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Executive Committee Minutes
February 13, 2013
7 p.m.




The Executive Committee of the DeKalb County Board met on Wednesday, February 13, 2013 at 7:00p.m. at the Administration Building’s Conference Room East. Chairman Jeffery Metzger called the meeting to order. Members present were Sally DeFauw, Julia Fauci, Julia Fullerton, John Gudmunson, Stephen Reid, Paul Stoddard and Anita Turner. Mr. Andersen was absent.


Others present were Mr. Gary Hanson, Ms. Ruth Anne Tobias, Mr. Mark Pietrowski, Mr. Jeff Whelan, Mr. Bob Brown, Mr. Anthony Cvek, Mr. John Frieders, Ms. Donna Brown, Mr. Tracy Jones, Mr. Greg Millburg, Mr. Derek Tyson, Ms. Misty Haji-Sheikh and Mr. Frank O’Barski.

It was moved by Ms. Turner, seconded by Ms. Fullerton, and it was carried unanimously to invite Mr. Bob Brown to sit at the table to represent the Economic Development Committee since Mr. Andersen was absent.



It was moved by Ms. Fauci, seconded by Ms. DeFauw, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from the January 8, 2013 meeting.



It was moved by Mr. Stoddard, seconded by Ms. Turner, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda.





a.) Regional Planning Commission:
Mr. Tracy Jones, appointment for a term ending 3/31/2014.

b.) Rehab & Nursing Center Operating Board:
Mr. Jeff Whelan, appointment for a term of 1 year, until

c.) Supportive Living Facility Board:
Mr. Jeff Whelan, appointment for a term of 1 year, until

d.) Northwest Water Planning Alliance:
Ms. Ruth Anne Tobias, primary member, for a term ending

Mr. John Emerson, alternate member, for a term ending

e.) 911 Emergency Board:
Ms. Julia Fullerton, appointment for a term of 2 years, until

f.) Stormwater Management Committee:
Mr. Paul Stoddard, appointment for a term ending

g.) DeKalb County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau Board:
Mr. Mark Pietrowski, appointment for a term of 3 years, until

h.) Board of Health:
Mr. Tim Duez, reappointment for a term of 2 years, until 12/31/2015.

i.) Community Services Administrative Board:
Ms. Sally DeFauw, appointment for a term ending

Ms. Kimberly Wright, appointment for a term of 3 years,
until 11/30/2015.

Ms. Monica O’Leary, appointment for a term of 3 years, until

j.) DeKalb County Community Mental Health Board:
Mr. Richard Schluter, appointment for a term of 3 years,
until 12/31/2016.

Appointments expiring for March 2013:
All of the Fire Protection Districts
DeKalb Sanitary District – 1 position

Moved by Ms. Turner, seconded by Mr. Brown, and it was carried unanimously to forward these appointment recommendations to the full board for approval.

Chairman Metzger mentioned that he wanted to separate the Treasurer’s appointment from the rest of the appointments. Therefore, he asked for a motion for the appointment of:

i.) DeKalb County Treasurer:
Ms. Christine Johnson, to fill the unexpired term of Mr. Mark Todd, until 11/30/2014.

Moved by Mr. Reid, seconded by Ms. Fullerton, and it was carried unanimously to forward this appointment recommendation to the full board for approval.

Chairman Metzger said that he would like to move Item #5 down to #6 so that he could speak on the Communications Projects. He said that under Chair’s Comments last month he brought up one of the initiatives that he wanted to see was to have better communications with the public and each other. He has asked Paul Stoddard to report on a few things and he has asked Gary to report on a couple of items too.


Mr. Paul Stoddard, Vice-Chairman of the County Board, said that he was here this evening to speak about communications. He said that Jeff mentioned last month, in his absence that we are looking at being more proactive in getting word out to the public so that people have enough time to react to certain issues that are coming down the road. To that end, we have a couple of ideas that would like to begin exploring. One of those items is to develop a Facebook presence. They are also looking at some sort of newspaper column to write and coordinate with our local media. Jeff called for volunteers last month and Julia Fullerton, Jeff Whelan and Mark Pietrowski have stepped forward to volunteer their time with Paul on these projects. Mr. Stephen Reid also volunteered at the committee meeting tonight. Paul will be calling a meeting with this group soon.


Chairman Metzger then referred the meeting over to the standing committee chairmen to discuss the various items that their individual committees would be sending forward to the full board on the County Board Agenda.


Mr. Gudmunson, Chairman of the Highway Committee, said that his committee was sending three resolutions to the full board this month. He also mentioned that the County Engineer will be making a presentation at the Full County Board Meeting next week regarding his Annual Report.

Mr. Mark Pietrowski, a county board member that sits on the Highway Committee also mentioned that at the committee meeting they discussed forming a volunteer task force to discuss ways of gathering information on Metro rail out to DeKalb County. They would like to then present a report to the full county board regarding their findings on what the costs would be.


Chairman Metzger asked if they could please include the minutes from the task force meetings in the county board packet so that people could read about to keep all of the board members informed.


Mr. Bob Brown, Vice-Chairman of the Economic Development Committee, said that they met earlier this evening and had heard from County Clerk and Recorder, John Acardo. Mr. Acardo gave a presentation to the committee on his department’s functions and duties of this office. He said that they also heard from Ms. Deb Armstrong, Director of the DeKalb County Convention and Visitor’s Bureau this evening. She brought forth her annual resolution for selecting her agency as the agency on record for DeKalb County for Tourism. That will be in this month’s packet.


Ms. DeFauw, Chairman of the Health & Human Services Committee, said that her committee heard from Ms. Tammy Armstrong, the new Superintendent for the Veteran’s Assistance Commission and from Ms. Amanda Christensen, the newly elected Regional Superintendent of School.

Ms. Fauci, Chairman of the Forest Preserve Committee, said that Mr. Hannan did make his presentation for the committee that he showed at last month’s County Board Meeting regarding the last 6 years of the Forest Preserve District’s accomplishments. They will be discussing the bike trail between Somonauk and Sannuak at their next meeting.

Ms. Fullerton, Chairman of the Law and Justice Committee, said that her committee heard from all of the Judicial Offices in January. Each director stated their goals that they are trying to achieve for 2013.


Mr. Reid, Chairman of the Finance Committee, said that his committee heard from Judge Robin Stuckert regarding a new Jury Software called IJuror and MJuror which will cost approximately $20,000 or a little bit more and will save the county about $5,000.

Ms. Turner, Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Committee, said that her committee heard from the Planning, Zoning and Building Department and their Annual Report. They also discussed Evergreen Village and that Mr. Paul Miller will be making a presentation to the full board at their March 2013 meeting.

It was moved by Mr. Reid, seconded by Ms. Fauci, and it was carried unanimously to approve the county board agenda and to forward it to the full county board for approval.




Mr. Gary Hanson, County Administrator, said that he brought this item to the committee last month and since then he has written up the code changes and that is what is before the committee tonight to approve and send on to the full board for approval. Mr. Hanson said that he did incorporate the privacy officer that Ms. Fullerton suggested last month on Item #3 as Deputy County Administrator. He also added the Freedom of Information and Open Meetings Act that someone should be reviewing and staying abreast of applicable laws and he has incorporated that as item #7 under Deputy County Administrator. Everything else has remained the same from last month’s handout.


There was discussion by the committee members about whether or not the Deputy County Administrator should stay as the Finance Director or not.


Mr. Stoddard said that he felt that the full county board can make the best decisions for the County as they would be the ones that would choose the next Finance Director and the next Deputy County Administrator.


Mr. Gudmunson said that he felt that Mr. Hanson knows best as working with two hats over all of these years, since 1997.


After a brief discussion it was agreed that by approving these changes it gives the county board more flexibility to look at someone with familiarity with the organization and who may have some long term background about the County.


It was moved by Ms. Fauci, seconded by Ms. Turner, and it was carried unanimously to forward this recommendation to the full board for approval.




Mr. Gary Hanson, County Administrator, then gave his report to the committee. Some of the items that he reported on are mentioned below.

He said that the Community Services Department is doing tax returns for the low income.


He mentioned that they held a Department Head meeting last week and that all but one person came. He felt that it was a very good meeting.

Chairman Metzger agreed with Mr. Hanson and said that there were some department heads that voiced the suggestion of meeting quarterly, that they really enjoyed it.

Mr. Hanson then reported that he attended one of the Metro Counties meetings that the County is a member of. They usually hold 2 or 3 meetings a year that he would attend. They represent 15 of the largest counties in the State of Illinois.


Mr. Hanson informed the committee that he did re-advertise for the Finance Director position. The applications and resumes are due in the County Board Office by February 15, 2013.




It was moved by Ms. Turner, seconded by Mr. Stoddard, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.


Respectfully submitted,




Chairman Jeffery L. Metzger


Mary C. Supple, Secretary


JLM: mcs