DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

May 22, 2012

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DATE: May 22, 2012




Kevin Buick, JD - President

Todd Latham - Secretary

Dennis Diemer, DVM

Tim Duez - DDS

Roger Faivre

Ronald Feldmann, MD

Karen Hagen, RN, MS

Christina Jones, RN, MS



Andria Mitchell

Paul Stoddard - Vice President

David Phillips, MD

Staff Members Present

Jane Lux, Assistant Administrator

Bette Chilton, Director of Personal Health Services

Brenda Courtney, Director of Administrative Services

Greg Maurice, Director of Environmental Health

Lisa Hardcastle, Director of Home Care

Marcy Zanellato, Director of Health Education and Emergency Preparedness






The DeKalb County Board of Health meeting of May 22, 2012, was called to order at 7:34 pm by Kevin Buick, President.




Full Board


On a motion by Karen Hagen, seconded by Todd Latham, the Board of Health Minutes of the Meeting for March 22, 2012, were approved. Motion carried. 


On a motion by Roger Faivre, seconded by Dr. Tim Duez, the Board of Health Executive Session Minutes of the Meeting for March 22, 2012, were approved. Motion carried. 


Personnel Committee


On a motion by Karen Hagan, seconded by Todd Latham, the Personnel Committee Minutes of the Meeting for May 8, 2012, were approved. Motion carried. 




As there were none, Mr. Buick moved to Division Reports.


Division Reports


Public Health Administrator - Jane Lux


Mrs. Lux stated there are still many unknowns regarding grant funding for the new fiscal year that starts July 1, 2012 due to the state financial crisis. We have received funding notification of only a third of our grants.


Mrs. Lux reported on progress to establish a permanent lease agreement with KishHealth System for Community Cares Clinic (CCC) to use clinic space two to three days per week. In addition, we held meetings with CCC regarding our proposal to assist with immunizations for CCC patients receiving well child and school physical exams. 


With regret, Mrs. Lux announced the resignation of Bette Chilton, Director of the Personal Health Services (PHS) Division, effective June 22, 2012. Mrs. Chilton accepted the position of Dean of Health and Education/Director of Nursing at Kishwaukee College. This will be a tremendous loss to the Health Department.  The PHS Division comprises forty-five percent of our staff. Mrs. Lux thanked Mrs. Chilton for her excellent leadership. While she will be missed, we wish her well.


We recently learned that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) review of our Emergency Preparedness grants will be on-site on June 7, 2012. While this represents extensive work and preparation, Mrs. Lux expressed confidence our programs will compare very favorably to expectations.


On April 30th, Richard Peelo completed our Medicare Cost Report for Home Care. Mr. Peelo, a Medicare Cost Report preparer throughout the state, reported that his other Health Department Home Care clients are experiencing a decrease in revenue of twenty-five percent, and many are worried about their future. Our caseload held throughout the winter but began dipping in March. Home Care revenue is down for the first four months of the year. Fortunately, our expenses are also lower than last year.


Environmental Health - Greg Maurice


Mr. Maurice reported on a very successful electronics recycling event held on April 14th. This was the largest event to date, collecting approximately one hundred and nine thousand pounds (109,574) of e-waste. Mr. Maurice and Mrs. Springmire had meetings with Environmentally Responsible Company (ERC) and several municipalities regarding setting up monthly e-waste recycling in municipalities throughout the County. In addition to electronics, ERC will take cardboard, batteries and white goods.  Once Municipal contracts are in place, the Health Department will serve as a clearinghouse for information and referral.


Personal Health Services - Bette Chilton


Mrs. Chilton reported on our collaboration with Community Cares Clinic (CCC) to increase our capacity to provide childhood immunizations. We continue to have a very positive response to our Women, Infants and Children (WIC) walk in clinics. We are exceeding utilization targets, and staff has also responded positively. One additional efficiency realized has been fewer phone calls and no shows.


In closing, Mrs. Chilton stated it has been an honor and a pleasure working for the Health Department. She stated that while she was not seeking another job, when the opportunity at Kishwaukee College came about, she could not pass, as she is passionate about nursing education like she is about public health.  Mrs. Chilton expressed appreciation for her experience and the value that she would take with her. She also stated she was proud to be part of the Health Department and Board of Health.


Home Care - Lisa Hardcastle


Mrs. Hardcastle showcased our excellent patient satisfaction data that compares very favorably to the State of Illinois, largely attributable to the work of the home care staff. Mrs. Hardcastle then reviewed our Acute Care Hospitalization Rate, and the data distinctions. The Home Care staff works on implementing interventions and making adjustments to positively impact this measure. Mrs. Hardcastle reported on the Quality/Education Coordinator vacancy, and adjustments the management team made to redistribute work and responsibilities.


Health Education - Marcy Zanellato


Mrs. Zanellato highlighted our Start Spring with a Smile smoking cessation campaign that began in March in conjunction with our Illinois Tobacco-Free Communities (ITFC) grant. Ninety people have signed up for the Break the Habit program since July 2011.


Mrs. Zanellato reported on our severe weather drill using the “Everyday Use Model”. CDC recognizes the Everyday Use Model, which takes the best practices of emergency planning to sharpen skills and improve proficiency. We utilized incident command structure and drill processes, including use of hand-held radios. In addition, she and Mrs. Lux met with County department heads who agreed to fulfill command roles and responsibilities during a medication dispensing emergency response. This approach significantly increases our critical incident command management resources.


Financial Data


Dr. Tim Duez moved to approve the Financial Statements for March and April 2012, seconded by Christina Jones. Motion carried.


Dr. Ronald Feldmann moved to approve the Claims for April and May 2012, seconded by Dr. Tim Duez. Motion carried.




  1. Annual Administrative Review of Home Care Division-Lisa Hardcastle


Mrs. Lux stated that an Annual Administrative Review is a requirement of Medicare- certified home care agencies. We covered the financial elements at the March meeting. Financial and utilization data, updated yearly, is included. Mrs. Hardcastle gave highlights of program accomplishments over the past year.


Highlights included implementation of new regulations in 2012 such as the “Face to Face” requirement and new rules and regulations regarding therapy. The program also implemented case management meetings with contracted therapists to improve overall patient care coordination.



Other initiatives included staff committees to work on nurse orientation and to address supply management, initiation of OASIS online training to standardize assessment and improve quality measures, work to decrease the Acute Care Hospitalization rate, and work that has improved patient satisfaction scores that are now publicly reported.


Mrs. Hardcastle shared a sample of a monthly program newsletter she developed to facilitate communication.  She will be reporting on additional policy updates at future meetings.


  1. Animal Control Funding Study


The Board of Health seeks to reduce reliance on rabies dog tag fees for compliant dog owners to fund the Animal Control Program. Mrs. Lux and Mr. Maurice conducted a study over the last year to investigate other funding options. Historically, we have raised the dog tag fee approximately one dollar every other year. We sought alternatives that would reduce the burden on responsible dog owners.


With the assistance of County Animal Controls of Illinois (CACI), we conducted a statewide survey of animal control programs in the spring of 2012. Findings showed there are three primary sources of revenue to fund animal control programs. We are consistent with other programs in that rabies tag fees support the largest proportion of program costs. The other two primary sources of revenue were taxes and charges to municipalities. Mrs. Lux reviewed the survey data.


Many programs board dogs and adopt out dogs, both of which generate revenue, but that is not our model. While there is wide variation in fees, most programs (74 percent of those surveyed) charge differential fees for altered and unaltered dogs. Our current fees fall in the middle of the range.


Mrs. Lux presented recommendations for consideration. The first is to implement differential fees for altered and unaltered dogs. According to our data base, seventy-five (75) percent of registered dogs are altered and twenty-five (25) percent are unaltered. This approach provides an incentive for dog owners to comply with spay and neuter, a strategy to reduce both strays and rabies incidence.


The second recommendation is for a relinquishment of ownership fee, consistent with our animal shelter.


Future considerations include additional county tax support and investigation of charges to municipalities.  


Following discussion, Todd Latham moved to approve the Animal Control recommendations for 2013, seconded by Roger Faivre. Motion carried.


  1. Vital Records Fee Change


Mrs. Lux reported on a new state law that requires an additional $2.00 fee to be collected for each certified death record issued, effective July 1, 2012. The revenue will fund the state Cemetery Oversight Licensing and Disciplinary Fund. This increases our fees from $15 to $17 for the first certified copy of a death record and $10 to $12 for additional certified copies. Mr. Latham asked if the County Clerk fees are tied to ours and Mrs. Lux said that they are.


Todd Latham moved to approve the fee changes for Vital Records effective July 1, 2012, seconded by Christina Jones. Motion carried.




  1. Revision of Director Job Description


Mrs. Lux presented a revised Director of Health Education job description that incorporates the position responsibilities for emergency preparedness grants and activities. The new title is Director of Health Education and Emergency Preparedness, and the proposed salary range is commensurate with responsibilities and the other director position with commensurate qualification requirements. The change has no financial impact at this time.


Dr. Tim Duez moved to approve revisions to the job description, including salary range as presented, seconded by Dr. Ronald Feldmann. Motion carried.


  1. June Meeting (Informational)


Mrs. Lux surveyed Board members for availability for an additional meeting in June in the event it may be needed. The Board may convene on Tuesday, June 26th, and Mrs. Lux will be in contact with members to confirm.




At 8:42 pm, Dr. Ronald Feldmann moved, seconded by Todd Latham, to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing (1) Home Care decisions as they relate to collective negotiating matters under Subsection Number 2, (2) annual performance evaluation of the Public Health Administrator under Subsection Number 1 and (3) continued employment of administrative consultant under Subsection Number 1, all of Section 2 (c) of the Open Meetings Act. Motion carried.


On a roll call vote, those voting yes were Kevin Buick, Dr. Dennis Deimer, Dr. Tim Duez, Roger Faivre, Dr. Ronald Feldmann, Karen Hagen, Christina Jones, Todd Latham.  


Christina Jones moved to reconvene to Open Session, seconded by Dr. Tim Duez. Motion carried.


At 9:46 pm, Kevin Buick stated that the Board of Health is now in Open Session.


On a motion by Karen Hagen, seconded by Dr. Ronald Feldmann, the Board of Health recommended a two percent salary increase, effective July 1, 2012, for Jane Lux, Public Health Administrator, consistent with the salary increase all employees received. Motion carried. 


On a motion by Dr. Dennis Diemer, seconded by Todd Latham, the Board of Health moved to continue employment of the administrative consultant, in accordance with the rules for employment under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, through June 30, 2013. Motion carried. 


On a motion by Roger Faivre, seconded by Dr. Tim Duez, the Board of Health moved to authorize Mrs. Lux to convey concepts discussed to KishHealth System in efforts to continue to pursue opportunities to best serve the citizens of DeKalb County. Motion carried. 


Correspondence and NEWS


Mrs. Lux highlighted the article in the Communicator Xpress announcing Mrs. Hardcastle’s term as President of the Illinois Homecare & Hospice Council, effective March 2012. Also, Mrs. Lux reported on communication she had with Representative Pritchard regarding his support of the proposed cigarette tax in order to move the Medicaid reform bill forward.




On a motion by Todd Latham, seconded by Dr. Ronald Feldmann, the Board of Health adjourned at 9:50 pm. Motion carried.





Todd Latham, Secretary

DeKalb County Board of Health




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