DeKalb County IL  Government Seal

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Law & Justice Committee

June 18, 2012

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June 18, 2012



The Law and Justice Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, June 18, 2012 at 4:30p.m. in the Gilbane Building Company Office.  Chairman Marlene Allen called the meeting to order.  Members present were Ken Andersen,  Stephen Reid and Anita Turner.  Mr. Oncken and Mr. Tyson were not present.  A quorum was present.  Others present were Rick Schmack, Jeff Engelhardt, Margi Gilmour, Judge Robin Stuckert and Ray Bockman.





Moved by Mr. Andersen, seconded by Ms. Turner, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from May 2012.





Moved by Ms. Turner, seconded by Mr. Andersen, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda.




Ms. Regina Harris, DeKalb County’s Public Defender, was not present but the committee did place her report on file.  Chairman Allen said that if anyone had any questions pertaining to her report to please contact Ms. Harris at her office.




Ms. Gilmour, Court Services Director, said that they had one new placement at Focus House, which was one young man.  Of the two children that they have in placement there, they were hoping to transition one young man out soon, but it is not working out so well.  She is not sure how much longer he will be in placement there. 


They received $1500 for the Safe House from the Sycamore Township last month, Ms. Gilmour said. 


As far as detention goes, there were 5 detainees with 2 for the 1st time, 1 for the second time and 1 that was detained twice for the 9th and 10th time. 


She said that there are 3 kids in the Safe House as of today, two females and one male.  One of these kids will probably transition into the independent living part of the home, Ms. Gilmour said.




Chairman Allen said that the Jail Report reflects that the average daily population for the county jail has gone down for the month of April 2012.   She encouraged the committee to call Sheriff Scott if they had any questions with his report. 



Chairman Allen said that the committee will be sending one resolution to the full board for support of the drug court program this month.  She said that the State’s Attorney has been invited to any meeting and he has chosen not to attend. But she attended and several other committee members and county board members attended the Drug Court Graduation.  Chairman Allen further stated that if anyone has one question about the Drug Court Program then they need to come to the Graduation and listen to the people who say that this program has saved their lives.  It is such a good thing.


Judge Stuckert said that she will be meeting again with the committee to talk about the 23rd Judicial Circuit’s rules and regulations.   They are reviewing the Seal for the County and the 23rd District currently.  Things are going smoothly.  She informed the committee that there will be six full time judges beginning this December with the creation of the 23rd.  There will be two criminal judges then.  She hopes with this many judges it will help with the backlog of cases and jury trials.




The committee then went on a tour of the Courthouse Expansion project jointly with the Ad Hoc Courthouse Committee and adjourned.




Moved by Ms. Turner, seconded by Mr. Oncken, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.



                                                                        Respectively submitted,




                                                                        Marlene Allen, Chairman




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