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Minutes of the DeKalb County Regional Plan Commission
January 24, 2013
7 p.m.



The DeKalb County Regional Planning Commission (RPC) met on January 24, 2013 at 7:00 p.m. in the DeKalb County Administration Building, Conference Room East, in Sycamore, Illinois. In attendance were Commission members Rich Gentile, Brian Gregory, Derek Hiland, Martha May, Becky Morphey, Dan Nolan, and Linda Swenson. Staff included Paul Miller and Marcellus Anderson. Also in attendance were Lisa Cummings, Rob Wilkinson, and Dan Kenney, representing “Live Healthy DeKalb County”.


1. Roll Call -- Commission members Cheryl Aldis, Ken Andersen, Les, Bellah, Bill Beverley, Suzanne Fahnestock, John Fisher, Jim Roderick, and Anita Sorensen were noted absent. Martha May and Linda Swenson arrived late. Dan Nolan came as a stand-in for Don Pardridge, who could not attend the meeting.


Chairman Hiland noted that the Commission did not have a quorum, and that although the members in attendance could go over the agenda items, they would not be able to take any action on any of them. Mr. Miller suggested that the Commission forego going over the business-related agenda items since they would not be able to take any action. He also suggested that since Ms. Cummings was in attendance and prepared to give a presentation to the Commission about the “Live Healthy DeKalb County” initiative, she be allowed to do so, with the idea that she might return at a subsequent meeting to address the full Commission. The Commission members agreed with his suggestions.


2. Live Healthy DeKalb County

Ms. Cummings, Mr. Wilkinson, and Mr. Kenney introduced the Commission to “Live Healthy DeKalb County” initiative. This initiative is a collaborative effort aimed at creating environments rich in opportunities for healthy living. Their presentation gave some history on what led to the creation of the Initiative, then proceeded to elaborate on the group’s goals, efforts, and accomplishments so far, in particular, highlighting their efforts at improving and expanding the local walking/biking trails, and establishing community gardens to provide residents greater access to fresh, healthy food alternatives.


Ms. May informed the Commission about the “Nice Walk” event that had occurred in 2012.


Mr. Miller inquired as to what they hoped the Commission would be able to do for them. Mr. Wilkinson answered that what they were looking for was for the Commission members to let their various communities and boards know about the Initiative and what it is trying to accomplish, and to possibly arrange opportunities for Ms. Cummings to come to their communities to make presentations to them. They also wanted to let the local governments know that the Initiative is looking for other entities and organizations to partner with in establishing healthy living initiatives in their communities.

Mr. Gregory noted that the City of Sycamore has been working on connecting bike paths in the community, and has been making efforts to have new subdivisions include walking/bike paths in the design.


Mr. Hiland suggested that establishing a website with all of this information would be a great asset; he also suggested that using social media formats, such as Facebook, would be a good way to get the information out.


Mr. Miller noted that the Initiative could also serve as a resource for helping local communities identify areas where new walking/bike trails or community gardens could be established, possibly even helping these communities to create instruments like a Pedestrian Infrastructure Plan. This would aid communities in effectively directing their resources and efforts in establishing healthy living alternatives. Mr. Miller also noted that the Ms. Cummings should also contact the DeKalb County Information Management Office about possibly establishing a link to its organization on the County’s website, and potentially including ties to the County’s GIS system.


3. Next Meeting Date -- The Commission agreed that the next RPC meeting would be on March 28, 2013 at 7:00 pm in the Conference Room East.


Mr. Hiland mentioned the possibility of alternating the Commission’s meeting location. Mr. Miller responded that this could be a discussion item to the next meeting’s agenda.


Respectfully submitted,


Derek Hiland
Chairman, DeKalb County Regional Planning Commission
