Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
DeKalb County Veterans Assistance Commissions

July 9, 2012

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JULY 9, 2012


The meeting started with President Rich Joslin calling the meeting to order.  There were 14 members in attendance.  Frank Beierlotzer led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and Don Jones made the motion to accept the minutes as read and this was seconded by Frank Beierlotzer.  The minutes were approved.  John Davis gave the corporation treasurer’s report and Don Made the motion to accept the report and this was seconded by Victor Ingram.  The report was approved.  Governor Quinn signed a law to increase hiring veterans and to grow jobs in Illinois.


     Herb Holderman gave the superintendents report.  The commission helped 35 veterans with food, 27 with shelter and 20 with utilities.  We transported 21 veterans to various VA hospitals.  We also helped 3 veterans receive $4816.00 in monthly benefits and $45,275.00 in retro pay.  The commission spent $38,981.41 for the month.


     Frank handed out materials on Kishwaukee Fest and urged us to participate in all the events, especially the motorcade and the stop at Oak Crest to honor the veterans living there.  Also veterans will be honored at the DeKalb County Liners baseball game.  He also told us about the American Legions’ annual picnic and flag disposal at the Chief Shabbona Forest Preserve on July 19th.


     Victor Ingram made the motion to pay the commission’s bills and this was seconded by Don Jones.  The bills will be paid.  Steven Scoughton has been talking to the McHenry County VAC about their dental plan.  They had been paying for catastrophic dental work such as someone who had no teeth.  However another organization has been taking care of this so they have not been doing this for a couple of years.  We will be seeing if anyone else in the county is providing dental help to veterans.  State Representative Bob Pritchard is creating a Veterans’ Advisory Committee and the first meeting will be in late August.  We are encouraged to attend. 


     Steve Walz made the motion to adjourn at 7:40, and this was seconded by Don.  We were adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted,


Steve Walz, Secretary




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