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County Board Minutes
October 16, 2013
7:30 p.m.



Note: These minutes are not official until approved by the DeKalb County Board
at a subsequent meeting. Please refer to the meeting minutes
when these minutes are approved to obtain any changes to these minutes.



The County Board Met in regular session at the Legislative Center Wednesday, October 16, 2013. The Chair called the meeting to order and the Clerk called the roll. Those Members present were Mr. Gudmunson, Mrs. Haji-Sheikh, Mr. Johnson, Mr. jones, Mr. O'Barski, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Pietrowski, Mr. Reid., Mr. Stoddard, Mrs. Tobias, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Mr. Whelan, Mr. Brown, Mr. Cribben, Mr. Cvek, Mr. Deverell, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Foster, Mr. Frieders, Mrs. Fullerton and Chairman Metzger. Mrs. DeFauw was absent. Twenty three Members were present and one was absent.

Chairman Metzger asked Mr. Gudmunson to lead to the pledge of allegiance.

Mr. Foster moved to approve the Minutes of September 18, 2013. Mr. Oncken seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
Chairman Metzger asked for a voice vote on the approval of the Minutes. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


Mrs. Haji-Sheikh moved to approve the Agenda and Mr. Whelan seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
Chairman Metzger asked for a voice vote on the Agenda. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.



Chairman Metzger introduced Mrs. Judy Butler, Chief Deputy Recorder, to present Anna Wackt with a plaque for her 25 years of service to DeKalb County in the Recorder's Office.


Employee Service Awards
Employee Service Awards for the month of September 2013 were: Five Years: Albert L. Roloff: Forest Preserve, Mary E. Keeton: Elections, John E. Linderoth: Elections, Tamela A. Anderson: Veteran's Assistance; Fifteen Years: Deborah L. Beazley: Finance; Twenty Years: Cathy J. LaPointe: Health Department; Twenty-Five Years: Anna B. Wackt: County Clerk & Recorder, Bonnie A. Carlson: Circuit Clerk.

Proclamation P2013-05: The Big Read for DeKalb County

Chairman Metzger called upon Mrs. Tobias to read allowed the Proclamation to the Board.



Rosemarie Salvinas, residing at 1629 Park Ave, Sycamore, IL, spoke to the board in regards to Second Readings.



Chairman Metzger recommended the following appointments: DeKalb Housing Authority: Ging Smith, reappointment for a term of five years, until October 31, 2018; Board of Review: John Guio, to fill the unexpired term of Douglas Johnson until April 30, 2014; Public Building Commission: George Daugherty, reappointment for a term of five years, until September 30, 2018 (this appointment was approved last month for a term of three years but is statutorily a five year term.)
Mrs. Turner moved to approve the appointments as presented. Mr. O'Barski seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chairman asked for a voice vote on the appointments. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.





Ordinance 2013-09: Approving a Special Use Permit
Mrs. Turner moved The DeKalb County Board does approve a Special Use Permit Request in accordance with Section 9.02 if the DeKalb County Zoning Ordinance to allow a home occupation in the form of a firearms sales business from property located at 12855 Williams Circle in Sycamore Township, said property being zoned PD-R, Planned Development-Residential District and legally described as shown in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Mr. Cvek seconded the motion.
Motion to Amend
Mr. Cvek moved to amend the Ordinance by removing Section Three Paragraph One that reads: "The sale of firearms shall be limited to handguns, shotguns and rifles; sale of assault weapons is prohibited". Mr. Oncken seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote on Amendment
The Chairman asked for a roll call vote on Mr. Cvek's amendment to the Ordinance, those Members voting yea were Mr. Oncken and Mr. Cvek. Those Members voting nay were Mr. Gudmunson, Mrs. Haji-Sheikh, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Jones, Mr. O'Barski, Mr. Pietrowski, Mr. Reid, Mr. Stoddard, Mrs. Tobias, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Mr. Whelan, Mr. Brown, Mr. Cribben, Mr. Deverell, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Foster, Mr. Frieders, Mrs. Fullerton and Chairman Metzger. The motion failed with a two Members voting yea and twenty one Members voting nay.
Motion to Amend
Mr. Stoddard moved to amend wording in the stipulations regarding assault weapons. After further review and discussion with the State's Attorney, Mr. Stoddard withdrew his motion.
Roll Call Vote on Ordinance
Chairman Metzger called for a roll call vote on the Ordinance as originally worded. Those Members voting yea were Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Stoddard, Mr. Cribben, Mr. Cvek and Mr. Foster. Those voting nay were Mrs. Haji-Sheikh, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Jones, Mr. O'Barski, Mr. Pietrowski, Mr. Reid, Mrs. Tobias, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Mr. Whelan, Mr. Brown, Mr. Deverell, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Frieders, Mrs. Fullerton and Chairman Metzger. Six Members voted yea and seventeen voted nay. Motion Failed.


Resolution R2013-66: Creating a Zero Waste Task Force
Mrs. Turner moved The DeKalb County Board hereby authorizes the creation of a Zero Waste Task Force (ZWTF) to undertake consideration of adopting Zero Waste as guiding principle within the DeKalb County Solid Waste Management Plan and, if the Task Force recommends that Zero Waste should be adopted, identify and evaluate the goals, objectives, policies, programs, tasks and costs associated with implementing a Zero Waste approach to waste management within the County. Mr. Emerson seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The motion carried unanimously by voice vote.

Zero Waste Task Force Board Appointments

Chairman Metzger recommended the following appointments to the Zero Waste Task Force Board: Marc Johnson (County Board Member), John Emerson (County Board Member), Mike Hey (Waste Management), Jeff Daurer or designee (Northern Illinois University), Connie Handel (U of I Extension), DeKalb Mayor or designee (Initially Ken Koch), Sycamore Mayor or designee (Initially John Laskowski), Sandwich Mayor or designee, Greg Maurice (Director of Health Protection at the DeKalb County Health Department), Christel Springmire (Solid Waste Coordinator at the DeKalb County Health Department), Roy Plote (Citizen/Farm Bureau), Jerry Smith (Citizen), Steve Challgren (Business/Ideal Industries) all appointed for a term ending November 30, 2014.
Mrs. Turner moved to approve the appointments as presented. Mrs. Fullerton seconded the motion.
Mr. Johnson moved to remove Mr. Roy Plote appointment from the board. After further discussion amongst the County Board Members, he withdrew his motion.
Voice Vote
The Chairman asked for a voice vote on the appointments. A majority of the Members voted yea. Motion carried.


Resolution R2013-83: Award for Timber Pile Repairs to Three Township Bridges
Mr. Gudmunson moved The DeKalb County Board does award the timber pile repairs on three bridges in DeKalb County to the lowest bidder meeting specifications, Sjostrom & Sons, Inc., of Rockford, Illinois in the amount of One Hundred Forty-Nine Thousand Six Hundred dollars and zero cents ($149,600). Mr. O'Barski seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote
Chairman Metzger called for a roll call vote on the Resolution. Those Members voting yea were Mr. Gudmunson, Mrs. Haji-Sheikh, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Jones, Mr. O'Barski, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Pietrowski, Mr. Reid, Mr. Stoddard, Mrs. Tobias, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Mr. Whelan, Mr. Brown, Mr. Cribben, Mr. Cvek, Mr. Deverell, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Foster, Mr. Frieders, Mrs. Fullerton and Chairman Metzger. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.



Delinquent Property Tax Sale
Mr. Reid moved to authorize the Chairman of the DeKalb County Board to execute a deed of conveyance of the County's interest or authorize the cancellation of the appropriate Certificate of Purchase, as the case may be for the following 14 Resolutions to be disbursed according to law:
1. Resolution R2013-68: 06-21-456-018 $3,678.71
2. Resolution R2013-69: 06-21-377-049 $3,030.97
3. Resolution R2013-70: 06-21-179-001 $5,033.56
4. Resolution R2013-71: 06-21-153-005 $2,057.75
5. Resolution R2013-72: 06-21-151-019 $1,248.05
6. Resolution R2013-73: 06-21-151-018 $272.40
7. Resolution R2013-74: 06-20-425-022 $1,336.35
8. Resolution R2013-75: 06-20-327-009 $381.94
9. Resolution R2013-76: 08-03-428-013 $334.74
10. Resolution R2013-77: 09-17-200-015 $934.81
11. Resolution R2013-78: 09-17-200-021 $870.94
12. Resolution R2013-79: 09-17-400-002 $870.94
13. Resolution R2013-80: 09-29-276-011 $888.19
14. Resolution R2013-81: 13-06-334-001 $203.21
Mr. Cvek seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote
Chairman Metzger called for one roll call vote to approve all 14 Resolutions as presented. Those
Members voting yea were Mr. Gudmunson, Mrs. Haji-Sheikh, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Jones, Mr.
O'Barski, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Pietrowski, Mr. Reid, Mr. Stoddard, Mrs. Tobias, Mrs. Turner, Mr.
Tyson, Mr. Whelan, Mr. Brown, Mr. Cribben, Mr. Cvek, Mr. Deverell, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci,
Mr. Foster, Mr. Frieders, Mrs. Fullerton and Chairman Metzger. All Members present voted yea.
Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution R2013-82: Authorizing Bank Depositories
Mr. Reid moved to authorize an updated list of banks and credit unions as depositories of public
funds in the custody of the DeKalb County Treasurer.
Voice Vote
The Chairman asked for a voice vote. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


Claims for October 2013
Mr. Reid moved to approve the claims for October 2013, and the off cycle claims paid during the previous month, in the amount of $6,649,814.72. Mrs. Haji-Sheikh seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote
The Chairman asked for a roll call vote on the approval of the claims. Those Members voting yea
were Mr. Gudmunson, Mrs. Haji-Sheikh, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Jones, Mr. O'Barski, Mr. Oncken,
Mr. Pietrowski, Mr. Reid, Mr. Stoddard, Mrs. Tobias, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Mr. Whelan, Mr.
Brown, Mr. Cribben, Mr. Cvek, Mr. Deverell, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Foster, Mr. Frieders,
Mrs. Fullerton and Chairman Metzger. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried


Reports of County Officials
Mr. Reid moved to accept and place on file the following Reports of County Officials: Cash &
Investments in County Banks -- September 2013; Court Services Report -- Adult & Juvenile
Detention for September 2013; Jail Report -- September 2013 Public Defender's Report --
September 2013; Planning & Zoning Building Permits & Construction Report September. Mr.
Brown seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chairman requested a voice vote to accept the Reports of County Officials. All Members presented voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.



Ordinance 2013-13: Code Change for Deputy County Administrator
Mr. Stoddard moved The DeKalb County Board does hereby adopt the recommendations for Chapter 2 of Article III of the DeKalb County Code is hereby amended by inserting the attached language (titled "Deputy County Administrator") as Section 2-67 and that said change shall be effective immediately. Mrs. Turner seconded the motion.
Motion to Amend
Mr. Cvek moved to amend wording in the County Code Sec. 2-47 to read "No more than two Deputy County Administrators may be hired..." Mr. Frieders seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote to Amendment
The Chairman called for a roll call vote on Mr. Cvek's amendment. Those voting yea were Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Jones, Mr. Cvek, Mr. Foster and Mr. Frieders. Those Members voting nay were Mrs. Haji-Sheikh, Mr. Johnson, Mr. O'Barski, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Pietrowski, Mr. Reid, Mr. Stoddard, Mrs. Tobias, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Mr. Whelan, Mr. Brown, Mr. Cribben, Mr. Deverell, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mrs. Fullerton and Chairman Metzger. The Motion failed with five Members voting yea and eighteen voting nay.
Roll Call Vote for Ordinance
Chairman Metzger asked for a roll call vote on the Ordinance as originally presented. Those members voting yea were Mrs. Haji-Sheikh, Mr. Johnson, Mr. O'Barski, Mr. Oncken, Mr. Pietrowski, Mr. Reid Mr. Stoddard, Mrs. Tobias, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Tyson, Mr. Whelan, Mr. Brown, Mr. Cribben, Mr. Deverell, Ms. Fauci, Mrs. Fullerton and Chairman Metzger. Those voting nay were Mr. Gudmunson, Mr. Jones, Mr. Cvek, Mr. Emerson, Mr. Foster and Mr. Frieders. The motion carried with seventeen voting yea and six voting nay.



Ordinance 2013-12: Amendment to the DeKalb County Code
Mr. Stoddard moved The DeKalb County Board does hereby adopt the recommendations for Committee Meeting changes to the DeKalb County Code adding Section 2-43(d). Mr. Oncken seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
The Chairman called for a voice vote. All Members present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


911 Emergency Telephone Systems Board -- 5 positions


There were no items for discussion under old business / new business.


Mr. Cvek moved to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Oncken seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
Chairman Metzger called for a voice vote on the adjournment. All Members voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.



DeKalb County Board Chairman



DeKalb County Clerk