DeKalb County IL  Government Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the

May 30, 2013

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Paul Stoddard - President
David Phillips, MD - Secretary
Dennis Diemer, DVM
Roger Faivre
Ronald Feldmann, MD
Karen Hagen, RN, MS
Regina Harris, JD
Andria Mitchell


Tim Duez, DDS
Christina Jones, RN, MS
Todd Latham


Jane Lux, Public Health Administrator
Brenda Courtney, Director of Administrative Services
Cindy Graves, Director of Personal Health Services
Greg Maurice, Director of Environmental Health


The DeKalb County Board of Health meeting of May 30, 2013, was called to order at 7:32 pm by Paul Stoddard, President.



On a motion by Dr. David Phillips, seconded by Dr. Ronald Feldmann, the Board of Health Minutes of the Meeting for March 26, 2013, were approved. Motion carried.

On a motion by Roger Faivre, seconded by Dr. Ronald Feldmann, the Board of Health Executive Session Minutes of the Meeting for March 26, 2013, were approved. Motion carried.

On a motion by Roger Faivre, seconded by Dr. Ronald Feldmann, the Board of Health Personnel Committee Executive Session Minutes of the meeting for May 7, 2013, were approved. Motion carried.


There were none.

Mr. Stoddard introduced Gary Hanson, DeKalb County Administrator.


Public Health Administrator - Jane Lux

Mrs. Lux discussed recent community and other service activities with corresponding photographs.

Mrs. Lux congratulated Mr. Maurice on our score of 100 for our Emergency Preparedness grant review. This was a challenge due to the loss of our long-time program Director, and the fact that Greg was not here during the inception and evolution of our plans.

The We Choose Health grant gave statewide grantees the opportunity for expanded funding for the Baby Friendly Hospital strategy. We accepted the opportunity, as our two hospitals, Kishwaukee and Valley West, have been interested in pursuing this designation. Each participating hospital can receive $10,000 toward the costs of achieving Baby Friendly designation. The Health Department will work with the hospitals on consistent education, and will promote and support breastfeeding after delivery for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) program participants.

Environmental Health - Greg Maurice

Mr. Maurice stated we have held a few more office hearings for the food program than in past years. This allows a final step to address citations before legal action. We work with establishments on a corrective timeline that maintains food safety.

Mr. Maurice announced the upcoming Latex Paint recycling collection on July 13th, and the Used Oil collection on August 3rd.

Personal Health Services - Cindy Graves

Ms. Graves stated we have hired two very experienced Nurse Practitioners for the Family Planning Program to replace the Nurse Practitioner that reduced her hours to work full-time at Northern Illinois University (NIU). They will start in June and August, and will allow us to add clinic appointment time to meet previous schedules.

Two of our maternal and child health staff members will attend the week-long training to become Certified Lactation Counselors (CLCs) to enhance our breastfeeding mentoring initiative for the Baby Friendly strategy. We will have a total of three CLCs.

Ms. Graves gave highlights of our Community Gardens project participation. There was a garden build on the health campus that includes ten raised beds. We will bring fresh produce in for WIC clients, and will incorporate recipes and the foods in nutrition education classes. We hope to involve clients in harvesting next year.

Health Education and Emergency Preparedness - Jane Lux and Greg Maurice

Mr. Maurice highlighted the severe weather drill in April that resulted in improvement plans. He noted that testing of plans and procedures is part of Emergency Preparedness, and we have found it to be helpful from a practical standpoint as well.


Karen Hagen moved to approve the Financial Statements for March and April 2013, seconded by Roger Faivre. Motion carried.

Dr. Ronald Feldmann moved to approve the Claims for April and May 2013, seconded by Dr. David Phillips. Motion carried.

Dr. Phillips inquired about delayed Medicaid payments for Immunizations, and Mrs. Lux confirmed these payments are delayed at least six months.

Mrs. Lux reported she just got notification that our Change of Ownership (CHOW) for Home Care was complete. We have been receiving the electronic funds transfers from Medicare, and then paying KishHealth System (KHS) Home Care. Once the KHS electronic funds application is finalized, they will receive the payments directly.


1. Auditor Report - Sikich, LLP

Mrs. Lux introduced presenters Anthony Cervini, CPA, and Fred Lantz, CPA, both from Sikich, LLP, the County’s auditing firm.

Mrs. Lux stated that she engaged Sikich to conduct a Fund Balance Analysis to assist with establishment of appropriate fund balance targets after the restructure of the organization, in order to facilitate development of a financial management plan for sustainability in a challenging financial environment.

Based on the current conditions, we don’t see the opportunity to add to the fund balance in the near future. Thus, we underwent an assessment of the operational conditions to determine target fund balance parameters. To run a balanced operation, a planned drawdown may be part of a financial plan.

As presented, the Health Department’s risks and vulnerabilities were measured in accordance with an accounting model established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Mrs. Lux provided assumptions and financial data for the analysis.

There was a discussion of extreme public health events, and whether the model assigned the appropriate amount to this risk. Mr. Cervini noted that the assumptions utilized are estimates that can and should be reassessed and recalculated regularly. Mr. Lantz reiterated that this can be done annually at budget time, and Mrs. Lux explained that we typically calculate our Fund Balance during the budget process.


At 8:23 pm, Karen Hagen moved, seconded by Andria Mitchell to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing (1) Collective Bargaining Update under Subsection Number 2, (2) Annual Performance Evaluation of the Public Health Administrator, and (3) Personnel, both under Subsection Number 1, all of Section 2 (c) of the Open Meetings Act. Motion carried.

On a roll call vote, those voting yes were Paul Stoddard, Dennis Diemer, Roger Faivre, Dr. Ronald Feldmann, Karen Hagen, Regina Harris, Andria Mitchell and Dr. David Phillips.

Dr. David Phillips moved to reconvene to Open Session, seconded by Dr. Ronald Feldmann. Motion carried.

At 8:46 pm, Paul Stoddard stated that the Board of Health is now in Open Session.

Roger Faivre moved to approve the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) package, with a three year term of agreement (January 1, 2013 through December 31, 2015), seconded by Regina Harris. Motion carried.

Regina Harris moved to approve the wage package in the CBA (1% in 2013, 1% in 2014 and 2% in 2015) for all non-union employees, seconded by Dr. Ronald Feldmann. Motion carried.

Dr. Ronald Feldmann moved to approve the wage package in the CBA (1% in 2013, 1% in 2014 and 2% in 2015) for the Public Health Administrator, seconded by Dr. David Phillips. Motion carried.

Karen Hagen moved to approve continued employment of the Administrative Consultant as a temporary part-time employee, seconded by Andria Mitchell. Motion carried.


Mrs. Lux noted the letter from the Illinois Department of Public Health granting certification for another five years, as they approved our Illinois Project for Local Assessment of Needs (IPLAN).


On a motion by Dr. David Phillips, seconded by Karen Hagen, the Board of Health adjourned at 8:52 pm. Motion carried.


David Phillips, MD, Secretary
DeKalb County Board of Health


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