Official County Seal of DeKalb Illinois County Government
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the
DeKalb County Veterans Assistance Commissions

June 11, 2012

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JUNE 11, 2012


     The meeting started at 7:05 with Vice-President Jim Cox calling the meeting to order.  There were 10 members in attendance.  Jim Cox led us in the Pledge of Allegiance.  The minutes of the previous meeting were read and Herb Holderman made a correction to the minutes that we have approximately $300,000.00 in reserves and not $700,000.00 as stated.  Don Jones made the motion to accept the corrected minutes and this was seconded by Bob Bend.  The corrected minutes were approved.  John Davis gave the corporation financial report and there is $1542.12 in the account.  Don Jones made the motion to accept the report and this was seconded by Steven Kreitzer.  The report was approved.


     Herb Holderman gave the superintendents report.  The commission helped 34 veterans with food, 25 with shelter and 19 with utilities.  We also transported 16 veterans to various VA hospitals.  Herb also talked about the training that Steven Scoughton, Tammy Anderson and Linda Drake received.  Steven Kreitzer was named Illinois veteran of the month and will participate in some of the Vet-Fest activities in DeKalb that is occurring from July 27 – 29. 


     Don Jones made the motion to pay the commissions bills totaling $39,571.34 and this was seconded by Bob Bend.  The bills will be paid.  Steven S. talked about the idea of a dental plan for needy veterans and that he has been in contact with McHenry County VAC to help come up a with workable plan that we can introduce into the commission.   The plan will need to come up with needed criteria on what is covered and how much we can expend on different patients. 


     Don Jones made the motion to adjourn at 7:40.  We were adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted,


Steve Walz, Secretary


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