all the issues that needed to be addressed.

Ms. Fauci then asked for a motion to enter Executive Session. Mr. Anderson moved to take the Committee into executive session, seconded by Mr. Newport. A roll call vote was held and the motion passed with 7 Committee members voting in the affirmative, none in the negative and 1 absent.

Following the Executive Session, Ms. DeFauw moved to return the Committee to public session, seconded by Mr. Anderson. A roll call vote was held and the motion passed with 7 Committee members voting in the affirmative, none in the negative and 1 absent.

Mr. Augsburger moved to adjourn, seconded by Ms. Fullerton. The motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,


Julia Fauci, Chairperson
Forest Preserve District Committee


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