DeKalb County Seal
DeKalb County, Illinois

*Corrected Minutes of the
E911 Board 

November 3, 2004

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Vice Chair Riddle called the meeting to order at 1:10 PM



Board members present:

Bowman, Feithen, Hanson, Leoni, Pettit, Riddle, Rosemier, and Suppeland.


Board members absent:

Russell, Olson (arrived at 1:28)

Guests Present:

Lt. Al Newby, DeKalb County Sheriff's Police; Glenna Johnson, Geo-Comm, Jim Tollakson, Verizon.  Sheila Santos, IMO


Also Present: Christine Johnson, DeKalb County Treasurer; Charles Kross, Coordinator



The Chairman asked for any amendments to the agenda. Hanson asked to discuss the County auction, and Treasurer Johnson asked to discuss the 2003 audit.  A motion to approve the agenda as amended was made by Suppeland and seconded by Rosemier.  There was no discussion.  The motion passed. 



A motion to approve the minutes of the September 2004 meeting was made by Suppeland and seconded by Leoni.  The motion passed.  There was no meeting in October due to a lack of a quorum.



      Treasurer’s Report:

              Treasurer Johnson presented the September and October financial reports.

A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report of September was made by Suppeland, and seconded by Leoni.  There was no discussion. The motion passed unanimously.

A motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report of October was made by Bowman, and seconded by Rosemier.  There was no discussion. The motion passed unanimously.


        Bills Not Previously Approved:   None




Verizon                                                                                             74.13       

Verizon                                                                                           463.39

Verizon                                                                                            228.76

Verizon                                                                                            619.72

Verizon – Wireless mapping                                                   68,422.54

Verizon                                                                                             479.83

Verizon                                                                                               95.36

Verizon                                                                                             271.71

Verizon                                                                                        30,789.84

Chuck Kross – NENA conf. Reimbursement                               478.80

Chuck Kross – office expenses                                                 1,920.00

Starved Rock Communications – fire radio repair                  7,685.00

Starved Rock Communications                                                 2,068.75

Starved Rock Communications                                                    500.00

ATT                                                                                                     51.60 

Office Max                                                                                         84.86

Sprint                                                                                                  26.26  

DeKalb County Government                                                    169,000.00

DeKalb County Government – Genoa Tower                           49,691.00

DeKalb County Treasurer – accounting services                       3,000.00

DeKalb Co. Housing Author.                                                            200.00

NIU – PSAP printer                                                                           300.34

Dixon Ottawa Communications                                                       200.00

Language Line                                                                                   367.61

APCO Intl. – Kross Dues                                                                     80.00

PowerPhone                                                                                       378.00

PowerPhone                                                                                       378.00

                    Total                                                                      $337,815.50

A motion to pay the bills was made by  Rosemier, and seconded by Leoni.   Discussion:  Feithen said that he would vote no on the $49,961 for the Genoa Tower. He said since the Sheriff’s Office and Genoa Police also use the equipment.  It was explained that the ETSB had previously authorized the DeKalb County Sheriff's Police to use an unused channel for their communications.   Feithen expressed concerned that many of the smaller communities are not paying their fair share of costs.  The citizens of DeKalb subsidize a sizeable share of the costs, through their surcharge.  He said he will be coming to the ETSB with cost for DeKalb’s Fire dispatch.  Riddle suggested that the budget committee would be a good place for that discussion.  Pettit also expressed concern over the cost of dispatch.  Hanson  said that  individual PSAP costs is an issue and good reason for consolidated dispatch.

 A roll call vote was taken:  Bowman  Y   Feithen   N  Hanson Y   Leoni  Y    Pettit  Y   Riddle  Y   Rosemier  Russell  Y    Y  Suppeland  Y  Olson Y.   The motion passed.


       Mapping Project

Sheila Santos, of IMO reported on the mapping project.  To this point things seem to be working well.  We still don’t have footprints of the cellular areas.  Kross is still working on this.  She probably will not attend Board meetings regularly, unless questions come up.  Kross said he would be getting out the wireless Phase II letters to the carriers.     

Keslinger Road Tower Report - Kross gave the report for Jim Feyerherm, who was unable to attend.

Genoa/Sycamore Link – Currently there are 2 –2’ parabolic antennas, one in Sycamore at DeKalb County Sheriff's Police and the other on the Genoa water tower.  In order to eliminate the problem, a 4’ parabolic antenna should be at each site, and the one in Genoa should be on top of the water tower.  Feyerherm said he would require permission from the City to weld on the top of the tank.  He said the installation at DeKalb County Sheriff's Police would be done easiest with the use of a crane.  The approximate costs would be $4,ooo - $5,000, and the one in Genoa $4,000.

DeKalb/Sycamore Link – There is noise on the frequency, due to the deterioration of the Channel Bank in the radio, at Sycamore.  It needs to be replaced.  Cost would be approximately $6,000.  He also said that there is a new cell phone site on the high rise in DeKalb.  He will be keeping an eye on it so that it won’t interfere with our system.  A power supply went out last Saturday night, and was replaced with one on hand.  Olson made a motion to approve the purchase of a new channel bank.  Rosemier seconded.  There was no further discussion.  The motion passed unanimously.

Keslinger Road Tower - The equipment has been delivered and is ready to be installed.  The license application is in process.  The tower owner, SpectaSite said that would charge rent of $600/month, and some initial costs of approximately $5000.  He suggests that a Board member try to negotiate a better price.  Hanson said he would try.  There was discussion about the costs and queries as to what it would cost to have our own tower. Olson appointed a committee of Hanson, Rosemier, and Riddle, to investigate the ETSB putting up it’s own tower.     

Telecommunicator Hiring – CritiCall   

The product has been ordered.  Not yet received.

      Budget Committee Report – the committee will have a report for next meeting.



      Officer Nominating Committee

The Chairman will head a committee with Suppeland and any other interested member, to recommend a slate of officers for the FY 2005

      2003 Audit

Treasurer Johnson presented the FY 2003 audit, conducted by Sikich/Gardner.

      Participating Agency Requests – None

      PSAP Administrators' Report – No report.

      Persons to be Heard from the Floor

1.      The Chairman read a letter from the DeKalb County Township Officials inviting the Board to their annual Fall meeting.

2.      Riddle told the Board that the MABAS 6 Technical Rescue Team has received training through State monies, and is available for call outs.     

Coordinator’s Report – No report


Leoni moved to adjourn the meeting, and was seconded by Suppeland.      The motion passed.   The meeting adjourned at 2:55  P.M.

Respectfully submitted,



- - - -  - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -

Charles Kross, Coordinator

*Red text indicates changes made due to approval of the minutes on December 1, 2004

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