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Minutes of the DeKalb County Veterans Assistance Commission
February 11, 2013
7 p.m.



The meeting started at 6:57 with President Rich Joslin calling the meeting to order. There were 13 members in attendance. Frank Beierlotzer led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes of the previous meeting were read, and Frank Beierlotzer made the motion to accept the minutes as read and this was seconded by Don Jones. The minutes were approved. John Davis gave the corporation treasurer’s report and there is $1536.00 in the account. Both Bob Bend and Don Jones seconded the report and the report was approved. Frank then told us about the up-coming blood drives. The next one will be February 28th at DCVAC from 2:00 to 6:00.


Tammy Anderson gave the Superintendents report. The commission helped 23 veterans with food, 18 with shelter and 18 with utilities. We helped 5 veterans get monthly pay totaling $4252.00 and retroactive pay totaling $68,973.00. We also took 23 veterans to various VA Hospitals. The commission spent $39,070.03 for the month. Don Jones made the motion to pay the bills and this was seconded by Joe Newby. The bills will be paid.


Herb Holderman talked about the work being done on the doll houses and he expects them to be done in about 3 or 4 months. Steve Kreitzer sent out letters to all the veterans’ organizations in the county reminding them of their dues.


Vic Ingram made the motion to adjourn at 7:17, and this was seconded by Don. We were adjourned.


Respectfully Submitted



Steve Walz, Secretary