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DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the Stormwater
Management Planning Committee

December 6, 2012

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December 6, 2012

The DeKalb County Stormwater Management Planning Committee (SMPC) met on December 6, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. in the DeKalb County Administrative Building, Conference Room East, in Sycamore, Illinois. In attendance were Committee members Tom Thomas, Pat Vary, John Laskowski, Bill Lorence, Norm Beeh, Paul Miller, Joe Misurelli, Ken Andersen, Roger Steimel, and Donna Prain. Also in attendance were Rebecca Von Drasek, Deanna Doohaluk, and Anita Zurbrugg.

1. Roll Call -- Mr. Miller noted that Committee members Joel Maurer, Norm Beeh, and Mark Biernacki were absent.

2. Approval of Agenda – Mr. Lorence moved to approve the agenda, seconded by Ms. Vary, and the motion carried unanimously.

3. Approval of Minutes -- Mr. Misurelli moved to approve the minutes of the August 30, 2012 meeting, seconded by Ms. Prain, and the motion carried unanimously.

4. Watershed Plan

Mr. Miller provided the Stormwater Management Planning Committee (SMPC) with a brief history of the 319 grant application. He pointed out that at its meeting of August 30, 2012 the Committee agreed to pursue, in cooperation with the DeKalb County Community Foundation, a Section 319 grant from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) to undertake a watershed study. The watershed under consideration is the headwaters of the East Branch of the South Branch of the Kishwaukee River. At that meeting, it was explained that an alternative to the regular schedule of 319 funding was possible, in the form of funds that remain from a US EPA grant to IEPA from a previous fiscal year. The alternate funding was conditionally offered for the watershed study, but with a deadline of September 1, 2013 by which time the funds must be spent. Deanna Doohaluk of Hey and Associates explained that deadline would be insufficient time to carry out all the tasks that are part of the proposed watershed study. However, it was agreed that a request would be made to IEPA to extend the deadline for use of the funds, with the understanding that such extension could only be granted by the US EPA.

On October 5, the County was notified by IEPA that it had been granted an extension by US EPA to an end date of July 15, 2014. Hey & Associates subsequently confirmed that the watershed study could be completed by the new deadline. On November 9, the County received a Financial Assistance Agreement for signature, which was duly returned to IEPA on November 14. Finally, on November 16, County staff received a facsimile copy of the Offer and Acceptance sheet signed by the Director of IEPA and the County Board Chairman.

Mr. Miller said that the Committee and Community Foundation are now ready to kick-off the watershed plan. Per the agreement at the start of this process, Hey & Associates, in partnership with Baxter Woodman, will provide the bulk of the services. A contract has been prepared for review by the Committee and signature by the County Board Chairman.

Mr. Miller relayed comments from Gary Hansen, DeKalb County Administrator, including a requested clause absolving the County of payment responsibility for any reimbursement claim rejected by the IEPA. Mr. Hansen also asked about the deliverables upon completion of the watershed plan, and noted a typo in the numbering of the tasks.

Mr. Miller stated that the County would need 15 hard copies to provide to Committee members.

Ms. Doohaluk agreed to discuss the first item with her legal department. She said that DeKalb County would own the electronic version of the plan, however, the cost of creating hard copies of the plan was not included within the Hey proposal.

The Committee briefly discussed the need for hard copies and confirmed that the electronic version should be adequate to create hard copies.

Mr. Beeh arrived at 3:06 p.m.

Ms. Vary pointed out that the numbering of the tasks within the proposal was incorrect.

The Committee briefly discussed the type of tasks that need to be accomplished in advance of the progress report due to the IEPA on January 15, 2013.

Ms. Zurbrugg confirmed that Hey and Associates would send the reports to the IEPA. Ms. Doohaluk agreed.

Mr. Miller also noted that the Committee should begin identifying the members of the Watershed Review Committee. He explained his vision of the committee consisting of “stakeholders” that have direct or indirect interests in the content of the eventual watershed plan. Mr. Miller observed that the Watershed Review Committee will help direct the watershed plan project under the oversight of the Committee. Mr. Miller said that Anita Zurbrugg of the Community Foundation has begun compiling a list of possible individuals and organizations that should be members or have representation on the Watershed Review Committee. Mr. Miller invited Committee members to identify all of the potentially affected interests and finalize the list of Watershed Review Committee members.

Following a brief discussion the Committee decided that the Watershed Review Committee would be structured with a Steering Committee, a Working Group, and a Technical Advisory Committee. The Steering Committee would have nine members, the Working Group would be made up of all interested persons and organizations identified within the watershed list, and the Technical Advisory Committee would be made up of engineers and water scientists to review data for the consultants.

The Committee then discussed the list of the Working Group members. It was suggested that IDOT be included.

Mr. Andersen suggested Kishwaukee College be included in the Working Group.

Ms. Zurbrugg suggested adding the “Live Healthy Initiative” list to the Working Group.

Mr. Miller agreed to consolidate the list with the Committee’s suggestions.

Mr. Miller also agreed to contact Joan Hanson regarding the creation of a web page for the project.

The Committee discussed the importance of the Technical Advisory Committee for reviewing of data included within the Watershed plan. The Committee members offered names of a few local engineering firms whom would be capable of reviewing data.

The Committee agreed on the Steering Committee members: Paul Miller, Anita Zurburgg, Nathan Schwartz, Donna Prain, Dean Johnson, Roger Steimel, and one representative each from Kane County, Maple Park, and Sycamore. The Committee decided that the Steering Committee will then report to the Stormwater Committee on their progress.

Mr. Miller stated that County staff would compile the list for the Working Group, and make calls to invite the suggested members of the Steering Committee. Staff will also reach out to the suggested members of the Technical Advisory Committee.

Ms. Zurburgg said that the DeKalb County Community Foundation funds were to be distributed to the County before the end of the year. The Committee agreed that this was desirable because it would allow the County to have a running balance to cover the cost of the project.

5. Next Meeting:

The Committee decided to meet in March of 2013 following the first report to the IEPA and to allow the Steering Committee to meet, which was tentatively set for January 9, 2013.

6. Adjournment -- Mr. Andersen motioned to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Laskowski, and the motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,


Paul R. Miller, AICP
Chairman, DeKalb County Stormwater Management Planning Committee



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