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Economic Development Committee - Minutes
September 11, 2013
7 p.m.

PRINTABLE DOCUMENT with attachments (.pdf)



Note: These minutes are not official until approved by the Economic
Development Committee at a subsequent meeting. Please refer to the meeting
minutes when these minutes are approved to obtain any changes to these minutes.



The DeKalb County Economic Development Committee met on Wednesday, September 11, 2013 at 7:00 p.m., in the Legislative Center's Freedom Room. Chairman Whelan called the meeting to order. Members present were Bob Brown, Russ Deverell, Mark Pietrowski, Jeff Metzger and Stephen Reid. Mr. Riley Oncken arrived right after roll call. All members were present. Others present were Mr. Hanson, Misty Haji-Sheikh, Robin Brunschon and Debbie Armstrong.


It was moved by Mr. Pietrowski, seconded by Mr. Reid, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from July 10, 2013.


Moved by Mr. Brown, seconded by Mr. Deverell and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda.


Debbie Armstrong, Executive Director of DeKalb County Convention & Visitors Bureau came to the committee to give an annual presentation discussing the CVB's prime mission statement, board members, major accomplishments, and to thank the board for their support to the bureau and for their contribution to the IHSA Football Championship Games that will be hosted at Northern Illinois University. Ms. Armstrong also gave some highlights from FY2013 and goals for FY2014 which can be seen in the attachments to these minutes.

With the presentation, Ms. Armstrong asked for an annual letter of support and resolution recognizing the DeKalb County Convention and Visitor's Bureau as the marketing and promotion organization for DeKalb County tourism and for $15,000 partnership in unrestricted funding to help meet the local match. Mr. Hanson assured that the money had already been budgeted for FY2014.

Chairman Whelan asked Ms. Armstrong if they were asking for volunteers to help during the November IHSA Football Championship Games at NIU. She answered that they are hoping to raise an army of volunteers for the event to help with ticket sales, ushers and parking. Ms. Armstrong also said that she will be sending out a link soon to the board asking for volunteers to help with the main hospitality tent which will also be known as "Spirit Zone". She explained this area is to guide visitors to local destinations along with provide them with local visitors guides, coupon books, and hand out refreshments. Another volunteer opportunity will be to be a team ambassador which consists of pairing up with the coaches from one of the teams competing in the championship games and welcome them to town along with being their personal host.

Mr. Hanson asked if there was anything being marketed to local businesses for Black Friday Sales considering the games are being held Thanksgiving Weekend. Ms. Armstrong assured that the local businesses and restaurants are aware of the event and that once the teams are determined there will be a packet given to them advertising what shops and restaurants will be open that weekend.

Mr. Whelan asked if the CBV thinks that the IHSA Football Championship Games will be self-supporting in the next two years.


Ms. Armstrong answered that they have decided as a committee to look into different ways of funding these events in the future years.


She continued to state that all the funding is going through the DeKalb Community Foundation and the Convention & Visitors Bureau are not looking to make any money on these events at all this first year and if there is any profit made it will all be put back into the fund for reinvestment.

Mr. Pietrowski stated that he understands that being a $25,000 sponsor the County is entitled to some advertising benefits; he asked if there were any plans being made to make a commercial. Mr. Metzger answered that the plans have already started for the commercial. Also Ms. Armstrong assured that they are already on the website as a sponsor and there will be banners as well and reiterated that the commercial is in works.

It was moved by Mr. Oncken, seconded by Mr. Pietrowski, and it was moved unanimously to convey the annual letter of support recognizing the DCCVB as the marketing and promotion organization for DeKalb County tourism and also provide the $15,000 partnership in unrestricted funding to help meet local match.


Mr. Hanson announced to the committee that the City of DeKalb was looking for a letter of support to help endorse their Tax Abatement Program. He continued to explain that previously this board had asked to look at each request individually to make sure it had met all the needs and requirements.

It was moved by Mr. Oncken, seconded by Mr. Metzger, and it was approved unanimously to convey a letter of support to the City of DeKalb supporting their Tax Abatement Program with the ability to review each application individually to ensure it meets all criteria for abatement.


It was moved by Mr. Oncken, seconded by Mr. Deverell, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.


Respectfully submitted,




Chairman Jeff Whelan



Tasha Stogsdill, Recording Secretary