DeKalb County IL  Government Seal

DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
Law & Justice Committee

March 19, 2012

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March 19, 2012



The Law and Justice Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Monday, March 19, 2012 at 6:30p.m. in the DeKalb County Administration Building’s Conference Room East.  Vice-Chairman Anita Turner called the meeting to order.  Members present were Ken Andersen, Riley Oncken and Stephen Reid.  Mr. Tyson and Ms. Allen were absent.  Others present were Margi Gilmour Sheriff Roger Scott, Marilyn Stromborg, Chief Deputy Gary Dumdie and Judge Stuckert.



Moved by Mr. Oncken, seconded by Mr. Reid, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from January 2012.



Vice-Chairman Turner moved up the Jail Report and Discussion on Squad Cars to item #3a.

Moved by Mr. Reid, seconded by Mr. Andersen, was it was carried unanimously to approve the amended agenda.



Sheriff Scott first presented Mr. Stephen Reid, county board member, with a plaque for Mr. Reid completing the Citizens Academy. 


Sheriff Scott then explained to the committee that County Board Chairman Anderson had received a complaint from a local dealership about the Sheriff’s Department doing state bids for vehicles instead of local.  Sheriff Scott explained that every cycle his department buys a few squad cars and that the State bids are always the lowest bid along with the fact that they save the County a lot of money when they purchase cars.  He will, however, include local dealers when he puts the bid out again.  He believes that they will need to purchase twenty new squad cars at that time.  The cars usually will last the department about ten years.


He then briefly stated that the Jail Report showed the average daily population in February 2012 of 136 inmates.



Judge Stuckert informed the committee members that beginning December 2012 the County of DeKalb will now be included in the 23rd Judicial District along with Kendall County. Kane County will now just be in the 16th Judicial Circuit.  Because of this her office has been negotiating with Kane County and Kendall regarding existing contracts to see if they need to start fresh with the 23rd District included in the wording.  The opening day for all judges to be sworn in again under the new 23rd District will be held on December 23, 2012.  Court Services personnel will all be sworn in, too that day.    



Ms. Stromborg presented the committee with her Report for 2011 regarding the Drug and DUI Court highlights (attached to these minutes).  She said that under Drug Court Referrals running from October 2006 to April 2011, there  were 179 referrals made or an average of 3.3 per month; the majority of the referrals were between the ages of 22 – 27 years olds; 73.7% were male, 78.8% (141) were white; 14% (25) were African; and 4.5% (8) were Hispanic.  Possession of drugs was the most common charge (19.6%); second was theft (12%) and third was drug paraphernalia (9.1%).  The primary drug of choice was marijuana (31.1%); 2nd choice was crack (18.5%) and third choice was heroin (15.9%). 


She also said that 64 out of 179 referrals were accepted into the drug court.  At the May measurement point (current in program) the average age is 28.1 years old; 21 males and 7 females; 22 white, 3 African-American, 2 Hispanic and 1 American Asian.  Common charges were burglary – residential burglary and possession of drugs.  The Average length of time to enter the program was 24.9 days. 


Regarding the comparison between those denied and those admitted, the primary drugs of choice for admitted were:  heroin, cocaine, crack and RX drug while those denied were:  alcohol, cocaine, LSD, Methamphetamine, ecstasy and marijuana. 




Ms. Gilmour, Court Services Director, said that the Adult Report shows that there were 24 new active adult cases added.  The CRS hours ordered for February 2012 totaled 11,089 hours, with 5,057 CRS hours being completed.


With regard to the Juvenile Report, there were 3 detainees, with 2 kids for the 1st time, and 1 kid for the 8th time.


Ms. Gilmour said that she would be bringing a copy of the new Multi-Systemic Therapy contract with her next month to share with the committee.  There will be only a little bit of language changed in the contract. There will be no cost increase.  She said that she had Mr. Bockman, County Administrator, review the contract first and he felt that she did not need a resolution for this contract and that the Chairman of Board would need to sign it.  Overall, she is very pleased with this program.


The committee asked Ms. Gilmour how many kids have gone through this program?


Ms. Gilmour said 8 kids. 


Ms. Gilmour also informed the committee that she would be bringing the new Juvenile Justice Center Contract next month.  There will be a flat fee increase for everyone to pay, including Kane, Kendall and DeKalb Counties, equal to  $100 a day, but that the 6 beds assigned for our County’s use remains the same. 


Mr. Reid brought up an advisory referendum from an article that he read about in the NACo County news regarding jails.  The committee asked Mr. Reid to bring a resolution back to the committee next month regarding this issue so that they can begin the discussion on it.




The Public Defender was not present so Chairman Allen encouraged the committee to call Ms. Harris if they had any questions regarding her monthly report.




Moved by Mr. Oncken, seconded by Mr. Andersen, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.



                                                                        Respectively submitted,




                                                                        Marlene Allen, Chairman




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