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DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Minutes
January 16, 2013
7:30 p.m.






The DeKalb County Forest Preserve District Commissioners met in regular session at the Legislative Center Wednesday, January 16, 2013. President Metzger called the meeting to order and the Secretary called the roll. Those Commissioners present were Mr. Cribben, Mr. Cvek, Mrs. DeFauw, Mr. Deverell, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Foster, Mr. Frieders, Mrs. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mrs. Haji-Sheikh, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Jones, Mr. O’Barski, Mr. Pietrowski, Mr. Reid, Mr. Stoddard, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Whelan, Mr. Andersen and President Metzger. Those Commissioners absent were Mr. Brown, Mrs. Tobias and Mr. Tyson. Twenty one Commissioners were present and three were absent.




Mrs. Turner moved to approve the Minutes of November 21, 2012 and the December 3, 2012 Organizational Meeting. Mrs. DeFauw seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
President Metzger asked for a voice vote on the approval of the Minutes. All Commissioners present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.




Mrs. Haji-Sheikh moved to approve the agenda and Mr. O’Barski seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
President Metzger asked for a voice vote on the approval of the agenda. All Commissioners present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.




Resolution R2013-06: Authorize Participation in the County’s Flexible Benefits Plan

Ms. Fauci moved The DeKalb County Forest Preserve Commissioners did amend the Flexible Benefits Plan to be in compliance with Federal Law. Mr. Whelan seconded the motion.
Voice Vote
President Metzger called for a voice vote on the Resolution. All Commissioners voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


Ms. Fauci moved to approve the forest preserve claims for December 19, 2012 and the emergency claims paid during the previous month, in the amount of $71,925.15. Misty Haji-Sheikh seconded the motion.

Roll Call Vote
President Metzger called for a roll call vote on December’s Claims. Those Commissioners voting yea were Mr. Cribben, Mr. Cvek, Mrs. DeFauw, Mr. Deverell, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Foster, Mr. Frieders, Mrs. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mrs. Haji-Sheikh, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Jones, Mr. O’Barski, Mr. Pietrowski, Mr. Reid, Mr. Stoddard, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Whelan, Mr. Andersen, and President Metzger. All Commissioners voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Ms. Fauci moved to approve the claims for this month, and the emergency claims paid during the previous month, in the amount of $74,215.11. Mr. Emerson seconded the motion.
Roll Call Vote
President Metzger called for a roll call vote on the Claims. Those Commissioners voting yea were Mr. Cribben, Mr. Cvek, Mrs. DeFauw, Mr. Deverell, Mr. Emerson, Ms. Fauci, Mr. Foster, Mr. Frieders, Mrs. Fullerton, Mr. Gudmunson, Mrs. Haji-Sheikh, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Jones, Mr. O’Barski, Mr. Pietrowski, Mr. Reid, Mr. Stoddard, Mrs. Turner, Mr. Whelan, Mr. Andersen, and President Metzger. All Commissioners voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.

Forest Preserve District Presentation

Mr. Terry Hannan, DeKalb County Forest Preserve Superintendent, gave a presentation on the County Forest Preserves.



Ms. Fauci gave a brief discussion about the DeKalb Nature Trail that had been previously addressed by Bessie Chronopoulos during the County Board’s Persons to be Heard from the Floor. She explained the issue that had occurred with Com Ed and DeKalb Park District is being resolved and that new trees and grasslands were being planted along the trail.




Mr. Cvek moved to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Emerson seconded the motion.

Voice Vote
President Metzger called for a voice vote on the adjournment. All Commissioners present voted yea. Motion carried unanimously.


DeKalb County Board Forest Preserve President

DeKalb County Clerk