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Executive Committee Minutes
October 8, 2013
7 p.m.



Note: These minutes are not official until approved by the
Executive Committee at a subsequent meeting. Please refer to the meeting
minutes when these minutes are approved to obtain any changes to these minutes.




The Executive Committee of the DeKalb County Board met Tuesday, October 8, 2013, at 7 p.m. at the Administration Building's Conference Room East. Chairman Jeffery Metzger called the meeting to order. Members present were Ms. Julia Fauci, Mr. John Gudmunson, Mr. Stephen Reid, Mr. Paul Stoddard, Mrs. Anita Turner and Mr. Jeff Whelan. Mrs. Sally DeFauw and Mrs. Julia Fullerton were absent.

Others present were Gary Hanson, Robin Brunschon, Greg Millburg, Frank O'Barski, Misty Haji-Sheikh, Bob Brown, Anthony Cvek, John Frieders, Derek Tyson, Riley Oncken and Mark Pietrowski, Kori Crooke-Rempfer and Dan Kenny.

Chairman Metzger asked for a motion to invite Mr. Derek Tyson to the table to sit in for Mrs. Julia Fauci to represent the Law & Justice Committee and Mr. Jeff Whelan to sit in for Mrs. Sally DeFauw for the Health & Human Services Committee. It was moved by Ms. Fauci and seconded by Mrs. Turner and it was moved unanimously by voice vote.


It was moved by Mr. Stoddard, seconded by Mr. Whelan, and it was carried unanimously to approve the agenda.


It was moved by Mr. Tyson, seconded by Mrs. Turner, and it was carried unanimously to approve the minutes from the September 10, 2013 meeting.


Chairman Metzger shared that there was a meeting today for the IHSA Football Championship Commercial. The main goal of the commercial is to promote Economic Development in DeKalb County.

Chairman Metzger also stated that he and Mr. Stoddard had a television spot with an hour interview with WSPY that went very well.


Chairman Metzger thanked Mr. Oncken for composing the code changes to the Deputy County Administrator and announced that he is open for discussion on but really would like to see this move forward this evening.

Mr. Hanson suggested everyone to draw their attention to number nine because it is a change from what he had purposed to the committee originally. Mr. Oncken explained that his thought was that because these are positions that would be serving under Mr. Hanson he would be best qualified to bring his suggested candidates to the Executive Committee for further action.

Mr. Cvek suggested that with the procedures that are already in place he would think that Mr. Hanson would like to remain hands off and allow the process to run solely through the Executive Committee. Chairman Metzger understood and said they had discussed both ways. He then asked for comments from the Executive Committee on the proposed changes and how everyone felt. Ms. Fauci noted that the Executive Committee in the past has been in charge of higher end hiring so she did see it as somewhat of an unusual change. Mr. Oncken reiterated that he made the wording on all the proposed changes very broad to remain relevant many years from now in different situations.

Mr. Cvek shared that he felt the wording was left open ended with saying "one or more Deputy County Administrators may be hired" so he asked if it would be beneficial to change the wording to two or less. Chairman Metzger answered that one of the driving forces to change the wording of this position was to be able to have multiple people. Mr. Frieders asked what the advantage of having the title would be. Mr. Hanson said with the title the individuals would have broader influence administratively. There was then further discussion on the amount of Deputy County Administrators that are being proposed in the text of the code change and the duties of the position.

Mr. Stoddard moved to amend the wording of the proposed preamble to read "no more than two" rather than "one or more". Mr. Whelan seconded the motion. Chairman Metzger called for a voice vote on the amendment and it was tied. Motion failed.

Mr. Gudmunson moved to amend the wording of the proposed preamble to read "One Deputy County Administrator". There was no second to the motion.

Ms. Fauci moved to approve the proposed County Code Changes for the Deputy County Administrator position as worded, seconded by Mr. Reid, and the motion passed with seven in favor, and Mr. Whelan and Mr. Gudmunson opposed.


1.) DeKalb Housing Authority: Ging Smith, reappointment for a term of 5 years, until 10/31/2018.
2.) Board of Review: John Guio, to fill the unexpired term of Douglas Johnson until 4/30/2014.
3.) APPOINTMENT TERM CORRECTION: Public Building Commission: George Daugherty, reappointment for a term of 5 years, until 09/30/2018. (This appointment was approved last month for a term of 3 years.)

Moved by Mrs. Turner, seconded by Mr. Whelan and it was carried unanimously to forward these appointment recommendations to the full board for approval.

Mr. Stoddard shared that the Ad Hoc Rules Committee had met last week and gave a briefing on the topics that had been discussed during the meeting along with a County Code addition that is bring brought forward to this month's full County Board Meeting that addresses not allowing Standing Committees to meet between the Executive Committee and the Full County Board Meeting unless approved by the Executive Committee. He also announced that he is speaking with Joan Hanson regarding different technologies that go along with electronic meeting attendance and at the next meeting they will be discussing that and County Board District Maps and lastly notification to committee chairs on absences from committee meetings.

Mr. Gudmunson, Chairman of the Highway Committee, announced that the Highway Committee will be meeting right before the Full County Board Meeting in order to vote on bringing a Resolution forward for approval for timber pile repairs to three township bridges in DeKalb County. He also noted that during the regularly scheduled meeting, they had a long discussion on the purchase of a six wheel drive tandem snow plow truck and road signage in Townships.

Mr. Whelan, Chairman of the Economic Development Committee, invited everyone to come to the committee meeting tomorrow night because they will be having New Mayors of DeKalb County Presentations to address economic development in their communities, along with a reception to follow and budget appeals.

Mr. Whelan, Vice Chairman of Health & Human Services Committee, shared that they had met last night and had a very informative power point presentation from Jane Lux and Cindy Graves from the DeKalb County Health Department on the Affordable Care Act.
Mrs. Tyson, Vice Chairman of the Law & Justice Committee, announced that there was no report to give for the Law & Justice Committee for this month.

Ms. Fauci, Chairman of the Forest Preserve Committee, announced that they are very strong into the seed collection season right now and are working in Afton Township to collect seeds. She also shared information about recent muscle study done, Afton Township Forest Preserve signage due to dog problems and that the committee had one Resolution this month to put the FY2014 Forest Preserve District's Budget on file for public viewing.

Mr. Reid, Chairman of the Finance Committee, said the committee was bring several Resolutions forward to the board this month regarding delinquent property tax sales and also a Resolution authorizing bank depositories. There was a health insurance update and a number of budget appeals that included the health insurance buyout plan that was tabled, a parking lot appeal that went through that would delay that project and some others that did not make it through the committee.

Mrs. Turner, Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Committee, shared the committee is bringing forward an Ordinance for a special use permit for a home occupation in the form of firearms sales and also a Resolution creating a Zero Waste Task Force along with recommended appointments for a Zero Waste Task Force Board. She also shared that there was an Evergreen Village Update.

It was moved by Mrs. Turner, seconded by Mr. Tyson, and it was carried unanimously to approve the county board agenda and to forward it to the full county board for approval.


Chairman Metzger announced there were two appeals that had been made for the increase in hours for Part-Time Webmaster. The Chairman added that Mr. Cvek had withdrew his appeal but Mr. Frieders stated that his appeal went along with the rest of his appeals that he had made which he explained he did not feel that it was proper time to be adding any personnel or more hours to the FY2014 Budget. Chairman Metzger said he understood the appeal but shared his point that this position is getting an increasing amount of work from all areas of the County that is being requested to be published on the County's website. Mr. Hanson also expressed that throughout the years more departments throughout the County are willingly giving out information that they want to be posted on the website along with doing it all in a very timely matter.

Chairman Metzger asked if there is a motion to accept the appeal. There was no motion made so the appeal failed.


Mr. Oncken asked how the Election Budget looked. Mr. Hanson said that it was up quite a bit but that is because last budget there was one election and next year there will be two. He did say that they were able to cut back the budget from what was originally requested.



Mr. Hanson shared with the committee that there will be a public informational meeting on Evergreen Village Mobile Home Park that will be held and the Sycamore High School Auditorium on October 15th. He explained this will be a short informational only meeting and then the presenters will break up in smaller groups to answer questions. He also said that they are waiting on property appraisal of the Mobile Home Park and have bids for the park manager are due October 30th.

He also announced that budget preparations have also been underway and there are quite a few items up for appeal for Law & Justice Committee that is coming up the 21st. There will also be a public hearing at the November Finance Committee Meeting.
Mr. Hanson was excited to announce that the Fiber Optics grant has ended, September 30th way the last day. The down side of that new was they are in a 90 day close out period, which means there is no construction during that time.

The Landfill Hearing was held last week on "Condition 32", both sides presented their cases but unfortunately a decision won't be made tentatively until the first week of February.

Mr. Hanson shared there was a very nice article in the Daily Chronicle on an intern in the Supervisor of Assessments Office.
The Rotary will be doing their annual display on the Courthouse Lawn for End Polio Now. He said that they will be going through with that unless anyone on the Committee had an objection. No objection was voiced.

And lastly, Mr. Hanson shared as part of a team building exercise the Legislative Center employees are having a Bags Tournament during their lunch hour.


It was moved by Ms. Turner, seconded by Mr. Reid, and it was carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,



Chairman Jeffery L. Metzger



Tasha Stogsdill, Recording Secretary