DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

March 26, 2013

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Paul Stoddard – President
Todd Latham – Vice President
David Phillips, MD - Secretary
Roger Faivre
Ronald Feldmann, MD
Christina Jones, RN, MS


Dennis Diemer, DVM
Tim Duez, DDS
Karen Hagen, RN, MS
Regina Harris, JD
Andria Mitchell


Jane Lux, Public Health Administrator
Cindy Graves, Director of Personal Health Services
Greg Maurice, Director of Environmental Health


Brenda Courtney, Director of Administrative Services
Marcy Zanellato, Director of Health Education and Emergency Preparedness


The DeKalb County Board of Health meeting of March 26, 2013, was called to order at 7:35 pm by Paul Stoddard, President.



On a motion by Dr. Ronald Feldmann, seconded by Dr. David Phillips, the Board of Health Minutes of the Meeting for January 22, 2013, were approved. Motion carried.

On a motion by Roger Faivre, seconded by Todd Latham, the Board of Health Executive Session Minutes of the Meeting for January 22, 2013, were approved. Motion carried.



Public Health Administrator - Jane Lux

Mrs. Lux distributed copies of the Health Department’s Forty-Sixth Annual Report that includes a Financial Statement and utilization data for 2012. Mrs. Lux explained the Accounts Receivable Collection Agreement with KishHealth System (KHS) for Medicare payments for patient care that stared with the Health Department and finished with KHS. Meetings and collaboration are ongoing until the change of ownership, with transfer of the Medicare Provider number, is final.

A New Access Point Application (NAP) for a Federally Qualified Health Center in DeKalb County is being submitted by the Greater Elgin Family Care Center (GEFCC) with the endorsement of KHS. Mrs. Lux shared discussions and meetings with Mr. Tanner, CEO of GEFCC, regarding the model of Health Department collaboration negotiated, and the letter of support submitted.

During an unexpected medical leave of the Health Education and Emergency Preparedness Director, Mr. Maurice assumed oversight and supervision of the Emergency Preparedness grants, and Mrs. Lux has assumed same for the Health Education grants. We worked on a short-term program plan for staff direction and support during the leave.

Mrs. Lux reviewed information from the annual Family Planning Program audit in January, as well as a conference call with the Penny Roth, State Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program Administrator, regarding WIC caseload targets and the recent decline experienced by our program and statewide.

Environmental Health - Greg Maurice

Mr. Maurice noted that ordinance updates are temporarily on hold during the Director leave of absence.

Mr. Maurice highlighted the Food Manager refresher course we hosted and the successful holiday lights recycling collection.

Personal Health Services – Cindy Graves

Ms. Graves reported on two program audits in the Division: HIV Case Management and Family Planning (FP). We received many commendations for both programs. In addition, we received some corrective actions for FP that have not been noted in past reviews. These were most likely due to the state’s upcoming Federal Program review.

Outreach efforts continue to promote the benefits of WIC for children, with focus on working families that meet income eligibility. Ms. Graves explained the drop in WIC certifications in February was due to a reduction in the requirements for certifications from twice yearly to yearly.

The Division began planning for the new Tdap requirement. 6th through 12th grade students need to provide proof of having received a dose of Tdap at the start of the fall 2013 school year. DeKalb School District is very appreciative of collaborative efforts.

Health Education and Emergency Preparedness – Jane Lux and Greg Maurice

Mrs. Lux highlighted the DeKalb County Housing Authority (DCHA) Board of Directors vote to implement a smoke-free policy for all buildings owned and operated by the Authority, effective June 1, 2014.
Mr. Maurice gave an update of our progress using the Comprehensive Emergency Management Program (CEMP) for the extensive documentation and reporting requirements of the Emergency Preparedness grants. We are preparing for our Local Technical Assistance Review (LTAR) on April 3, 2013.


Todd Latham moved to approve the Financial Statements for January and February 2013, seconded by Dr. Ronald Feldmann. Motion carried.

Dr. Ronald Feldmann moved to approve the Claims for February and March 2013, seconded by Roger Faivre. Motion carried.


1. Illinois Project for Local Assessment of Needs (IPLAN)

The required components of IPLAN, round four, have been completed and were presented to the Board of Health for review and adoption. The Community Health Needs Assessment and Plan has been submitted to the Illinois Department of Public Health.

Mrs. Lux reviewed the process and resulting report of the Organizational Capacity Assessment, our internal assessment of the Health Department’s operational capacity to carry out public health functions and the Community Health Needs Assessment and Plan. The agency score was favorable on a majority of indicators, including Community Relations, Community Health Assessment, Assurance of Public Health services and Personnel and Program Management. The conclusion included a summary of the challenges we face and organizational actions over the next five years.

Mrs. Lux reviewed the process and resulting report of the Community Health Needs Assessment and Plan. The three top priority health problems are Cancer, Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes. Chronic conditions are the leading causes of death and disability in the Unites States. In addition, Maternal and Child Health (MCH) was near the top three priorities, due to the trends in MCH status indicators. Strategies in the health plan that represent a collaborative community effort are those that address reduction of smoking and exposure to second hand smoke, healthy eating, breastfeeding and physical activity. The updated IPLAN community analysis (data set) and community health needs assessment and plan will be posted on our website.

Christina Jones moved to adopt the Community Health Needs Assessment and Plan (IPLAN) as presented, seconded by Todd Latham. Motion carried.

2. 2012 Audited Financial Statement

Mrs. Lux gave highlights of the Financial Statement. An analysis of Revenue line items shows the total for the Licenses and Permits line was slightly more than predicted. In addition, the total Intergovernmental line was more than budgeted due to two new grants that were not in the original budget, plus we achieved our goal to increase Medicaid-reimbursed immunizations. Home Care revenue, an ongoing concern, was under budget. Fee increases added a small amount of additional revenue.

On the Expenditure side, 76 percent of the budget was salaries and benefits. Savings in this line were due to open and unfilled positions and service reductions. However, positions will be needed in the future to avoid further service reductions and to sustain the operation.
The Financial Statement includes expenses involved in the sale of Home Care, whereas the revenue from the sale will be posted in 2013, thus there is a deficit of $148,602. An examination of the operational expenses shows a deficit in Home Care and revenue over expenses in the Public Health Divisions. Public Health revenue offset the Home Care deficit and left the Interest income intact, and resulted in $26,500 revenue over expenses. Going forward, we need to continue to cover administrative overhead with fewer programs. In addition, we need to continue to operate efficiently, as we anticipate future grant reductions.

Mrs. Lux reviewed the expenses for the sale of Home Care. The net revenue over expenses is $49,880, which will help offset the deficits the program has had the last three years.

3. Annual Solid Waste Report

Mrs. Lux presented highlights of the 2012 Solid Waste Report. Mrs. Springmire will also present the report to the Planning and Zoning Committee of the County Board in April.

We had more municipal waste and more recycled in 2012 compared to 2011. Mrs. Springmire believes this is a reflection of an improving economy, with people replacing and disposing of more. We continue to far exceed the State 25 percent recycling goal. The program funds personnel, public notices and Professional Services provided by the University of Illinois Extension for school-based education on recycling, reuse and reduction. In addition, it funds the two rural recycling sites in Kingston and Somonauk, and the e-waste and latex paint recycling events. New in 2012, we coordinated the consortium of municipalities that took over the hosting of electronics recycling at their sites. These monthly collections took in nearly 81 tons of product and improved access for residents.

4. Electronic Attendance at Meetings

Mr. Stoddard sought input of the Board to determine interest in adding electronic attendance at meetings to our bylaws. The consensus of the Board was that we should pursue this, and Mr. Stoddard will convene the Bylaws Committee to do so.

5. May Meeting Date

Mrs. Lux requested availability of alternate May meeting dates. The meeting will be May 30, 2013.


At 8:53 pm, Roger Faivre moved, seconded by Dr. Ronald Feldmann to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing (1) The Semi-Annual Review of Executive Session Minutes under Subsection Number 21, (2), the compensation of specific employees under Subsection Number 1 and (3) Collective Bargaining Update under Subsection Number 2, all of Section 2 (c) of the Open Meetings Act. Motion carried.

On a roll call vote, those voting yes were Paul Stoddard, Todd Latham, Dr. David Phillips, Roger Faivre, Dr. Ronald Feldmann and Cristina Jones.

Dr. David Phillips moved to reconvene to Open Session, seconded by Dr. Ronald Feldmann. Motion carried.

At 9:07 pm, Paul Stoddard stated that the Board of Health is now in Open Session.

Christina Jones moved to accept Resolution 32613 to destroy the verbatim recordings of the Executive Session meetings held on the following dates; April 19, 2011; April 25, 2011; April 29, 2011; May 3, 2011; and May 24, 2011; seconded by Todd Latham. On a roll call vote. Mr. Stoddard, Dr. Phillips, Ms. Jones, Mr. Faivre, Mr. Latham and Dr. Feldmann voted yes. The motion carried unanimously.

Roger Faivre moved to authorize an eight percent salary adjustment for Mr. Maurice, effective January 21, 2013, and until expanded responsibilities end, for assumption of additional Emergency Preparedness program oversight and supervisory responsibilities, seconded by Christina Jones. On a roll call vote, Mr. Stoddard, Dr. Phillips, Ms. Jones, Mr. Faivre, Mr. Latham and Dr. Feldmann voted yes. Motion carried.


As noted.


On a motion by Roger Faivre, seconded by Dr. Ronald Feldmann, the Board of Health adjourned at 9:13 pm. Motion carried.


David Phillips, MD, Secretary
DeKalb County Board of Health


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