DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

Minutes of the DeKalb County
Public Building Commission

September 2, 2008

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A regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the DeKalb County Public Building Commission (hereinafter “Commission”) was held Tuesday, October 7, 2008, at 8:30 A.M. in Conference Room East of the DeKalb County Administration Building, pursuant to written notice to each Commissioner as required by the By-Laws.

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Robert Hutcheson at 8:30 A.M. Commissioners present were Chairman Hutcheson, Mr. Beryl Smith, Mr. Robert Morrison, Dr. Richard Baker and Mr. Matt Swanson. Also present were Mr. Gary Hanson, Mr. Jim Scheffers, Mr. Roger Schroepfer and Mr. Jeff Burandt of Wold Architects & Engineering, and Secretary Mary Simons.

Dr. Baker requested that line eight of page three of the minutes for the meeting held on Tuesday, August 12, 2008, be amended as follows: “At this time Mr. Hanson introduced Mr. Jim Scheffers who has been with the County as the Maintenance Supervisor for approximately twenty years and will temporarily be handling the activities in the Facilities Management Office.” This amendment was approved by acclamation. Mr. Smith made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Mr. Morrison seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a voice vote.

Mr. Swanson asked if the reappointments of the Treasurer and the Secretary of the PBC should be on the agenda. Mr. Hanson responded that those appointments are usually made at the October meeting at the time of the election of officers. Mr. Swanson agreed that if that is how they are customarily handled the appointments should be done at that time. Dr. Baker requested additional information regarding those two positions and asked to amend the agenda by adding a discussion regarding the reappointments of Gary Hanson as Treasurer and Mary Simons as Secretary of the Public Building Commission. Chairman Hutcheson instructed the Secretary to amend the agenda to include the discussion under “New Business”. Dr. Baker moved to approve the agenda as amended. Mr. Swanson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a voice vote.

Roger Schroepfer explained that he is representing Matt Bickel this morning because Mr. Bickel currently has a child who is hospitalized. Mr. Schroepfer added that under the circumstances he is unable to provide the handouts usually distributed at this point in the meeting. He said that there is a lot of activity at the job site with sheet-rock and mudding being done. He estimated that 80% of the sheet-rock is installed. Dr. Baker asked if the environment is under control. Mr. Schroepfer responded it is not because the transfer switches, which are part of the generator package had just arrived and installation is currently being done. Mr. Schroepfer said they expect the building to be at full power by the middle of September at which time the environment will be under control.

Mr. Schroepfer distributed copies of Change Order #8 (Exhibit “A”) and described the items listed. Mr. Schroepfer stated the total amount for this change order is $30,311.60. Mr. Schroepfer distributed copies of Change Order #9 (Exhibit “B”) stating the total cost is $13,732.00. Dr Baker questioned the expense of adding the keypads. Mr. Hanson responded that it is better to add the keypads during construction than to add them later, explaining that it is a tradeoff of not having to deal with key and lock replacements. A lengthy discussion took place regarding item 8.3 which is the cost of adding the insulation. Dr. Baker asked if insulation and acoustical barriers had been adequately provided for in all the offices and what the cost would be to do so. Mr. Schroepfer will find out and report back before the end of this meeting. Dr. Baker made a motion that the Chairman and the Treasurer, at their discretion, after receiving information from the Architect, proceed with soundproofing the additional offices as much as needed. Mr. Swanson seconded the motion. The motion to add the additional insulation carried unanimously by a voice vote. At this time Mr. Hanson distributed a report summarizing the COB Change Orders which have been approved to date. (Attached as Exhibit “C”) The report is a breakdown of items which will be paid for by the PBC and which items will be paid for by the County. Mr. Hanson summarized the report by explaining that the County would be responsible for the amount of $268,239.00. He added that the PBC total contingency is for $87,000 with the deduction of $48,162.00 which represents the change orders presented today leaving a remaining balance of $38,838.00. Mr. Hanson added that an additional air conditioning unit will need to be purchased for the server room due to the heat created by the new voice over internet phone system. It has not been determined if that cost will be paid by the County, the PBC or perhaps charged to the phone project. Mr. Hanson added that the area will accommodate all the server capability for the Health Campus and will be the most secure and environmentally controlled server room we have. The Commissioners expressed their thanks to Mr. Hanson for providing this report. Mr. Smith made a motion to approve the Change Orders as presented. Mr. Morrison seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously by a voice vote.

Mr. Schroepfer’s called the COB job site and was able to report that there are four offices where additional insulation should be added. Mr. Schroepfer indicated the additional cost is $1200.38 . The final total for Change Order #8 is $31,511.98. Mr. Swanson made the motion to add the insulation in the four offices as recommended. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smith. The motion carried unanimously by a voice vote.

Mr. Hanson distributed Pay Request #9 (attached as Exhibit “D”) He explained there are only three items listed and Mr. Hanson asked for approval of these items totaling $513,693.00. He added that the amounts for the two remaining items be approved subject to the Architect’s and Treasurer’s review. Mr. Swanson made a motion to approve the Pay Request including the two additional items as stated. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smith and passed unanimously by a voice vote.
Secretary’s Note: The plumbing payout submitted after the meeting was for $5,400.00. A payout request for Fire Protection was not submitted, therefore, the total for Pay Request #9 is $519,093.00.

Mr. Hanson distributed the project report (Exhibit “E”). Regarding item #1 Mr. Hanson stated that the PSB boiler project is nearing conclusion with about 25% remaining and asked for comments from Mr. Scheffers. Mr. Scheffers stated that he is currently waiting for a date from the Sheriff’s department as to when the water can be shut off for the change over to the new boilers. He anticipates the water will be shut off for approximately 8 hours. He added that there are currently two boilers now supplying the old system and as soon as the new water heaters go on line, the old boiler will be shut off and torn out. Regarding item #4 Mr. Hanson stated that these chairs are being ordered as part of the Circuit Clerk furniture. Regarding item #9 Dr. Baker asked about re-submission of this request in the budget for 2009. Mr. Hanson explained that the funds are re-appropriated but the same approval process is not required for the project to remain in the budget. He explained that it is preferred having the project delayed rather than spend funds hastily and perhaps not as well. Dr. Baker asked if the funds requested by the Treasurer, Mapper, Server Room and the Circuit Clerk projects will also be included in the new budget. Mr. Hanson responded affirmatively.

Mr. Scheffers distributed this report (Exhibit “F”) explaining that it covers items done by the Facilities Management Office in the year 2004 through 2007and alludes to the change over to energy saving light bulbs throughout the county. He added that a recycle program began in 2006 where boxes were purchased to accumulate the old bulbs and then sent back to the company for recycling. Mr. Scheffers said this process became very cumbersome and costly. He explained that a “bulb-eater” containing a hepa filter and vacuum was then purchased and affixed to a 55 gal drum. This device can crush and store approximately 1300 light bulbs. When the drum is filled a new drum is attached and the filled drum is then shipped to the company for recycling. This method is less costly and much more efficient. Mr. Scheffers said that in 2007 the Facilities Office instructed our janitorial service to begin using only environmentally friendly chemicals and cleaning supplies. He added that there are several other items we are working on which will qualify under the “Go Green” initiative.

Mr. Hanson referred to the FY2009 Capital Projects report (Exhibit “G”) and explained that this report contains a total of 22 projects with items M1 through M13 being the PBC projects and items M14 through M22 being the County Board projects. He added that this is a working document for his use and he and Ray Bockman will be making recommendations based on this report to the County Board. Mr. Hanson said that some items listed here were not available to mail in the meeting packet. He indicated that two items were denied. The first for the remodeling of the Administration Building break room. Mr. Hanson said after discussion with the Departments Heads, that a fresh coat of paint and replacement or repair of the appliances if they should become inoperable, is sufficient. The second item that was denied was the replacement of two exit doors in the Administration Building and that problem was solved by adding “caution” signs to the doors. Mr. Hanson then asked for comments, questions or input on any of the items the Commissioners feel are priorities. Dr. Baker asked about the PSB generator project. Mr. Scheffers stated the age of the generator is approximately 28 years old, diesel fueled, has failed several tests and needs to be replaced. Mr. Hanson explained that ESDA is applying for a grant to help with the replacement cost but the project needs to be done regardless if we receive a grant. Dr. Baker asked if the jail door locking mechanism is affected in the event of a power failure. Mr. Scheffers responded that if the power is lost all jail doors can be manually locked and secured. He added that the doors will not automatically open if an outage occurs during the night. Mr. Smith commented that this project really needs to be done.

Dr. Baker inquired which parking lot is in need of repair. Mr. Scheffers stated it is the area of the parking lot located next to the Legislative Center. He added the lot contains large cracks that need to be filled and the entire lot needs to be re-sealed and re-striped.

Dr. Baker asked where the furniture is located in the Courthouse that needs to be refinished. Mr. Hanson stated that all the furniture is located in the Courthouse hallways and in the public areas of the courtrooms.

Dr. Baker asked about the elevator upgrades and if it is possible to obtain grants for this purpose. Mr. Scheffers responded that these upgrades are mandated by the State of Illinois and he is not aware of any available grants. He added that he has received quotes from the Kone Elevator Company which are the same numbers used in the budget and include all five elevators located on the Sycamore campus.

Dr. Baker asked about the security request for the Treasurer’s office. He explained that he understands the need for security; however, it is his hope that we will not arrive at a system that will separate, without necessity, the public servant from the public paying money. He stated that he is concerned that a barrier, beyond what is required for service, will make it too impersonal. Dr. Baker added that he has no way of evaluating the project without knowing what it entails. Mr. Hanson responded that it is being requested to control public access and to gain additional security. He explained that the Gutenberg room contained all the network equipment and needed to be secured. He added that the network equipment is being relocated to the Legislative Center and therefore the Gutenberg room can now be utilized for the Treasurer’s use. He stated that since securing the network equipment, the Treasurer should decide what constitutes security for her office. Dr. Baker requested an additional explanation and information why this type of security is needed by the Treasurer as he expects the same type of request to be made by the County Clerk next year. Mr. Smith asked if the FY 2009 Capital Projects report is for the purpose of including the requests in the budget. Mr. Hanson responded it is presented to give the Commissioners the ability to choose their priorities, however, the County Board will approve which projects will go forward. Mr. Smith asked if it is possible to approve the funds for the projects but request the Treasurer to appear and define how the funds will be used. Dr. Baker also asked for some explanation as to why there has been no movement on the Circuit Clerk’s project. Mr. Hanson stated that perhaps it is a low priority because of other duties and services the Circuit Clerk needs to provide. Dr. Baker commented that perhaps if it is such a low priority it should not be included in the budget. Mr. Swanson made a motion to recommend approval of the projects with the exception of the Treasurer and Circuit Clerk’s projects until they come in and talk to the Commission about them. The motion was seconded by Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith asked how the PBC motion and recommendation will affect the County Board budget process. Mr. Hanson said the recommendations will go to the County Board administratively and the Board will make the project choices. The motion passed unanimously by a voice vote.

Mr. Hanson stated that he does not have an operating budget available at this time but would have it at the October
meeting for approval at the November meeting. It was agreed by the members to table the discussion regarding the Operating Budget until the October meeting.

A lengthy discussion was held regarding the timing and the general process for the appointments of the Treasurer and Secretary for the Commission. Mr. Hanson recommended that perhaps some research should be done to verify how the process is defined in the Illinois Statutes. Mr. Swanson made a motion to check with the States Attorney on the legalities of these appointments and to request advisement. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morrison. The motion carried unanimously by a voice vote.

Another lengthy discussion was held on a review process for the two positions of the Treasurer and Secretary for the PBC. Dr. Baker stated that he felt uncomfortable about (1) not having enough information regarding the duties, responsibilities, and job specifications or the written job descriptions for each of the positions (2) he would like more information on the reporting line and to whom each position reports (3) how many hours per week are spent on Commission business and (4) where the compensation comes from. The Commissioners agreed that an updated summary job description, an approximation of hours worked and compensation received by the Treasurer and Secretary should be provided at the next meeting.

The next meeting will be held at 8:30 A.M. on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 in Conference Room East.

A motion was made by Mr. Swanson to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Mr. Morrison. The motion carried unanimously by a voice vote. Meeting adjourned at 9:48 a.m.


Robert Hutcheson, Chairman

Mary G. Simons, Secretary



Expiration of Term


Original Appointment

Mr. Robert Hutcheson September 30, 2009 Chairman January 16, 1991
Mr. Matt Swanson September 30, 2012 Vice Chairman September 19, 2007
Mr. Beryl Smith December 01, 2010   September 30, 2000
Dr. Richard Baker September 30, 2011    September 30, 2005
Mr. George Daugherty September 30, 2013   September 30, 2008



Ms. Mary G. Simons

September 30, 2008


March 7, 2000

Mr. Gary H. Hanson

September 30, 2008


February 18, 1984


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