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DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Health & Human Services Committee

September 10, 2012

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September 10, 2012



The Health & Human Services Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, September 10, 2012, @ 6:30p.m. In the Administration Building’s Conference Room East. Chairman Stoddard called the meeting to order. Members present were Ms. DeFauw, Mr. Emerson, Mr. Metzger, Sr., and Mr. Tyson. Ms. Allen was absent. Others present were Ms. Donna Moulton, Cynthia Luxton and Cheryl Brauer.

It was moved by Ms. Allen, seconded by Mr. Tyson, and carried to approve the minutes from August 2012. Mr. Emerson abstained as he was not at the meeting last month.


It was moved by Ms. DeFauw, seconded by Mr. Tyson, and carried unanimously to approve the agenda.

Ms. Donna Moulton, Director of DeKalb County Community Services Department, gave an update on her department. She stated that the department is working on completing the Community Assessment Plan for FY2013 funding cycle. She will be holding an administrative meeting on September 24, 2012 at which the Community Action Plan and their work programs will be approved She said that DeKalb County has a larger percentage of poverty than the State. That’s good and bad, but the good part is that we will receive additional funding in the amount of $39,000. They will be submitting the same work plans as last year plus three new programs that they introduced this year: the social living group at Golden Years Plaza, the tax clinic, and the Community Gardens. The last is contributing about a hundred of pounds of vegetables to local food pantries each week.

The department will add some sort of work program involving Evergreen Village, but she does not know yet what that will look like. They are continuing with the outreach program site in the northern and southern parts of the county. She has been working with the National Community Action Foundation to put out a reauthorization for the Community Services Block Grant.

The senior tax levy is looking at a $45,000 decrease for next year. Agencies are using their allocations, she said.

Ms. Moulton said that we used to get $54,000 for the Homeless Prevention funding, but now it has been cut to $7,500. She did say, however, that there are rumors of a slight increase to that number, but she does not know for sure yet.

With regards to the FEMA Phase 30 funding, the last phase is completed with only one compliance issue. They are still waiting to hear from FEMA on our funding allocation, but they are certain of a decrease.

Ms. Moulton, speaking as Director of the Mental Health 708 Board updated the committee on the department and introduced Ms. Cynthia Luxton, President of the Mental Health 708 Board and fellow board member Ms. Cheryl Brauer. Ms. Moulton passed out to the committee a booklet which represents the agencies that the 708 Board is serving. The booklet gives an understanding of how the agencies are being impacted by funding, regulations, etc. Ms. Moulton said that this handout also shows that they really do need more funding to support our agencies going forward.

Ms. Cynthia Luxton said that for the last couple of years the Mental Health Board has asked the County Board to look at an increase in funding. They are going on their fifth year of not having an increase and they have lost funding over that same time period. They have lost $83,266.00 since 2008. Combining that number and the increased need of the agencies, they have seen a total loss of over $800,000.00 for our agencies, she said. They have tightened funding and agencies are cutting staff and running on bare bones. There isn’t much left to cut back now and there is a continued demand of services because of the economy, unemployment, and now people being displaced in terms of housing. They have funded almost every request so far that they could and went into their reserves to do this. Ms. Luxton said that they need something to help sustain these services. She hopes that they get some help with what they are asking for. Based on the tax cap the most amount that the 708 Board could receive is $80,000 she believes. She did mention that their proposed budget is $2,310,000.00, of which almost $2,000,000.00 goes to the agencies.

Chairman Stoddard said that he spoke with Mr. Hanson and other people on the county board about increasing funding for the board and requested that if there are real, identifiable needs that are not being met because of funding situations, the 708 Board should let the committee know of them.

It was moved by Mr. Metzger, Sr., and seconded by Mr. Tyson, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,

Chairman Paul Stoddard

Mary C. Supple, Secretary

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