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Minutes of the Union /Virgil Ditches & East Branch of the Kishwaukee Watershed Steering Committee
April 10, 2013
6 p.m.





The Union /Virgil Ditches & East Branch of the Kishwaukee River Watershed Steering Committee (WSC) met on April 10, 2013 at 6:00 p.m. in the DeKalb County Farm Bureau, in Sycamore, Illinois. In attendance were Committee members Paul Miller, Anita Zurbrugg, Donna Prain, Dean Johnson, Karen Miller, Roger Steimel, Nathan Schwartz, and Adam Orton (for Committee member Brian Gregory). Also in attendance were Rebecca Von Drasek, Deanna Doohaluk, and Jodie Wollnik.

1. Roll Call -- Jeremy Lin was noted absent.


2. Approval of Agenda -- Ms. Zurbrugg requested that the agenda be amended to include a discussion on logo ideas and student involvement.


Mr. Miller moved to approve the amended agenda, seconded by Mr. Steimel, and the motion carried unanimously.


3. Approval of Minutes -- Ms. Zurbrugg moved to approve the minutes from March 13, 2013, seconded by Mr. Miller, and the motion carried unanimously.

4. Watershed Plan Status

Ms. Doohaluk reported that the IEPA was on-board with the revised timeline she had proposed for the Watershed Resources Inventory. She informed the Committee that the information collection for the Inventory was almost complete. She also reported that the comments from the workshop were being combined for inclusion with the Inventory.

Mr. Miller asked Ms. Doohaluk when the first bill would be received for Hey & Associates services. Ms. Doohaluk responded that the first bill would be sent after the Inventory report has been finalized and submitted to the IEPA.


5. Logo Discussion

Ms. Zurbrugg provided the Committee with six sample logos. The Committee responded with feedback for Ms. Zurbrugg to make revisions and present the Committee with a final logo for approval.


6. Outreach Subcommittee Report

Ms. Zurburgg reported that the Subcommittee had met and discussed the Outreach Programs the group would like to offer in the Fall. Ms. Zurburgg provided the Committee with a handout detailing the Subcommittee's findings. She encouraged Committee members to review the handout and provide her with any comments. She noted that bus tours were proposed to try and encourage participants to realize the size and scope of the Watershed issue. Ms. Zurburgg also invited any other members wishing to participate on the Subcommittee to let her know.

7. April 10 Workshop Preparation

Mr. Johnson explained that the Workshop following the meeting would be the same format as the March 7th Workshop.


8. Next Meeting

The Committee will next meet on May 8, 2013 at 3:00 pm in the Conference Room East. Please note the change of the meeting start time to 3:00 pm.


9. Adjournment -- Mr. Miller motioned to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Schwartz, and the motion carried unanimously.


Respectfully submitted,

Dean Johnson
Chairman, DeKalb County Union Ditch/Virgil Ditch Watershed Steering Committee
